Wednesday, March 04, 2015

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

I’m still writing and working on the paranormal stories. No insecurities, just slow progress. I’ve also been busy with formatting and I have several seminars and events in the coming months. Not sure why, but the older I get, the harder it is to focus on just one thing. Of course, my husband would claim I’ve never been able to focus on just one thing at a time.

I knew I couldn’t participate in A to Z this year with this blog. But I will be posting over at The Insecure Writer’s Support Group next month. I have my four letters already scheduled and ready.

I’m also helping A to Z co-host Susan Gourley. I’m one of her Dragon Soldiers.

All of that combined should be just enough to keep me busy (and out of trouble) without overdoing it. Because I’m good at overdoing it. My husband says I’m the worst boss ever.

Do you overdo it sometimes?

PS -
Thank you also for the sweet comments on my last post about the character traits of long hair.


  1. Sounds like you've been steadily progressing, which is good, even if it feels slow. I'm slowly learning a new job where I'm writing non fiction. It's slow too, but I'm plugging along.

  2. Sad you'll miss the A to Z but you probably made the right decision. I'm hoping that getting my posts done ahead of time will help me from getting overwhelmed. Then I'll have the whole month just to look at other blogs.

  3. A Dragon Soldier eh? That sounds like it should have been Father Dragon's bunch. Nope I don't overdo it, probably too lazy but I can see you doing it a lot.

  4. I said the same thing myself yesterday...I felt so scattered, as if I were running in a million directions at once! Is it age...or is it just busyness? I'm not sure, but I'm trying to stay better focused today.

  5. I don't overdo it, I don't think. Because I would be bald from all the hair-pulling. In fact, I'm probably under-doing it which means I need to kick it up a pace. But as long as we're in the race, right? Good luck with the writing!

  6. I think I need to overdo things a little more than I have. I've gotten too relaxed lately.

  7. I'm getting better at saying no--but sometimes that's hard--there's just so much I'd like to be doing.

  8. I'm with you. The older I get, the more scattered I am. And, like you, my hubby would say I've been like that since I've known him. :)

  9. Knowing your limits is a very good thing - and something we can only learn to do after finding ourselves swirling in overcommitment from time to time. Sounds like you've got plenty on your plate - but nothing you can't handle!

  10. Being busy doing what you love is good.

  11. It's not only harder to focus on one thing, it's impossible!! The commitments keep coming, but that's a good thing, right? Best of luck with everything!

  12. Elizabeth, I'm hoping it's just busyness.

    Elsie, we sound a lot alike.

  13. Yes, I overdo it, and find I am going in so many directions I get overwhelmed. Working on being more focused and settled, doing one thing at a time. Wishing you well with your current projects.

  14. Oh yeah I overdue it. I have to force myself to take a 24 hour Sabbath every week. It's necessary but not easy to do.

  15. HI, L. Diane,

    It's good to keep busy. I prefer it! IT's great that you excel in so many different areas. It certainly keeps the boredom away...

    All the best with your writing, formatting, and seminars....

  16. I like to overdo my expectations such as thinking: first I'll do A, then B, then C, D, and E. And maybe F and G! It'll be great! Then I get stuck on A and get disappointed.

  17. Oh, I definitely can overdo things . . . so I'm trying to slow down with the rest of my writing in April.

    I'm also not a fan of focusing on just one project at once. I seem to get less done when I do that.

    I hope you have a great month!!!

  18. I so appreciate you being a soldier for my team. I also tend to have lots of things going at a time and perhaps I have been getting more likely to do that as I get older. Something to think about.

  19. I over-do all the time. It doesn't help that I always seem to have more than one poker going in my fires.

  20. It sounds as if you're going to be contributing a lot the the AtoZ this year. Dragon Soldier, heh? Do they gobble up muffins? If so, I'm putting my team on alert.

  21. Try moving house at the same time as blogging, I am looking forward to the A to Z but still haven't decided on a theme.

  22. I often overdo, especially lately. I keep thinking I don't have that much on my plate, then something slaps me in the face and says yes you do! Glad you're on a team even if doing the A to Z challenge is too much right now. Bravo!

  23. Do I overdo it? All the time! I can't help it!

    I'm glad you're on a team though. I'm on one too. :)

  24. Being able to focus on more than one thing at a time is a good thing. No matter what my wife says. :) Keep doing what works for you.

  25. You seem to handle doing a lot of things pretty well. Hey, you're still involved in A-Z and you'll meet lots of friends in your capacity as a Dragon Soldier!

  26. You've seen my schedule - I've already overdone it.

  27. Lately, I've been so inspired by all my IWSG friends, I've started writing again. I'm so happy about that. But then I went and put my back out. Now I sit here in agony doing what I love. Very strange combination. It literally hurts to type, yet I'm thrilled at the words.

