Wednesday, February 07, 2018

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group and Favorite Genre

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s question - What do you love about the genre you write in most often?

I write in several genres, none of which I really consider the genre I write most often.

My five book series The Circle of Friends is NA/YA. There wasn’t NA when the books came out, which is where they actually fit. While I’m not a big fan of YA (too much angst) I do like NA and the aspect of adults beginning their lives. A big element of that of course is falling in love, and I like a bit of romance in my stories.

I’ve also written a self-help book, along with two seminars and many articles. I’ve read hundreds of self-help/success/leadership/goal-setting books and I love the message that dreams are possible if we make it happen by becoming the person we were meant to be.

There’s also my publishing and promoting book, based on the two seminars I teach - and a lot of experience as owner of Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. I’ve put together two other seminars and many articles that are instructional, and I think this is one area I feel really comfortable in. My natural skill is organizing and I like sharing what I know with others.

Currently I am working on a series of stories for a paranormal romance book. There will be 4-5 stories - the vampire, the werewolf, the ghost, the alien, and the shark. (I really do need to finish this book and explain that last one.) Again, it comes back to a little bit of romance but also room to explore new areas and not be confined by the real world.
You can see all five boards I've created for these stories on Pinterest. (They are the Four in Darkness boards.) If you're on Pinterest, please follow a board or two so I can find you.

What do you love about your genre?


  1. It's interesting that you've written a self help book, as I have bought many by Paul McKenna.
    My poems are mainly about what is happening or not happening in my life.
    Enjoy your Wednesday Diane.


  2. Your niche of teaching and sharing what you've learned is admirable. I enjoy that too.
    I'm doing a series and it crosses genres. Paranormal, multicultural, romance, romantic suspense, and fantasy. I love this series. Maybe, it is because I'm the author of it, but my FB reader group loves it also. However, because I love it, it is a joy to write it.
    Wishing you all the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  3. Yes, Diane! I too do not have a favorite genre to write in, except whichever one I'm writing at the moment. I also read widely, so that makes sense. I have had several careers, some of them concurrently,and lived all over North America. I guess I refuse to choose!

  4. Great how varied your writing is. I like writing MG and YA fantasy, and that's all I write except for articles for my job. That's great that you've written some self-help books too. I wouldn't mind trying a non-fiction book if I could come up with an idea for one.

  5. I agree. YA-too much angst. I enjoy writing for the middle-grade/lower end of YA audiences. They are more vulnerable, open and honest, and love life!

  6. Yup... not so much into YA. That's why I like MG, and those feisty tweeners.

  7. You like variety. Hope you get to finish that book soon.

  8. I am really interested in hearing more about your series. How interesting :)

  9. Wow, you write in a variety of genres. I too like a little romance in my stories.

  10. Yvonne, my self-help book was a lot of fun to put together.

    Jan, why should we choose?

    Natalie, they are easier to promote.

  11. Shark?!?!? I love it. Can't wait to see that one
    best of luck with your projects


  12. I think a shark is scarier than vampires, werewolves, aliens, and ghosts. The later four have the potential to be kind depending on the author, but sharks? They just want to eat you.

  13. Your series sounds great. Paranormal stories are some of my favorites. I especially like ghosts. I remember reading one of your earlier books years ago. I must take a look at the others. You surely are busy. Enjoy every moment.

  14. Shark? That's a new twist - at least for me. You have a lot of different items on your writing and publishing resume. Kudos!

  15. The that sounds cool and different!

  16. The paranormal romance series you're working on sounds like a lot of fun. I'm curious about shark too. :)

  17. A shark? Sounds unique and interesting. Best of luck on your newest venture.

  18. I think it's awesome you're able to be so diverse. Very cool.

  19. How wonderful that you are comfortable writing in so many genres. I mostly write in scifi, but my romance time is increasing as it brings more sales. I enjoy exploring those first days of falling in love, but my heart still loves creating crazy worlds and exploring space even more.

  20. You cast a wide, but efficient net, Diane! Great job.

  21. A shark? You have my attention! I avoid writing YA too. I might sometimes read it, but too much angst annoys me. :)

  22. I love speculative fiction but I grew up cutting my teeth on mystery, romance and adventure which all fits nicely in the speculative realm.

    You are so talent and inspiring. Thanks for sharing that.

  23. You're a wide-range writer. I can't wait to read about a romance with a shark in it. My imagination is going wild. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  24. A shark? That's a new one for me. Or maybe I just don't keep up with what's out there these days.

    As far as I'm concerned, I'm sticking with fantasy until I feel confident enough in my writing abilities to spread out to other genres.

  25. Your series sounds thrilling.
    I like keeping it real and getting/giving laughs.
    Be well, Spunk.

  26. Why does there have to be just be one genre? I feel like that would get boring after a while.

  27. I'm somewhat the opposite of you. I love YA and all the angst and dazed confusion that goes with it. Hahaa...My latest, though, is NA. I stepped over the line...

    Good luck with your writing, Diane.

  28. LOL! A shark. I know that one caught me off guard last time you mentioned it, but truth: one of the most unique, funnest books I've read was about dolphins, and it was paranormal, so why not? ;)

  29. Love how eclectic your genres are! You'll never be bored 😃

  30. It's hard to stick to just one genre. I love reading and exploring different types of stories.

  31. Lots of genres, lots of great reading!

  32. Do the alien and the shark have a fling? Geez, now that may be a little angst-y lol Yeah, too much angst just makes me roll my eyes.

