Tuesday, March 05, 2019

The Insecure Writer's Support Group and Music Boxes

I have the Saturday Spotlight Feature at Ellen Jacobson’s site, The Cynical Sailor. if you want to know more about the workings of Dancing Lemur Press, Minions, and penguins, please stop by.

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

I’m posting a day early for a very special reason.

Today’s option question: Whose perspective do you like to write from best, the hero (protagonist) or the villain (antagonist)? And why?

The fiction stories I write are character driven. They are fueled by love and real life, and there aren’t really any defined antagonists. Some minor characters pop up at antagonists, but otherwise the focus is on the protagonist.

* * *

New release from Dancing Lemur Press!

And I am so proud of this author and her outstanding book. She has worked so hard for the book’s success and it has garnered so many incredible reviews. You will be captivated by Lindsey’s story and the secret behind the music boxes.

Music Boxes
By Tonja Drecker

“I only desire your talent...”

Twelve-year-old Lindsey McKay's biggest dream is to be a famous ballerina. But after moving to New York, she ends up at the Community Center with a teacher who’s a burly bear in tights.

When she meets Madame Destinée, the teacher of a top dance school who offers her classes for free, Lindsey can't believe her luck. In exchange, she must perform in the school’s exclusive midnight shows, ones sure to make her a star. But something’s not right...

One by one, the other dancers disappear. Each time they do, a music box with a figurine just like the missing ballerina joins Madame Destinée’s growing collection. If Lindsey doesn’t discover the truth about the dance school, she might end up a tiny figurine herself.

Print ISBN 9781939844569 $12.95, 6x9 trade paperback, 158 pages
eBook ISBN 9781939844576 $3.99 EBook available in all formats
Juvenile Fiction: Girls & Women - Fantasy & Magic - Performing Arts/Dance

“A powerful story with a compelling, mystical tale of adventure. 5 stars” – Readers’ Favorite

“Music Boxes is an enduring tale of friendship, magic, and the power of love. The characters are genuine and relatable, and the story is original and imaginative. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Five stars!” - Tamara Grantham, award-winning author

“Deliciously creepy with a side of sinister, Drecker weaves an enticing story of talent, jealousy, and dark magic.” - Dianne K. Salerni, author of The Eighth Day seriesv
“Before you do anything else, pick up a copy of Tonja Drecker’s MUSIC BOXES. The magical parts are enchanting, the exciting parts heart-pounding, and the poignant moments completely wrenching.” - Ilana Waters, USA Today bestselling author

“An enchanting mystery young readers will enjoy.” – Kids Bookshelf

“…it’s scary, but in a fun Goosebumps way.” – Geek Reads Kids

“I highly recommend this book, and I cannot wait to read it again!” Pages For Thought Reviews

Tonja Drecker is a writer, blogger, children’s book reviewer (Bookworm for Kids) and freelance translator. After spending years in Germany exploring forgotten castles, she currently resides in the Ozarks with her family of six. When she’s not tending her chickens and cows, she’s discovering new adventures, nibbling chocolate and sipping a cup of tea.

If you would like to request your local library to carry a copy, please leave a comment and we’ll send you the information you need. Asking your local library to order a copy is a HUGE deal! And it costs you nothing.


  1. Enjoyed both subjects of your post Diane,
    As I write about my personal life experiences in poetry form(well I try to) My writings is all about me.
    What a wonderful book Music Boxes appears to be . Well done to the author, and good luck with the sales.


  2. Big congratulations to Tonja!

  3. Congrats to Tonja. I'll bet that many also write from the protagonist's point of view.

  4. So happy for Tonja! She's been doing a great job marketing it. I hope it does well!

  5. What a fun looking book. I think it'll do great :)

  6. Huge congrats to Tonja! And I write from the same perspective as you do.

  7. Thank you everyone for wishing Tonja well today.

  8. Congrats to Tonja. Hopefully it does really well.

  9. Congrats to Tonja. This sounds like a fascinating premise.

  10. Congrats Tonja! Great story. I enjoyed it so much.

  11. Looks like a great book Tonja!

  12. That book sounds AWESOME! Congrats to Tonja and Dancing Lemur Press.

  13. Hi,
    My fiction stories are also character driven and fueled by real life too. I like your review on The Music Box. It sounds great and worth the investment to purchase it. I love it when a publisher stands fully behind its authors.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  14. Even if they are based on real life, I think of protagonists as the heroes in their stories, with the antagonist often coming in the form of trouble.
    Congratulations to Tonja!

