Wednesday, October 07, 2020

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

October 7 question
- When you think of the term working writer, what does that look like to you? What do you think it is supposed to look like? Do you see yourself as a working writer or aspiring or hobbyist, and if latter two, what does that look like?

Are you ready?

When I began this journey, I wanted to be a working writer. And I got off to a great start with 7 books in just 5 years.

But I also wanted to run a publishing company and that slowly took over.

At this point, I don’t know what any of that looks like.

Add the drama of this year with the virus and the over-lockdowns and the violations of our constitutional rights and the crashing of the economy and the riots fueled by Antifa and the clashing of the
political parties and the sense that we really might be in the end days, and I have no idea what a writer looks like anymore.

Maybe I need to move to Sweden. Or Florida – I heard they are wide open. Maybe then I would feel normal again and could return to being a writer.

At the very least, I need a vacation. Someplace OUTSIDE of crummy NC.

At least I have my beautiful patio and firepit!

Plus I was able to get out to the zoo recently.

Anyone else feel as writing lost as me?


  1. Seven books in five years and a publishing company - I would say you rocked 'working writer'! But things change and the world invades our sanctuaries. It sounds like you're where you need to be right now. Good luck with finding a safe spot away from the insanity!

    1. Thank you. That patio is my safe spot at the moment.

  2. I think it's amazing that you started your publishing company and have been able to keep it up. There's no way you'd have time to write as a before. But thank you for starting your company because you're really helping other writers fulfill their dreams.

    1. Thank you, Natalie. That was the goal when I started it.

  3. Amen, amen, amen! I thought the shutdown would give me more time to write, but my 'real' job is getting in the way. I wish I was nearer retirement.

  4. P.S. Love the fire pit! Great job!

  5. You did such a great job with that patio and firepit!

  6. I can relate to feeling lost right now. Still, you've done so much before this moment in time, I think you've proved yourself as a writer and publisher. Plus, you've got a pretty sweet patio. Hopefully something resembling normal will soon return and writing too will become wide open.

  7. It's hellish out there. But remember that as a writer, as well as a publisher, you're doing a vital service by providing a distraction and hopefully a chance to get away from it for a while. More than ever, we can't lose sight of the importance of the arts and creativity. It might seem trivial, but it's actually essential to us as humans.

  8. What would we do without you, Diane. You've taken my stories nd made them beautiful. And your patio looks perfect for an afternon nap.

    1. Thank you. I haven't slept out there yet, but I just might.

  9. It's hard to write with all that mess.
    We appreciate what you do for your authors though.

  10. Yes! I don't have any answers, sadly. I think when this is all over, we're be better for it. I hope so.

  11. As someone who lives in Florida, I can say that we're not exempt here.

    Love your fire pit!

  12. All your efforts mean a lot to so many authors. Thanks for all you do. I don't feel lost so much as my mind doesn't want to settle. Too many thoughts buzzing around in my head.
    And your patio is fabulous! Great job! And yes, it does feel like the 'end days' are here.

  13. Hi Diane, 7 books in just 5 years is just great. I wish I could say the same. And its really amazing that you have a publishing company too!

  14. Im so happy for you!Hope you'll have a lot of good luck in your work!

  15. Feeling lost? Kind of. I'm a solitary creature anyway but it hurts when I go to buy groceries and people step away. It's not personal but that doesn't seem to matter to my heart.

    On a happier note, I love your fire pit and could sit by one for hours and hours. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  16. This has been one lost year for so many of us, so I understand how you're feeling. At least you have a lot of interests and while one may lag the other will make up for it. Love your new patio. I'm sure that has been a bright spot in this otherwise dreary summer.

    1. Yes it has. We might not have finished so quickly if we weren't stuck at home.

  17. You've proven you can succeed in multiple venues. I know that however this pandemic pans out, you will figure out the next step.

  18. I hear you, Diane! Your patio is gorgeous! I love a fire pit. We'll get through this. Wishing you all the best!

  19. I have been using my writing to escape the world's craziness.
    I'm glad you were able to take a trip to the zoo. I haven't been to our local one in a while and may need to take a trip - or get out for another walk somewhere other than my neighborhood.
    We can get through this year, and hope for the next to be a bit better.
    I hope you can find some time to write, too. You are a wonderful publisher, but I wouldn't want you to give up on your writing for that work.

    1. Thank you, Tyrean. Ate you near the Tacoma Zoo? I've been to that one and thought it was wonderful.

  20. Yes! But I love your new patio ♥

  21. Lovely patio.
    My fiction suffered this year too, but my journalism is still on, and my newspaper is still publishing.

  22. OMG. When I first saw that cougar I thought it was in your backyard!
    If you still need tour help for Sherry's book just let me know.

  23. I love your fire pit. I'd love to head out to the zoo... I miss it. I'm feeling locked in too, but at least I'm getting heaps of reading done, which helps my writing.

  24. This year, right. . . We'll get through it. And perhaps come out stronger on the other side.

  25. This year has been a weird one. Great fire pit!

  26. When all of this started, I will admit, I was scared. I was wiping down all of my groceries and everything brought into my house with bleach water. Then my son was exposed and then the rest of us. My twenty-somethings should no signs. My husband and I got a mild case. I called a health clinic and was told to quarantine, but not to come to the hospital for testing. If we had symptoms, why risk spreading it? The worst part of it all was the worry the worry caused. I kept thinking...this isn't so bad only to immediately think, but it's THE pandemic. As soon as I get ok with not worrying, it will explode in my body!! But then I reminded myself I am a person of faith. God will choose my future. My job is to live each day as best and as fully as I can. The rest, I will leave for Him to sort out.