  33. You have a unique twist brewing there. I like reading most genres so I'm okay with most except maybe erotica.

  34. Shark! That's an awesome twist on paranormal. Can't wait to learn more about it.

    Hooray for falling in love. It's great that you also use your writing skills to share your knowledge.

  35. And that is why you and I connect so well. We both believe that all things are possible! We just need to believe in the dream and in ourselves! Woot Woot!! :)

    Have a beachy week!

  36. Tamara, that's what makes it interesting.

    Charity, romance is selling very well now.

    Ken, I haven't seen one about a shark yet, so hopefully it will be new once I finish it.

    Crystal, why not?

    Pat, that would be crossing the line.

    Elsie, that's right!

  37. Now you've got me wondering how the shark fits into that mix.

  38. You're very versatile. The paranormal sounds like fun:_)

  39. Hi Diane. Love the sound of your paranormal romance series/companion books. Can't wait to get mine rewritten and relisted.

  40. Hi Diane, you gotta have the shark in a five-part paranormal series. I look forward to how this all plays out.

  41. You have been quite busy. Happy writing on your paranormal series.

  42. you have such an impressive writing resume - so accomplished!
    i am very excited to be working with you! looking forward to being part of the anthology!

    happy february!

    Tara Tyler Talks

  43. You get so much done! The shark is intriguing. Good luck with the current projects. (And thank you for your offers of help. I'm not done yet, so I appreciate knowing I can ask you questions if needed.)

  44. Oooh, those four stories sound intriguing. Especially the ghost story ;) I'll go find the board on Pinterest.

  45. A series of stories for a paranormal romance? I'm wondering how the various creatures/elements will play out...
    Good luck with that project, Diane!

  46. Hi Diane - your creativity keeps your mind on the go - that can only give you food for thought and other ideas. Lots going on ... and it's so good to read about - good luck ... cheers Hilary

  47. Very curious about the shark character in your paranormal romance series. I imagine everyone else who's commented is too :-)

  48. I always say -Gawd bless the creatures- cos whether they're zombies, robots, vampires, androids with killer attitude, ya'll ways need a threat to the ship in star trek and creatures usually do the trick or deus ex machina or a technology wonder trick. Take Armus in Star Trek TNG - what a laugh he was!

  49. If I had half your energy, I'm sure I could move mountains, or at least the furniture when I'm washing floors. Best to you, Diane. You are my hero.

  50. I'm with Joylene on the amount of energy you have. You amaze me at what all you have going on at one time. Wishing you much success with all of it.

  51. The description of your paranormal romance book sounds like the beginning of an anecdote. I would really want to know about the shark though...

  52. I like "a bit" of romance in my books also. I get turned off from YA for the overwhelming angst and hot blooded romance. Too fast, too much. YA has a tendency to be as angsty and the romance too quick. Urban Fantasy now is all cookie-cutter YA/NA attitude. But, I've read some really good stories in both genre's. Awesome you still love your first series.

    Your energy and enthusiasm has worn me out, lol. Bottle some of that and I'll buy it :)

  53. I think that's the most appealing thing about NA, too--it's such an interesting time in the lives of young people.

    Cozy mysteries are fun because of the puzzle aspect, I think. That makes them fun to write and fun to read.

  54. I'm really interested to see what you do with a shark :-) I don't know that I'v read much NA, if any. I do like the idea that it focuses on a key transition point in our lives.

  55. Your paranormal romance stories sound intriguing. I'd love to read them when they come out.

    I love writing for kids because I'm a little kid at heart. It's fun seeing illustrators visually make my words come to life. I'd also rather deal with kid issues than grown-up problems. :)

  56. The shark! Now that's intriguing. Just goes to show there are no limits to the imagination, which is a writers blessing!

  57. You wear a lot of hats, Di:)
    When did you take your cruise?

  58. Sandra, we took a cruise to Cozumel in the fall of 2004.

  59. Writing in different genres must keep it from getting boring. I'm actually looking to branch out to more women's fiction.

    But right now, I love sweet contemporary romance because it's so "feel-good" and kind of "innocent". Like Hallmark movies. LOL

  60. I think it's great that you are bringing your authors' books out in audio. You don't see that too much outside of traditional (and Indie). Kudos.

  61. I admire those who can write nonfiction. I like teaching in person, but don't care to write it. Happy writing!

  62. NA sounds like a nice area to explore although I haven't ventured there yet. You were a pioneer of the genre!

  63. You've done a great job at making a successful career centered around your writing and knowledge about the craft.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  64. The series sounds like a lot of fun to write. I'm interested to see how the shark fits in. Is it a ghost shark?

  65. Just stopping in to say hey.
    Hope your day was productive.

  66. Wow, you sure write in a variety. I think thats what makes it all interesting and keeps your creativity flowing as a writer.

  67. I hop all over the place with my writing too. I'm going to try narrowing down and concentrate on Time Travel and Westerns.
    Hope your day is productive and your evening pleasant.

  68. Hi L. Diane....

    Just stopped by to say "HI"..... I think of you often when I see a MINION and Universal. LOL...

    AMAZING how diverse you are. Totally keeps you busy and that is AWESOME.... Are you still doing you Photography? I remember some of your past photos and they ware amazing....

    Anyway .... hope all is well!

  69. I think trying out different genre helps writers sharpen their skills. My first series was fantasy, but then I went back to the genre that first gave me the writing-bug, YA (paranormal).

    I think I'm drawn to the drama of adolescence. Makes sense since I used to be a high school English teacher.
