Monday, May 25, 2015

Grammarly Giveaway, A Change of Mind, and Happy Memorial Day

I am appearing in a special edition of the Insecure Writers Support Group today.

Karen from Grammarly contacted me about trying their Premium account for free.

I don’t use Chrome, but I did download the Windows Microsoft Office add-in. It took just a moment to set up and start using and looks like it will be really handy. As I always joke, I are not the grammar queen, nor can I spell well, so Grammarly will be a plus for me. You can set it for Contextual Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Sentence Structure, Style, Vocabulary Enhancement, and/or Plagiarism.

I also have one six-month Grammarly Premium account to give away!

Just comment between now and Sunday night, May 31. I’ll announce the winner on June 3rd during the Insecure Writer’s Support Group post.

Title: A Change of Mind and Other Stories
Author: Nick Wilford
Genre: Speculative fiction
Release date: 25th May 2015
Publisher: Superstar Peanut Publishing

Purchase Links:
 Amazon US Amazon UK Goodreads

Nick Wilford is a writer and stay-at-home dad. Once a journalist, he now makes use of those rare times when the house is quiet to explore the realms of fiction, with a little freelance editing and formatting thrown in. When not working he can usually be found spending time with his family or cleaning something. He has four short stories published in Writer’s Muse magazine. Nick is also the editor of Overcoming Adversity: An Anthology for Andrew. Visit him at his blog or connect with him on Twitter or Goodreads.

Everyone have a great Memorial Day and remember those who sacrificed so that we might be free.


  1. Now that I am editing my book I could really use that Grammar software - as long as I can use it on a mac.

  2. I'm going to have you give this to someone like Rhonda who could really use this right now. And congrats to Nick on his book. Happy Holiday!

  3. I had a pretty good grounding in grammar at school. However, my spelling has become muddled between American and English.

    Congratulations to Nick Wilford. Interesting cover.

    Enjoy Memorial Day

  4. Congrats to Nick!
    I could hand six months free.

  5. Have a great Memorial Day and congrats to Nick on his book.

  6. If you're the Queen of bad grammar or spelling then I'm the Princess because I am horrible at both! Don't even get me started about commas. lol

    A big congratulations to Nick. He's everywhere today. :)

  7. Congrats to Nick!

    Remembering those who sacrificed all for us - Memorial Day.

  8. I've heard such great things about Grammarly. Something we all need. I'm a terrible speller.

  9. As a retired science teacher, I thought I was queen of grammar and punctuation.

    I corrected both but did not take points off; because I was teaching science or math.

    Well a funny thing happened when I wanted to write to entertain. I wasn't as dang good as I thought I was.

    I better start writing in case I win.

  10. Congratulations to Nick. I can use all the help I can get with grammar!

  11. I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day, too! Beautiful flag photo!

  12. Love the photo, Diane!
    Hope you're having a relaxing day...
    Congrats to Nick, again! He's all over!

  13. I hate to admit it but that is probably the one thing I need the most. My grammar mistakes actually piss others off more than me. LOL
    I know they're fixable - me, not so much! Could be the reason! :)
    Nick's a wonderful writer.

    Hope your spending this Memorial day with family and friends!

  14. You have a great weekend, too.

  15. I'm not familiar with "Grammarly" but it sounds useful.

    Yay, Nick! I wish him well.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote

  16. Thank you, Diane! And I hope Grammarly is good for you. Hope you're having a relaxing and reflective Memorial Day.

  17. Grammarly is good in same cases, but gee it takes extra time just checking to make sure its suggestions are correct (because they aren't always correct).

  18. Happy (Belated) Memorial Day. The older I get, the worse my spelling has become. In fact, just remembering the word I need can drive me batty.

  19. Thank you for stopping by, folks. Was out enjoying the day and will catch up with comments today.

  20. Please let us know what you think. I've always wondered about Grammarly. I have strong grammar, but my skills take a nosedive whenever I'm looking over my own work.

    Hope you had a great holiday.

  21. Commas are the bane of my existence. I mean I know places you HAVE to use them, but I always took to heart the "when you want to pause the speech" and I am a person who speaks slowly. I like lots of pauses. I want all of you to pause more too, because my brain only works so fast... so I put in the opportunity far more than any editor thinks is appropriate. Maybe I should do away with these and just put a big [slow the heck down] at the start of all my books.

  22. Congrats Nick. Commas are my enemies. I either overuse them or don't use them enough.

  23. Well done to Nick. Its cool to be so winning!

  24. Grammarly looks like it could be a big help. Let us know how you like it, okay? Have a great rest of the week!

  25. How are you liking Grammarly?

    Congrats to Nick, and I hope you had a good weekend, Diane.

  26. AnonymousMay 27, 2015

    It's wonderful have writing resources like this available. Great IWSG blog post.

    Congrats to Nick. I look forward to reading his book.

  27. Grammar's tough. I are not the grammar queen either, so this would be quite handy.

    Nick's book looks great. I'm happy for him.

  28. Hi Diane,

    I not know nothing. However, I is okay n'stuff with my grammar.

    I'm delighted to see the mention of Nick and his book. Nick, a truly remarkable man and a great writer.

    Hope that you and your loved ones had a peaceful, reflective Memorial Day.


  29. Congrats to Nick! A Change of Mind and Other Stories looks like a great collection.

  30. Awesome promo and I make everyone of those mistakes every day. I'm getting better though.

  31. Grammarly sounds interesting. I like to think I'm good with grammar, but I'm probably not :).

  32. The grammar software looks really useful for writers! Nice to see Nick's book featured here!

  33. Grammar...don't get me started. Let's just say I won't ever become an editor. Congrats to Nick.
