Wednesday, February 06, 2019

The Insecure Writer's Support Group & Assorted Announcements

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s option question: Besides writing what other creative outlets do you have?

Too many! I’ve always been creative – painting, writing, creating, building. I started taking photos when I was 12 and took photos professionally for over 20 years. DLP keeps me busy, so I don’t have as much time for photos or anything else. Unless you count organizing as being creative!

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Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. is now on Facebook.
Please LIKE the page if you are on Facebook!
It’ll be updated every week with events, book releases, and photos.

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The next IWSG anthology, Masquerade: Oddly Suited, (YA romance) will be released on April 30, 2019.

The authors are looking for blog tour hosts. If you can host a day and help spread the word about the anthology, sign up through Google Docs.

You can also pre-order either print or eBook:
Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Dancing Lemur Press LLC
Print ISBN 9781939844644 $14.95
EBook ISBN 9781939844651 $4.99

Plus show your support and add Masquerade on Goodreads.

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There is a giveaway for Big Red, which comes out May 14, 2019.

I’m very excited for this release. Many reviewers have been turned off by the “military sci-fi” aspect, which is so unfair to this book. It’s a mind bending delight.

Big Red
By Damien Larkin

We have always been here...

Suffering the side effects of Compression travel, soldier Darren Loughlin wakes up screaming from a gunshot wound that isn’t there. Despite a fractured memory, he is forced to recount his year-long tour of duty on Mars to uncover the mysterious fate of Earth’s off-world colonies and the whereabouts of his shattered battalion.

With time running out, Darren recalls his tour of duty with the Mars Occupation Force in New Berlin colony, their brutal MARSCORP masters, and the vicious war against the hostile alien natives.

But as he exposes the truth, Darren suspects he is at the centre of a plot spanning forty years. He has one last mission to carry out. And his alien enemy may be more human than he is…

Release date - May 14, 2019
$18.95, 6x9 trade paperback, 304 pages
Science Fiction - Military FIC028050/Alien Contact FIC028090/Alternative History FIC040000
Print ISBN 9781939844606 / EBook ISBN 9781939844613
$4.99 EBook available in all formats

Damien Larkin is a full-time stay-at-home father of two loud (but happy) young children. When not tinkering with apps as a side project, you can find him reading everything and anything to do with psychology, history and science fiction. He enjoys turning terrifying nightmares into novels and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Enter to win a signed, print copy of Write with Fey: 10 Sparks to Guide You from Idea to Publication and writing goodies (index cards, a magnetic mini clipboard with paper, flag paper clips, and a "Genius at Work" sign.

Ends February 28th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This month’s WEP Challenge is 28 Days.

This prompt came up as a contest winner generated by the IWSG gang – we chose the winner from a whole bunch of creative ideas! Congratulations to long-time WEP participant, Toinette Thomas.

Incorporate 28 days in your entry. It can be the time limit for a task or a challenge. The quantum of growth, a journey, a change, and/or healing that happens in 28 days. Come in with a werewolf entry. Or don’t. Tell us about some other moon phase-based folklore instead. Fashion an epistolary flash as a series of 28 diary entries or postcards. Mainstream, fantasy, romance, travel – all wide open. A lot of things can happen in 28 days!

Sign up and post your entry on February 20.

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The IWSG Book Club on Goodreads is changing things up!

  • 5 Discussion Questions: We will pose 5 questions that you can answer about the book we’ve read as a group. You can answer one question or all five. It’s up to you.
  • Discussion Day Poll: Every discussion day, there will also be a poll that all members will get invited to answer. This is a great option to participate that is fast and simple.
  • Quiz: You can also help us create a Goodreads quiz for the book we’ve read.
  • Giveaways: Every Discussion Day, book club members will get a Goodreads message that will include the chance for members to enter a free Rafflecopter giveaway.
  • Freebies: When we announce the next reading selection, another Goodreads message will go out that’ll include a downloadable freebie, which could be anything.
  • Other Polls: We will also invite members to answer writing or reading related polls during our “down” months. One poll will be related to the book in some way.
  • We read a new book every other month, alternating between craft books and fictional books that demonstrate an aspect of writing. Members vote on our fictional books.
Join Here: IWSG Goodreads Book Club

What creative outlets do you have?
Are you interested in hosting the Masquerade authors?


  1. Looking forward to reading the anthology. I like to walk around with my camera, too. This year it's been a while since I've done so and I'm looking forward to getting back to it.

  2. It is hard to focus on anything else non-writing related. I bet you're having fun organizing, editing, and publishing all those books!

  3. Racing over to like your page! Love the anthology cover.

  4. I love the cover for the masquerade anthology! It's funny and terrifying at the same time. In the past, I've enjoyed painting and drawing, but haven't had the time to pursue these lately.

  5. I used to take a lot of pictures too, I'd almost forgotten that. Of course I'll host!

  6. I've finally got myself a decent camera and am enjoying learning to take photos. I'm slowing getting better!
    So many things going on!!!

  7. I like the photos you've posted here before. It's good you're a creative organizer!

  8. I can't imagine the time and energy it takes to be a publisher!!! Keep up the great work!

  9. I'll take organizing as being creative. And someone said blogging is, so we're both set!

  10. You are one creative woman, Diane! And you have the energy of a Jeddai. Congrats on the new publications.

  11. Lots of announcements. And I say all the stuff you do for Dancing Lemur Press takes a strongly creative streak to keep up with it all!

  12. Thank you for including the announcements for my giveaway and the book club!

  13. Organizing is definitely creative. It helps clear out my mind too and allows other projects to flow with more ease.

  14. Thanks. I signed up for the tour and feel very, very informed on the latest news. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  15. You are a superwoman: painting, writing, creating, building, wow, that's a whole lot of creativity.

