Wednesday, May 04, 2016

The Insecure Writer's Support Group and Parallels: Felix Was Here

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today I’m also visiting Natalie at Literary Rambles discussing what Dancing Lemur Press is looking for in its queries.

Things have been hopping the past two months! We signed three new authors (two for Dancing Lemur Press and one for Freedom Fox Press), submissions are flooding in, and we had a book release on Tuesday. (More on that in a minute.)

Through all of the work - reading, editing, emailing, planning, etc. - I managed to get back on track with my own book. One story is edited, two are in the process of being edited, one is mostly done, and I started the fifth one. I usually only get 60-90 minutes a night, but it’s enough to transfer over 1000 words from notebook to computer. (I still hand write everything first.) And it feels really good to be back in the swing of things!

As for that book release on Tuesday, I’d like to present...

Parallels: Felix Was Here
An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology

Enter the realm of parallel universes!

What if the government tried to create the perfect utopia? Could a society linked to a supercomputer survive on its own? Do our reflections control secret lives on the other side of the mirror? Can one moment split a person’s world forever?

Exploring the fantastic, ten authors offer incredible visions and captivating tales of diverse reality. Featuring the talents of L. G. Keltner, Crystal Collier, Hart Johnson, Cherie Reich, Sandra Cox, Yolanda Renee, Melanie Schulz, Sylvia Ney, Michael Abayomi, and Tamara Narayan.

Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these ten tales will expand your imagination and twist the tropes of science fiction. Step through the portal and enter another dimension!

Science Fiction/Alternative History
Print ISBN 978-1-939844-19-4 eBook ISBN 978-1-939844-20-0
$14.95 USA 6x9 Trade paperback, 218 pages
$4.99 EBook available in all formats
Freedom Fox Press, a division of Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.

Buy it in print- Amazon / Barnes & Noble
Buy the ebook- Itunes / Kindle / Nook / Kobo
Add it on Goodreads
Visit the Parallels Blog


  1. Congratulations on the release of PARALLELS and the signing of the new authors. Sounds like things are going well with your own writing too. I'm one of those that has to write everything out first and then type it. A habit I can't seem to change. Wishing you continued success with it all.

  2. Congrats on getting back to your own books, but truly, thank you for all the work done on getting Parallels out. So cool, the entire process was professional and happened just as you said it would. Thank you!

  3. Awesome you've signed new authors and are able to write too. And congrats to IWSG on the anthology!

  4. Hi L Diane! I have my copy of Parallels and am looking forward to reading it. Congrats to those who signed with you. All the best!

  5. Thrilled for this release! Congrats!!! I already visited you over on LR. Great post!

  6. You are one busy writing, publishing, editor:)
    I don't write long hand (unless I'm traveling). But I do the 1K a day/night;)

  7. Congrats to all the authors in the Parallels Anthology! Woohoo!

    And congrats to you for finding time to write even with your super-busy schedule. That's dedication. Have a great week! :)

  8. Mason, my creative brain only works with pen and paper.

    Yolanda, thank you. I'm pleased it all went so well.

    Sandra, I've found that's a good target for me.

    Lexa, dedication, or as my husband likes to say, I'm my own worst boss ever.

  9. Glad you're wonderfully busy with your new publishing career! At some point I entered to win a copy of Parallels and... I did! I'm excited to have it on TBR list.

  10. I'm headed to Natalie's place some time today. Glad you've got a great roster of authors and upcoming works. I think about what you do and all the details involved, and I think my head would explode. Kudos!

  11. Hi Diane - sounds like you've been really busy and I'd expect that: so good you've signed up three new authors and people are pounding at your door ... while managing to write during the day and put into your machine later on ..

    Parallels looks a great anthology .. cheers and here's to more success for you ... Hilary

  12. Thanks for all your hard work on Parallels. I'm so excited it's finally out. And congrats on your publishing business. Things sound like they are going well.

  13. You have a lot going on and it sounds like you're doing well! 60-90 minutes a night is good. I wish I could be so disciplined. Good for you, Diane! And I was just over at Natalie's and enjoyed your article. Go you!

  14. I don't know how you do all you do. I'm glad you've been able to focus on your own books. :)

  15. Glad you're writing! Need to visit Natalie next.

  16. I found it interesting to learn you have 60-90 minutes a night to get the words into the computer. It shows me you have a lot of drive and determination. So many hats to wear and jobs well done. Congratulations on publishing Parallels. Now on to guiding three new authors. Great job.

  17. I'm thrilled to be one of the three, Diane. Can't say that enough. Congratulations on Parallels. It's a great anthology.