  15. A hero shines the brightest when the antagonist leaves their own unforgettable mark. Music Boxes wouldn't have been nearly what it is without Dancing Lemur Press on its side.

    1. Thank you, Tonja. You wrote the great story though.

  16. Music Boxes sounds like a great read. I've put in the request for my library system to order the book.

  17. Hope your day is productive and pleasant and that those sales are coming in:)

  18. Congrats to Tonja - sounds like a fun and spooky read!

  19. I've never written in the perspective of an antagonist.

    A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Tonja! Her story is fun and magical, with a dash of mystery. I love it.

  20. Love the blurb. No doubt this story will do well.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  21. Intriguing book for middle grade readers. Congrats on the new release!
    JQ Rose

  22. Hi Diane, I like the idea that the focus of your story is the antagonist.

    Tonja's book sounds wonderful. I'll ask a few Indian libraries to get it online.

  23. I've been seeing this book around. It sounds really interesting. I love the premise.

  24. Congrats to Tonja! I've not written from the antagonist's POV myself, but I do love to get into their heads. :D

  25. it sounds like an interesting book. I tend to do better listening to books these days. I had a small stroke a couple of years ago and it changed my reading and writing abilities a bit.

    1. Some of DLP's titles are on audio - I wish they all could be.

  26. I approach my writing the same way! Enjoyed the review - I have a 4th grader who might enjoy "Music Boxes."

  27. This book sounds so intriguing. Congrats to Tonja.

  28. OOOOO, Music Boxes snagged my interest! Congrats Tonja.

  29. Character-driven stories are my favorite. I'll read any genre, if it's a character-driven affair.

    Congrats to Tonja and DLP on your latest release!!

  30. Congratulations to Tonja on her book release! It sounds like a captivating read!

  31. Congratulations to Tonja! Thanks for the link, Diane. I just ordered a print copy from Amazon. My To Read Pile is getting very big ~ Don't tell my husband ~ LOL!

  32. Congratulations to Tonja. Her book sounds spooky good!

  33. You know I'll want a copy for my library!

  34. w00t! I love book birthdays. @mirymom1 from
    Balancing Act

  35. Congratulations to Tonja! Sounds sinister. It seems like quite a few authors focus much more on the protagonist than the antagonist.

  36. Congrats to Tonja! I love the spooky premise of her new book.

    I write dark/horror stories and like to write from both POVs. It adds a creepy factor to see the thoughts/motivation side by side. I have written some short stories from the antagonist POV, which has its own weird vibe.

  37. Congrats to you both! Great job.

  38. I try to make my stories character-driven as well and because a lot of them are in the dark speculative drama, I have to include an antagonist of some sort.

    Music Boxes seems to have a really neat premise: dancers disappearing one by one and then reappearing as figures on music boxes! Great job, Tonja!

  39. The book sounds very sweet Tonya.

    I am a character driven reader and writer. I still need a good plot, but characters really make the story.

  40. It's interesting that you don't include villains per se. Sometimes, the circumstances and difficulties the characters must overcome act as the "villain". Congrats to Tonja - beautiful cover!

  41. Congratulations to Tonja! The castles in Germany are amazing!!

    A big hello to you too, Diane :)


  42. Tonja's story does sound intriguing. I wonder how much time she had to spend researching "dance" in order to write this book. Cpongratulations, Tonja!

    1. Since she's not a dancer, I imagine quite a bit.

  43. Congrats to Sonja! What a clever - and intriguing - plot!

  44. Congrats Tonja! It is a great story.

  45. I'm excited for Tonja. Music Boxes sounds like a great book!

  46. Congratulations to Tonja. Sounds like a plot that will appeal to a lot of readers, young and old. I loved creepy stories when I was young and still do today.

  47. Congrats! to Tonya and here's for a smashing success!

  48. I send requests to my library all the time and most of the time, they reject it because they're mostly indie authors!!!! In Utah, they support indie authors. Not so much here in Texas. :'(

    1. What a shame. Fortunately we are a traditional publishing house, so Tonya is not an indie.

  49. I toddled over. Great interview!

  50. The book sound good. Have a Nice Day hugs from Nina

  51. This is a pick now for my granddaughter and I!

  52. So happy to see Music Boxes is out in the world. Such a fantastic story. Best of luck to Tonja. :)

  53. Congratulations and best wishes to Tonja. It sounds like a wonderful story.
