Wednesday, June 03, 2015

The Insecure Writer's Support Group and Exciting New Publisher Imprint

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Writing hasn’t been a big thing for me lately. I still have several novelette length stories waiting for editing, plus I’ve been editing some older works.

I have been busy with my seminars, which I love. I’m even working with a NC college to offer my seminars as interactive day-long workshops. That will require a lot of planning this summer, but doing them will be a lot of fun.

I also have a new venture as I am working with a publisher who wants to set up an imprint. This is very exciting, as it will involve very new and greatly needed in the industry. This new imprint will be designed to work with authors who want the perks of self-publishing (more control, higher royalties) but with the benefits of traditional publishing (pre-publication reviews, wider distribution, publisher clout, and no author expenses.)

The imprint will launch this summer. If anyone is interested in being the first to receive information about this imprint, email me or leave a comment.

Ready to go for a ride?


  1. I don't know what an imprint is, but it sounds like congratulations are in order. Hopefully I will be finally ready for publishing sometime in the future. I am on my second edit now. I rejoined IWSG this month.

  2. AnonymousJune 03, 2015

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't know what an imprint is. ;) Best of luck with it.

    I'm going through the same thing - just not having the time to write but it will happen when it happens.

    Love the horses! Such amazing creatures.


  3. Exciting news, congratulatons!

    This new imprint sounds wonderful too!

    I love the grammarly win, thank you. I'm learning a lot.

  4. I'm another one who does not know what an imprint is. :( but Congratulations! Will one of the services be editing or proofing?

  5. You do have some exciting things going on. Good luck in all your new ventures.

  6. Diane, good luck with the imprint. I'd be interested in taking a look. I'll send you an email you can reply to. Thanks.

  7. Yolanda, congrats again on winning.

    An imprint is a separate division of a publishing house. Many publishers have smaller imprints that fall under their umbrella that publish a certain genre or type of book.

  8. Sounds like you've been super busy. Keep it up! Good luck with the imprint!! That sounds like a wonderful opportunity. I wouldn't mind some more details about it. I'll send you an email. :)

  9. That imprint sounds pretty cool! It sounds like you have some exciting things coming up.

  10. This sounds like an awesome summer for you with lots of new opportunities! Enjoy. :)

  11. *Raising hand and shouting "Oh, Oh, Oh, pick me! Pick me!" Did someone say "no author expenses"? Smiles.
    Thanks for the opportunity to learn more, Diane.
    Keep doing all your doing and enjoying it all.

  12. Glad to hear your seminars are going so well. Spunky Diane is in demand!

    That publisher sounds like a dream come true. Control is the exact thing that bums me out being with a publisher yet I do enjoy the perks of being with them.

  13. The imprint sounds exciting and the seminars. Doing what you love is what your life should be about.

  14. Donkey, I mean Robyn, I will pick you.

    Nicki, it's so hard to hand over that control.

  15. I don't know what an imprint is either. Looking forward to hearing more. Happy IWSG, Diane.

  16. Hi, Diane...


    The imprint sounds great! I'd love more information since I may be heading in that direction in the near future!

  17. Best of luck with the birthing of the new imprint. I am always interested in new options. If nothing else, your world of contacts will grow with it and the seminars. Pace yourself now, hear? :-)

  18. The imprint sounds exciting!

  19. Congratulations on all the exciting things happening! :)

  20. OOh, that's a big project to take on. But very exciting!

  21. The seminar sounds great! Congrats on all of your exciting news.

  22. Yes, please. I would love news about this new imprint!

  23. The imprint sounds exciting - congratulations!

  24. Coolio! I would love info on the imprint.

  25. Ditto everything! The imprint does sound exciting and I'm curious to learn more about it.

  26. I'd love to hear more. :-)

    Here's my link if you'd like to drop by :-)

    Anna from Elements of Writing

  27. Michael, you bet!

    Tyrean, I will email the moment things are set.

    Shelly, will do.

    Charity and Emaginette, I'll keep you in the loop.

  28. There's nothing worse than not being able to write, but at least you're happy with all the other things you have to do :). Good luck with the new imprint. It sounds exciting.

