Wednesday, January 02, 2019

The Insecure Writer's Support Group Anthology Contest Winners

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s option question:
What are your favorite and least favorite questions people ask you about your writing?

I’m not sure I have a favorite. Questions regarding the characters and stories are always wonderful, because that means the person read and enjoyed the book.

My least favorite questions have to do with people wanting me to read their work or write their story for them. (Or they want to go into great detail about what they are writing or would someday want to write – oh, and would I publish it for them?)

The next #IWSGPit will be in January 15, 2019
8:00 am - 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
Visit the #IWSGPit page for rules and hashtags to use.

The IWSG announces the winners of the anthology contest today:

Oddly Suited by LG Keltner
Sea of Sorrows by AV Brown
Behind the Catcher’s Mask by Jennifer Lane
A Diver’s Ball by Angela Brown
Fearless Heart by Deborah Solice
The Dark Charade by CD Gallant-King
The Cog Prince by Elizabeth Mueller
Flower of Ronda by Myles Christensen
Remedy by Chelsea Ballard
Charleston Masquerade by Carrie-Anne Brownian

The top story has the honors of being included in the title. LG Keltner’s story came out on top! The official title of our next anthology – Masquerade: Oddly Suited. Congratulations, LG. (She was also in the top spot for our first anthology, Parallels: Felix Was Here.)

The IWSG Admins spent many hours reading the entries and fourteen were sent to our special judges. We certainly wish to thank them for taking time away from their own work to read the entries:

Elizabeth S. Craig, author
Kelly Van Sant, agent at Red Sofa Literary Agency
Elana Johnson, author
DL Hammons, Write Club founder
S.A. Larsen,author
Kristin Smith, author
Gwen Gardner, author and previous IWSG anthology winner

Look for Masquerade: Oddly Suited late spring!

These are the WEP challenges for the year:

Dancing Lemur Press LLC will be appearing at two science fiction conventions in January:

January 11-13, 2019
Embassy Suites by Hilton - Raleigh Durham Airport Brier Creek
8001 Arco Corporate Drive, Raleigh, NC, 27617

January 18-20, 2019
Doubletree Williamsburg Hotel
50 Kingsmill Road, Williamsburg VA.

Look for our booth and watch out for the irradiated lemurs. See you there!

What are your favorite and least favorite questions? And have you ever been to a sci-fi/comic con?


  1. Happy New Year!
    I agree with you. My most favourite people at the moment are my knitting group and my reader group. They are interested in the characters I write about. I made a big mistake last year when someone asked me to read their work. Turns out they expected to help them edit and market the work and I don't have the time. Besides, it was in German and even though I speak fluent German and write it fairly well, I don't have the expertise needed to accomplish such a task. I will never do that again. I'm still trying to get away from it.
    Wishing you all the best for 2019.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

    1. I get people who ask me to read their work and I just can't. I have enough with DLP duties and it's all I can handle.

  2. Happy New Year to you Diane. loved the post.
    May all your writing be as successful as always.
    Thanks for your support to me in the past.


  3. Congrats to the anthology winners!
    Right now I pretty much only get asked, "what's your book about?" and I hate that one.

  4. I've never been to a sci-fi con but I'd like to one day. I love seeing the pictures you've been taking when you attend them.

    Huge congrats to the anthology winners! Really looking forward to reading this one once it's released.

    1. It's so much fun. All the geek stuff, the cosplayers, and so many opportunities to meet people you've seen on the screen.

  5. Congratulations to all the winners. All the stories sound super.

    I too hate it when people try to dump their manuscripts or books on me for critiquing or reviewing :(

  6. Congrats to the winners! Another excellent anthology shaping up.

  7. Love the lemur tee-shirt!

    Congratulations to the IWSG winners! So many great stories!

    1. It was a gift from my husband's nephew. He got one for each of us. I can't wait to wear it at the next con.

  8. Another anthology that will rock! And cool so many cons coming up.

  9. Congratulations to the winners of the new anthology! No, I've never been to a scifi/comic con, but I think I'd like to.

  10. What an awesome t-shirt! I feel sorry for anyone getting bit these days. We have a crazy, hyper kitten in the house whose nickname is Fang, the Biter. But we all love him dearly. Except Dove, our other kitty. She is ready to relocate, poor baby. New baby Noche doesn't understand that she is not a horse for him to ride or a wrestling partner.

    1. Poor Dove. We have a biter, too. Although Rocket is more of a nibbler.

  11. The conferences sound exciting. Have a great time. Also, congratulations to the winners of the anthology. Looking forward to reading the stories. Have a wonderful 2019.

  12. It's nice to see a lot of new names as contest winners. Congratulations to everyone!

  13. Can't wait to read their stories! Must be fun to judge such a contest.

  14. Congrats to the winners and yay to the judges for putting in the time and making the hard decisions.

  15. Congrats to the winners! Looking forward to the anthology!
    I haven't been able to get to a con ... one day!

  16. Congrats to all the participants and winners. Way to get out there. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  17. Congrats to these talented writers! Thrilled for you all. I've never been to a conference. Have fun!
    JQ Rose

  18. Congrats to all the writers, and LG especially. I've read a few of her books and she is talented.

    1. No surprise she's had the top story twice.

  19. Yeah, newbies sometimes don't realize how big an ask they're making. That's why I left a critique group where dabblers would often submit a piece that required lots of work to discern the story within--and then not show up to the meeting! On the other hand, I learn from critiquing for writers who are serious about improving their craft.
    Wishing you a happy, healthy, productive 2019.