    I have started taking pictures now.

  16. I can usually tell simply by the look of someone's blog how creative they are. You are filled with it! I got distracted for quite a while visiting you.

  17. Kudos to dads who stay at home. Good luck with the book.

  18. You seem to corral all of your creative energy, then shoot it out into every project. Quite inspiring!

  19. Big Red sounds like a great read. I like military fiction. I will try to grab the ebook version when its available. Did the giveaways. Signed up for the tour on the anthology too. You have a lot of great things going on. Congratulations to you and all. Happy IWSG!

  20. Boy, you've been into all kinds of things, haven't you? Very cool that you were a professional photographer. One of our daughters-in-law started doing photography as a hobby, and it's quickly becoming a lucrative pursuit for her. And she LOVES it! At the rate she's going, she'll have to give up her other job and do photography full-time.

  21. I can attest that Big Red is a great read. While it is very much military sci-fi, it also has a very strong Twilight Zone/Black Mirror vibe. There are ALOT of twists and surprises in this book, and it had me guessing right up until the end. A very fun read!

  22. Why would people be turned off by military sci-fi? It's a great combo of themes.

  23. You have lots of stuff to share today. I like the scifi stuff. Big Red looks interesting.

  24. I feel like the contest might open the door for 28 Days Later fan fiction.

  25. We're coming into that time of year when you won't freeze your bippy off outside. Perfect time for some picture taking!! :)


  26. Organizing is definitely creative. It's no coincidence they say sometimes: "She has a talent for organizing." I'm guessing, that's about you.
    BTW: sorry to mention it, but on your website bio, [] the links of this blog and the Circle of Friends website are mixed up. You might want to check them out.

  27. Well organizing can be considered creative sometimes as you have to figure out how to get all done.

  28. Organizing can definitely be creative!! ;)

  29. Lots going on:) You are definitely a creative soul, Di.

  30. I took black and white photography in college- loved it! I have all the equipment for a darkroom too. I wish I had more time. Thanks for all the news!

  31. You definitely are creative or you could never accomplish all the things you do.

  32. Creativity is everywhere we look. I have so many outlets I enjoy along with writing. Some, like traveling, help my writing.

  33. I like photography as well. Congrats to Damien!

  34. My husband also enjoys photography.

  35. P.S. If you want one of my Porg, feel free to e-mail me at

  36. You have the energy to foster all your creative pursuits!

  37. Yay for DLP's FB page! I'd like to think of organizing as a creative pursuit, especially when I organize things so "creatively" that I can't find them later :-)

  38. I wish I had spent more time on photography when I was younger and traveled more. You were wise!

  39. I'm like the Cynical Sailor, I too lose things I've organized to make life easier. It's silly the searches that I sometimes go through to find things. :)
    There is so much going on, and mostly online, which I don't participate in as much as I once did. Not complaining, just feeling a little like I'm missing out. LOL

  40. I loved Damien's book! I felt like the military aspect was authentic in the story and served as both a backdrop and an instigation for the MC.
    I really need to write my full review ...

  41. I have so many creative pursuits besides writing. I always feel like I'm wrestling them all and trying to see which one is going to come out on top!

    Military Sci-Fi isn't a genre I usually go for but I'm a huge admirer of writers of science fiction. It takes great skill and creativity to blend detailed science and military issues with creativity and that spark of magic to really make a novel shine. Congratulations Damien!

  42. So much going on. I can imagine that DLP keeps you on your toes!

  43. Ditto what the others said about so much going on. It's wonderful.

  44. Love these announcements, thank you for sharing!

  45. Diane, I haven't been on Goodreads lately. The IWSG Book Club and everything else mus be challenging. Best wishes for smashing success.

  46. Very informative post. Now that I've spent an half an hour clicking and signing up for things... LOL... I've forgotten if I had anything useful to say.

    Yay for new books coming out!

  47. Well, I suppose if you find creative ways to organize, I think that would count as a creative outlet. Unless, of course, the process makes you want to tear your hair out. Then perhaps it wouldn't be so therapeutic.
    Military Sci-fi is pretty big these days, so it should find a market there, too.

  48. So much good stuff going on!!!

  49. I love taking photos, though I am definitely an amateur. I've always thought it would be fun to take a class or two to learn more. Maybe one day. I think organizing could definitely be considered creative. :)

  50. You are amazing with all your creativity. Your book publishing site looks great!

  51. A girl after my own heart! Me, too.... Tons of crafting, photography, design of all kinds, etc. Keeps thing interesting and we never get bored.....

  52. Congrats on Big Red. Sounds like a great read.
    Di, have a productive day and pleasant evening.

  53. The enthusiasm is intoxicating! I always feel energized by visiting!

  54. Photography is a great love of mine as well, but I only seem to take "serious" photos when I'm traveling.

  55. My daughter enjoys photography. That's a good creative outlet.

  56. Happy Valentine's Day, Di:)

  57. Goodness! You are not only creative, but immensely ambitious. Good for you! Now send me a burst of energy.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  58. Wow! So much going on, Diane! I've preordered my copy of the anthology. Will "Big Red" be available for preordering? It sounds awesome, and I like military sci-fi, so bring it on! Have a great week!

  59. Now I can understand why you have so many other outlets to enjoy, but yahhy for you for being so busy. Long may it last!

  60. Have you managed to squeeze in any time for painting recently?
    Rain, rain, rain, here.

  61. Military sci-fi on Big Red sounds like a neat fix, should turn in handy when the aliens turn up