  29. That sounds very interesting. Best of both worlds! I'd like to learn more for sure!

    Congrats on staying so productive.

  30. You're going to be really busy! All of it sounds great. And fun. That's the important part :)

  31. Hi L Diane. Glad I popped by. I'd love to learn more about this imprint. Publishing world ever evolving!

    Glad you're busy doing what you love.

    Denise :-)

    My IWSG post on Mindfulness

  32. Hmmmm a new imprint? Sounds awesome and being on the ground floor has got to be so exciting. Congrats.

  33. The new imprint sounds great!
    And your work sounds even better!!! It's good to find the work you love.

  34. That's awesome! Good luck with your new adventures!

  35. No author expenses sounds tempting, also the distribution part. Let me know when you have more info about this imprint. Good luck with you teaching! That sounds challenging!

  36. You are a busy young lady. Congratulations on your seminars.
    Great picture of the horses.
    I'd be interested in the imprint. Thanks.

  37. Man, you've been busy! How great!
    Good luck with the imprint. It sounds like a fantastic opportunity :D

  38. Great news about the imprint - sounds like you are mining exciting new territory in the publishing world. Hope it all goes well. I'd love to learn more!

  39. Good luck with the Imprint, Diane, it sounds exciting. Please let us know how it all goes.

    Rachna Chhabria
    Co-host IWSG
    Rachna's Scriptorium

  40. An Imprint? That's super! Congratulations, L. Diane!

  41. Sure, I'd learn more. Unless its a YA publisher. Congrats on the work you are doing for the imprint, sounds like you are enjoying it. The workshop like class sounds awesome too.

    Have a good week Dianne.

  42. AnonymousJune 04, 2015

    That's wonderful and exciting with both the seminars and imprint.

  43. Lot's of exciting news. Congratulations!

  44. I will let everyone know the moment the news is announced.

  45. That imprint sounds like a great idea! And I think it's awesome that you're busy with instructing writers. You're providing a wonderful service.

  46. Good luck with the imprint! And the seminars, it sounds like you'll be having a lot of fun in the near future. Good for you!

  47. The imprint sounds cool. I have been sort of stagnated because pitching to agents/publishers is so stressful, but I really need to start thinking about all that again. I look forward to more information on this.

  48. Hey it's writing related, so that counts, not to mention sounds very impressive. Congratulations!

  49. The imprint plan sounds like a good one. So much diversity in the world of publishing I guess it's best to cover it all.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Road trippin' with A to Z
    Tossing It Out

  50. Sounds like you're doing great, Diane. Good for you! An imprint sounds very interesting. I don't have plans for publishing this year, but when I do, I think I'd be interested.

  51. I'd love a ride! Love horses. Congrats on getting into a new imprint. It sounds just great.
    Play off the Page

  52. Hit me up when the imprint goes live. I am glad you are pursuing your passion Diane and wish you all the best.

  53. It will be interesting to hear how this imprint sets up the guidelines. I look forward to learning more about it. Very cool that you get to be a part of it!

  54. The new imprint sounds exciting L. Diane!

  55. very exciting news!
    seminars and publishing - you go girl!
    is the imprint genre specific?
    what will your role be?
    you will be very busy!!! congrats!

  56. What cool news! The imprint sounds really amazing. And I think you're right. I think there is a niche out there that needs something like this. Congratulation. :)

  57. Good luck with the new venture. It sounds very exciting.

  58. How great to read wonderful news. Best wishes!

  59. Hart, Gwen, Sheena-kay, and Theresa, I will keep you in the loop.

    Tara, I will spreading the word and working directly with the authors.

  60. Diane, it sounds exciting!
    I'd love some more info...

  61. AnonymousJune 07, 2015

    Sounds like the best of both worlds -- good luck!

  62. I imagine your inbox is full. Sounds like a great opportunity for writers. I wish I was a little further along. You would be hearing from me.

  63. I'd be interesting in learning more too!

  64. I'm in. Would love info as things come together and you have the time. Thank you! :)

  65. Sounds like you're busy-busy with important things--writing or not. I'm interested in learning more about this new imprint too, so add me to your list. My email is jessyferguson (at) gmail (dot) com.

  66. I've got everyone on the list!