    1. Elizabeth, that is beautifully said. I was scared for a while too. But now I realize that for those of us who are healthy (my husband and I always score an A+ on our physicals) we should not be so afraid. And as you said, God will watch out for us.

  27. Thanks for your honesty, Diane! It has been hard to navigate this time and still be productive in ways we are used to. Not having the activities such as travel that was fuel for my daily tasks has me dragging some days to just get the 'list' done. I've added writing and creativity adventures to that list now, and it is helping! I liked seeing your patio come together through your FB pictures too!

    1. Lynn, thank you - glad you were watching on Facebook.

  28. This is a hard time. I am getting through by focusing on the positives. There are still many, in spite of our challenges. Love your fire pit!

  29. Lost? Absolutely! We are living in historic times with this pandemic. After reading Elizabeth Seckman's post, that is exactly what I did, by wiping down groceries and so on...Remember when we weren't supposed to touch the outside of our masks? Covid Germs. Now, people are tugging on them all the time. And, I don't know what to believe anymore. Most people, 99%, have mild symptoms, but it's those that are dying that's so heart breaking. (though, I believe the data and numbers are very skewed) I tend to agree with the president, when he said not to be fearful, he doesn't want people to panic. But the media sensationalizes it to the point of hysteria.

    In NY we have a dictator for a governor...LOL

    Okay, I better stop venting and get myself back into my positivity suit...

    BTW, love your fire pit!!!

    1. The media drove this with their panic in the beginning of March, sending everyone to packed stores to stock up. Bet that spread it really fast. I also believe the numbers are skewed.

  30. That is a fantastic fire pit! I moved just before the Pandemic and have been stuck in a tiny apartment this entire time. I am a woman who needs her outdoor space!

  31. Life is a struggle right now with everything going on. I find my writing endeavors all over the map and have difficulty focusing on any one thing. Who knows, maybe all my efforts will come together. Love your firepit!

  32. You have done exceedingly well Diane, long may you carry on the good work.


  33. We're all feeling it everywhere in the world. Good idea to find a place to recoup with your firepit. You have to be relaxed to write!

  34. Round and round things go, but hopefully we'll all get off the covid merry go round in a year or two.

    1. And we will. Every one of these viruses hangs for about 16-18 months and then fades.

  35. Love the fire pit! Careers change with time, and you've certainly made good with those changes.

  36. On the plus side, you've already accomplished more than most of us can even imagine, both with your writing and with your publishing company. Think of this year as a temporary pause. A chance to explore and appreciate other interests. Hopefully, next year will be a much better one.

    And yes, I feel writing lost, too. And reading lost. I used to devour books, but this year has turned everything upside down.

    1. It's difficult to cope. And you've had it really hard.

  37. Hi Diane, epic outdoor scene you have going on enjoy! And yes we are at the threshold. Crazier things are going to happen with more frequency and intensity.

  38. The zoo has been my bright spot, too! I actually got a membership - too bad it's an hour away from my house, but so worth it.

    I'm sorry to know that North Carolina's been on strict lockdown. I'm in the Chicago suburbs, so I feel ya. I could understand the overreaction in the early days and was on board when it was new and we weren't sure what we were dealing with, but the extended lockdowns are ridiculous. The original points were to "flatten the curve" and not overwhelm hospitals. Curve is MORE than flattened, and the hospitals weren't overwhelmed, and we've proven we can pull emergency treatment facilities together when needed - and they won't be needed because detection and treatment have come a loooong way since March. My friend made me laugh when she said the new mission should be to "flatten the fear."

    Your patio is a beautiful oasis, and I know you'll get back to your writing groove in good time. Meanwhile, congrats on creating such a gem of a publishing company.

    1. Nicki, you said it so well! It was just to flatten the curve, not to make it go away.

  39. If things don't improve in our country, I'd move to Canada. Except my family probably wouldn't come, too. This has been the worst year I've ever lived through (I hope I live through). My writing is in the doldrums, despite the abundance of time. Congrats on the 7 books in 5 years. Fantastic. Hang in there. It will get better.

    1. Canada is so socialist though. I'm not sure any country is safe now.

  40. Hi Diane - you've achieved so much ... and done so much for everyone here - your publishing company offers hope to many. I'd love to come and sit in your fire pit, or just loaf around your patio ... and chitter-chat with you ... but life won't let us for the time being. It's challenging times - we just need to count our blessings - all the best to you two - glad the zoo visit helped. Hilary

  41. These are indeed strange times. Oddly, I'm one of the few who has actually been more productive (and arguably more creative) during this time. I do great as long as I minimize all the social and political input. It's not easy, but here's to hoping you get that vacation!

  42. I absolutely LOVE your patio and firepit! My hubby and I are thinking about adding a firepit to our yard. It's on our "one of these days" list.


  43. Back on the zoo pic...:) Were you at Grandfather Mountain?

  44. Your fire pit and patio are indeed beautiful. I hope you have the opportunity to get out and enjoy them today:)

  45. You know things about the publishing world Diane I too must find out - Its cool when readers chat to each other and boost each others morale.

  46. Hi L. Diane,

    I think we can all understand your frustration because I think we ALL feel this way. Times are definitely trying. I had hoped to leave town for a real vacation in a few days, but now with the fires surging through Colorado(my destination), it may look like I have to cancel. Covid is also surging through the rural areas of the midwest/mountain regions which would certainly hinder any real fun except for maybe hiking... but sadly with the fires and super cold temps, that maybe ruled out. Ugh.

    LOVE you patio and firepit! You both did an awesome job creating such a cool space!

  47. It's hard. I have time now but do not feel the inspiration!