  28. You are a busy lady. I'm always trying to do more than there's time for, like writing three stories at a time. Hey, I'm not getting any younger. :)
    Have fun with the paranormals.

  29. Ooh, I like the idea of a dragon soldier - very cool. :)

    It sounds like you are very busy. I definitely overdo it sometimes. Can't help it.

  30. Michael, what is this "bored" you speak of? LOL

    Susan, it will be fun to be on the minion side this year.

    Lee, you better tell everyone to put choco chips in the muffins - I don't eat those.

    Chemist Ken, I call it diffused awareness.

    Joylene, no pain no gain.

  31. Ah, writing. That sounds like fun. And how cool that you're one of Susan's Dragon Soldiers even if you can't participate :).

    If you don't overdo something, how will you ever test your limits?

  32. I tend to overdo things too. I've been forced to simplify my schedule this year, and it's been amazing how much more I get done when I'm not totally frazzled.
    Best of luck to you with all your projects!

  33. I'm getting better about not taking on too many things that detract from my writing. It's hard. Sounds like you're really organized. That helps. Good luck!

  34. Wow, you're so organized! It's a good thing too since you're doing so much.

  35. Do you overdo it sometimes?


  36. I'm a world class overdoer. I'm working on that :)

  37. Any progress is good progress, so keep at it :)

  38. You've always been a busy-body, and you seem to be a master of multi-tasking. So I have faith you'll get all this stuff done!

  39. Well, staying busy is preferable to being bored. You seem to manage quite well. I'm hoping not to post at all in April - break time is long overdo.

  40. If I "over-did-it" only some of the time, I'd get so much done! Over-doer-of-it nearly all of the time!

  41. I definitely overdo it. I'm a workaholic and I panic if I don't have enough to do! :P

  42. I agree: Slow doesn't necessarily mean insecure or even writers' block! Keep trudging!

  43. Sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy. I hope you keep your writing on track and enjoy every minute of it. I'm a little behind with mine, because I'm spending time with photography. The birds in the snow are so much fun to watch and photograph that I'm spending way too much time on that. But the snow will melt and the birds will fly away and I'll get back to the keyboard and my book. Have a great day!

  44. I feel the same, Diane. The older I get, the harder it is to focus on any one thing for any length of time.

  45. Hmm, could difficulty in focusing be considered in the area of multi-tasking? That's a good thing, right? LOL

  46. Overdoing things makes me exhausted, but I do like the productivity that comes out of it. I try to pace myself better so I don't get burned out. I'm not doing A to Z this year because I have an anthology releasing and didn't want to promote and blog daily.

  47. It's easy to overdo it when you work so hard L. Great reminder

  48. DL, can I take that as a yes?

    Jay, I usually have 3-4 things going at once. Literally.

    Dolorah, I am never bored.

    Freeda, your photos are gorgeous.

  49. All progress is good, Donna! Sometimes, slow and steady is the beat progress of all!

  50. Did you just say you were going to stay out of trouble? Now that's over doing it.

  51. You're moving forward, so that's good! I'm doing the A-Z with my Untethered Realms group, It helps to split it up between 12 people.

  52. Yup, fellow over doer here. I'm not doing A-Z this year either but I am Joy C.'s minion. Best of luck in all your works.

  53. Dragon soldiers — love the name. Do I overdo it? Unfortunately, more often than I should. Life wouldn't be normal if there weren't ten things going on at once. Good luck with your writing! Any progress is good.

  54. I think I fall into that overdoing it camp. *sighs*
    I'm constantly on the move... busy... trying 101 different things.
    I love creativity AND productivity which isn't a bad thing, right?

  55. I'm good at not taking on too much, but since I lack the basic skill of stress management, I'm always overwhelmed. Not sure what to do about this. Take more breaks, create more lists, get more sleep? Who knows. I just keep trucking along.

  56. I have a tendency to plan for more than I ever can accomplish, but I guess that's better than sitting around doing nothing. Good luck with everything! Love the Dragon Soldiers' image. :)

  57. Well you sound pretty darn busy. Surely doing another 26 posts in April isn't all that much more for you to handle.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  58. It's tough not to overdo it in our high-speed multi-tasking culture, but it seems like plenty of writers have a lot of plates in the air these days -- we're all striving to get our work out there in as many ways as possible. I tend to do better when I can focus on one thing at a time, and I wish you well in that endeavor.

  59. Good luck on your paranormal stories! And yes, I often find myself with more work than time :)

  60. I know exactly what it's like to be overdoing it. I can't seem to do one thing at a time either! Good luck getting everything done!

  61. Hi Diane! I know what you mean about not being able to focus on one thing at a time. However, for me it isn't an age issue, it's an "always" issue :) I've never been able to focus on one thing at a time in my life. In fact, as I age I think I might actually be a little better at it....I think.... :)