  20. Oh my gosh, I love the t-shirts! Have fun at the syfy conventions. I'll bet it's a hoot to be a part of something like that.


    1. Elsie, if you're ever near enough to attend one we're at, please do.

  21. Funny that people ask you to write their stories. I can imagine you get many publishing requests.
    Congrats to the anthology winners!

  22. Hi, L. Diane,

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope you enjoyed the holidays.

    Congrats to L.G. and all the other winners of the Anthology!

  23. Oh, would you write, read, and publish my book for me?

    JK, that would be awful. I don't know where people get the idea that that's how you do it.

  24. Congratulations to the anthology winners.
    Strange that people would ask you to write their stories. As a writer, I can't see the satisfaction of someone else writing my story. It is as if they don't want to write, just want to see their name in print. Yuck!
    Happy New Year, Diane!

    1. That's why ghost writers exist I suppose.

  25. A big congrats to the Anthology winners!

    I've not been to a sci-fi/comic con, but it sounds like a lot of fun. Love love love that t-shirt!

    1. My husband's nephew made them after watching one of our pre-con videos.

  26. Yeah, I've had the people wanting me to write it for them. Pffffffffffffft.

  27. I would love to go to a scifi con at some point. I've had people tell me they have a great idea they'd like to share with me.

  28. I love the motif of your blog. The lemurs in the movie Matagascadgar were some of my fave parts. That is what your blog makes me think of when I come here. Nice T-shirt.

    One day I'd like to attend a con event, specifically one about Star Wars, lol. I know they host it in Florida every year in Orlando but I have not been able to go each time its been here. Maybe soon in my future.

    Happy IWSG

    1. Those dancing lemurs are what inspired the name!

  29. Do you get the "I have this great idea for a novel, would you write it for me?" questions, too? Those seem like cousins to the details of what they'd like to write.

  30. I once had someone grab me as I was going into the bathroom to also ask me about writing their story. She thought I had a friendly face. I gently told her I have my own story to write and suggested a ghostwriter.

    1. While you were going into the bathroom? LOL!

  31. It is nice when people want to talk about our characters. They’re so real to us. Congratulations to all the winners! Such great stories!

  32. I kind of figured your least favorite questions would have to do with your publishing company. Seems like a perfect opportunity for rudeness.

    Have a great 2019!

  33. It's amazing how many people attempt to tell you their story and want you to write it for them. lol.

  34. I'm looking forward to reading all the other anthology stories, and I love that shirt!

  35. How fun that you are going to two sci fi conventions, Diane. I went to CCIRA (Colorado Chapter of the International Reading Association) many times during the years I taught. Going to the Exhibitors Hall to see the publishers' and authors' booths and displays was always a highlight. I'll bet a sci fi convention is even more fun! Wishing you lots of success, and I hope you sell a lot of DLP books!

  36. I hate questions about the money aspects of writing. For obvious reasons. I tell people not to do it, if you expect or want to make money. The fact that they ask is kinda a red flag to me too.

    Happy New Year and enjoy many more scifi ventures.

    1. I had an author ask me this very weekend!

  37. I find it difficult to listen to well-meaning people who say their life would make a great book. When they come up for air, I say you should write it. I'll be others would be interested to. The usual response is oh, I couldn't do that or I don't have time, etc. I think they want validation. Glad I'm not a publisher. LOL

  38. Heh, cute T. Hope the Sci Fi Cons go as well as the last one.
    Wishing you a 2019 filled with creativity, good health, peace and prosperity.

  39. Congratulations to the winners! It'd be fun to be a mouse and hear some of the strange questions you get especially when you're at the stand. Notice...I said listen. I wouldn't have to face them ;)

  40. Congratulations to the winners!
    Some of the questions people ask are awesome and some are less so.

  41. I completely forgot about the IWSG post and the announcement. So cool that Laura won title story again. So awesome! Congratulations to everyone!
    I think the worst question I ever got was, "What does your husband think?"
    Happy New Year!

  42. Happy New Year! Oh, I can see why those questions would be your least favorite.

    Congrats to the anthology winners!!

  43. I imagine as a publisher, you get a lot more questions from people asking for reading than I do.

    Grats to the winners of the anthology contest! Woot!

  44. Diane, love the edgy t-shirt. And Congrats! to the anthology winners!

  45. Looking forward to the new anthology! Congrats to those selected!!

  46. Happy New Year Diane, warp speed and set your phasers on double stun....

  47. L.G. is such a talented writer... and she can write well in different genres!
    Happy New Year, Diane!

  48. Congrats to all the winners! Love that title for the anthology. Your lemur shirt made me giggle. Have a terrific 2019!

    1. We laughed and laughed when we opened the box.

  49. Congrats to the anthology winners!

    I see we have similar least-favorite questions. :)

    Happy New Year, Diane!

  50. You will be quite near me in West Point when you visit Williamsburg Kings Mill. Sadly, that's the same weekend Crossroads Art Center in Richmond has Open House; Pen Women meets in Mathews; Historical Society in WP. Busy weekend. Enjoy.

  51. I bet that being an author/editor/publisher, you do get some interesting questions. By the way, would you.....just joking. Heh.

  52. And one more congrats to the winners!

    I've been out of the loop for so long, it was fun and interesting to read your post/update.

    Best wishes for 2019!

  53. Congrats to the talented winners of the anthology contest.

  54. Congrats to all the winners!

    My least favorite questions are about how many books I have sold and how much money I make as an author. Seems like a lot of people don't understand social boundaries. :)

    Happy New Year!

  55. That's crazy that some people want you to write AND publish "their" book! Wow.

    My least favorite question is the same as Jess' above. It's rude!