  18. Congrats. It looks really, really great. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  19. Congrats on Parallels! The stories sound great. Looking forward to reading. Y'all are moving right along.

  20. Good job getting back on track, and WOOT for the release!

  21. Congrats in the release Diane and damn you are indeed one busy lady. Thank you for helping writers realize their publishing dreams.

  22. Wow! I'm amazed that you have so much going on but you still find time to write. And congrats on the release!

  23. Crystal, some days my brain does unravel a bit.

    Joylene, I'm glad you are.

  24. AnonymousMay 04, 2016

    Congrats on the Parallels release! You are one busy lady. Hope things continue to go smoothly now that you're back on track.

  25. Felix is everywhere an I am intrigues. Must get a copy. Congrats on the release and everything else you have going on. Trying so hard to find my own momentum.

  26. It looks as if the Lemur is Dancing up a storm! I read your interview at Literary Rambles. It was wonderful, Diane.

  27. Congrats on getting back into the writing groove amid everything else you have going on.

    Hooray for the Anthology!

  28. Congrats. You sound busy and excited with it all. Congrats on getting back to your own stuff too. Wishing you the best.
    Happy Writing
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  29. Diane, you're on a roll and good luck with everything moving forward! I'll download my copy today.

    May 2016 IWSG Co-Host
    May the 4th Be With You
    Stephen Tremp’s Breakthrough Blogs

  30. Congrats to all who are featured in the Anthology,
    A great post Diane.

  31. Congrats for you :) on the signings. It's too bad that your writing time is so short. But at least you're keeping at it. I can't believe you hand write thing!

  32. An anthology! That's exciting and a great group of authors too. :)

  33. Congratulations on the submissions pouring in, and on being back in the swing of things!

  34. Woot woot on parallells! Awesome that it's out. I definitely need to pick up a copy. Glad submissions are pouring in.

  35. I sometimes think I should return to writing by hand. You are so busy. And yahoo for Parallels.

    Susan Says

  36. It must be hoping over at your house!

  37. You have been busy, haven't you! I'm impressed with everything you've achieved.

  38. You go girl! Congrats on the release and all the new activities with the presses. Don't forget to breath and then smile at your success!

  39. Congratulations on your own books, Diane. So exciting. And I must get a copy of the anthology. Making myself a note. It's wonderful that you have so many submissions and new authors too.

  40. Sounds like everything is going great in your corner. Congrats.

  41. Hi Diane.
    You have your hands full...but sounds like you're on top of everything!
    I'm sure you have a tight schedule that has to be followed very closely...and great time management skills too!
    Congratulations on getting Parallels out into the big, wide world!
    Writer In Transit

  42. Congratulations on finding some balance. It's so hard to find time for your own work when spending so much time on the work of others.

  43. Congrats to all involved in the anthology. It looks top notch. Yay for finding a great balance with your work and business too.

  44. I'm always in awe of your progress! I'm still struggling with my one lol

    You're full of great news!!! Very excited about PARALLEL ;)

    And signing new authors is awesome! Congrats all around!!!

  45. Thank you, Lee.

    JE, if I'm typing on the computer, I feel it has to be perfect. When I write, I can just let the ideas flow.

    Dean, I have breathing scheduled for this weekend.

    Michelle, sometimes I think I manage my time by working all of my hours.

  46. Hi Diane,

    A whole bunch of notable authors in that collaboration anthology. Hearty congrats to all involved.

    You really are hopping, Diane. Well done and of course, "hopping" is not a reference to a blog hop..Seriously, you're one busy, productive lady.


  47. Wow, you've been busy. Sadly, I did nothing but work the day job and hand with family during my blog break. I need to get myself back into reading and writing. I need your energy and drive :)

  48. I'll bet it feels great to get back to your own stories. You have been so busy it's easy to set aside your own. Congrats on how well the business is doing.

  49. Hi Diane -- I'd love to have you guest star on my blog in July -- I think all the writers here in Northern Colorado would be interested in hearing more about Dancing Lemur Press and Freedom Fox Press. You have my email address, right?

  50. Hooray for Parallels and for getting back into the swing of things!


  51. AnonymousMay 08, 2016

    I love that you handwrite your work first. That's awesome and I bet it helps get your creative juices flowing too. Great job for staying on track. Keep it up!

  52. Getting back into the swing of things is something I dream about. Glad things are working out for you! :)

  53. AnonymousMay 13, 2016

    Woo hoo. Great things here with the publishing, writing, and editing.
