Sunday, March 30, 2014

Reflections and Moving Forward - Analyzing a Book Launch by Stephen Tremp

As I was working with my editor in the months leading up to the release of Escalation: The Adventures of Chase Manhattan, I needed to also devise how I would market my book. I decided to have two plans, each with a different way of promoting. Plan A and Plan B.

Plan A: The Quick Strike: I had a number of large target audiences and I would try to get most of the downloads the first week. Get that huge spike in sales. Rise to the top of one or more categories on the Amazon Best Sellers List such as mystery, action, adventure, or SciFi. The result would be sales and bragging rights as an Amazon Best Seller. The downside: a faster decline in sales after a few weeks.

Plan B: More Consistent Sales: A steady curve upward and lasting over time rather than the quick spike. I might not have that “Amazon Best Seller” in a particular category, but that’s okay. I would still sell a lot of copies, just over a longer period of time.
It became clear right away Plan A would not happen. I used what worked so well for me for Breakthrough and Opening; social media. But for whatever reasons, I never got that huge surge of sales this time around. The Escalation Blog Tour, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and LinkedIn failed to sell 100 books. This is strange as I’ve had well over 10,000 in sales and downloads of Breakthrough and Opening.

What, Me Worry? Going into this I understood I would need to move in another direction. What worked then will probably not be enough to work now. However, I am very much surprised I did so poorly the first few weeks using social media.
But I know I have something really good with my completed trilogy. And Plan B has a lot of open doors. However, they will take place throughout the rest of this year rather than happen in an all out quick social media blitz.

Bookstores: I’ve had my first two books in Barnes & Noble and Borders Books across the country. I’ve done dozens of book signings and living in southern California met hundreds of tourists from all over the world. But that ship has sailed. I no longer have this luxury or this exposure. However, I will be doing book signings at Indie bookstores in Los Angeles and Hollywood.
And I do have some things in the works regarding a movie as there are people in the business more than intrigued with my story. I also have some other stuff planned that will reach thousands of people across the globe. Stay tuned.

Moving Forward: Hey, I have a complete trilogy. This does give me a bit of clout and momentum. And I live in the entertainment capital of the world and southern California attracts tourists from all over the world. I’m actually selling a lot of physical books up and down the beach to tourists and locals. Once Escalation is in print next month, I’ll have one more book to sell.
I also have a couple really cool and kind of creepy novellas I’m working on. For these I’ll seek out a small publisher. Then I’ll come back to more adventures of Chase Manhattan.
Well, that’s all for now. Thanks to everyone who has helped and supported me along this wild and crazy journey. I could not have done this without you. And thank you Diane for hosting me! The future is indeed looking bright. I just need to move beyond social media.

Stephen Tremp is the author of the Breakthrough series. Together, Breakthrough, Opening, and Escalation follow the lives of the unlikely participants from innocence to a coming of age through sacrifice, betrayal, passion, lust, unconditional love, and hope. Escalation will appeal to fans of modern-day science fiction, paranormal, action, horror, and even romance.

Stop by Stephen’s Blog for more information on the Breakthrough series.

And to download Escalation: The Adventures of Chase Manhattan CLICK HERE.


  1. A film would be fabulous.

  2. I'll take a movie!
    Just keep putting the word out there. Keep building momentum. Trust me, you just don't know when it will explode.

  3. Hey Diane and Stephen,

    Let's get that blockbuster happening. I'd watch it. Heck, I'll even sell the overpriced popcorn at the cinema.

    Good to see one of my adoring author fans here.

    Keep it going, dude.

    Gary :)

  4. Hey Stephen, it's not surprising you did better earlier with social media than later. Now that authors are on the social media bandwagon I think readers have total overload with the sheer number of tweets, facebook posts, groups, goodreads blah blah etc all shooting for sales. I think you're on the right just have to keep finding new ways. Sadly, others will be paddling that boat too. Your books just have to be so good so word of mouth will sell them once they're out there.

    I admire your spunk. All the best chasing those sales.

  5. You are doing the right thing, Stephen. What works in one case will not work every single time. You will find the right way.

  6. I'm sure Stephen's work will reach around the globe. A movie would be fantastic.

  7. If there was one way everyone would be doing it. Good for you for looking at the bigger (movie) picture.

    Good luck.

  8. Thanks for sharing what worked and didn't work with your marketing plan. I think the best piece of advice is to have a plan B, which you have definitely thought out. Fingers crossed on the movie.

  9. Gary, you'd make a killing on the popcorn.

    Denise, I agree that there's overload here online.

  10. Hi Diane - good to see Stephen's summary plans here .. amazing how quickly the market changes ..

    For some reason I've seen Chase in Boston in the snow (Breakthrough) and I can certainly envisage the scene in a movie ... so I sure hope that comes off.

    You are certainly putting the books out there any which way .. and now you've a series - that's great.

    Cheers and good luck - Hilary

  11. Sounds like you've got a great plan, Stephen--and you've already got the most important part down...keep writing books. :)

  12. Thank you Diane for hosting me. This is a great place to cap off the Blog Tour!

  13. Very interesting information, Stephen. What worked before doesn't always work the now. The whole marketing thing is evolving so quickly, and I think there's just so much noise.

    I think you've got a good plan, and it's something I'd like to emulate.

  14. I like your willingness to change with the marketplace as it does and not get TOO frustrated. It is hard when what used to work doesn't any longer, but it means that something WILL work that you have yet to discover. Hang in there. I do believe it will sort itself out!!!

  15. Stephen,
    You're doing different things and I believe that's a wise choice. For a while now, I haven't had time to do any sort of big marketing/promo thrust and I've seen the result in a decline in sales, but I'm thankful that the numbers are slim, but consistent. I guess the important thing is to keep the momentum going in the marketplace.

  16. I'd go see anything by you, Mr. Stephen!


  17. Thanks for sharing, Stephen!

    I'm kind of in that boat now and because technology and social media is constantly changing there isn't one "right" way anymore. :)

  18. Thanks for sharing your experiences Stephen.

  19. Thanks all for stopping by and for your kind and encouraging words. There are lots of good things on the horizon. But it is frustrating not to have the big leap out of the gate.

  20. I love science fiction, Escalation sounds great!

  21. Thanks so much for this overview, Stephen. And thanks to you, Diane, for hosting. :)

  22. Here's to that movie. Big leaps aren't always the way to make it. Remember that old fable about the tortoise and the hare.

  23. I am amazed to hear how much work promotion needs. I agree with Alex. Keep working at it and you will see the rewards on time.

  24. I'm interested in hearing more, Stephen. Thanks for having him guest post, Diane. The movie interest is intriguing and the something that will reach globally?
    Tell us more. We're listening.

  25. Stephen, I'll get my reviews up soon I hope though now it will probably be after April. Between A to Z and my stupid slow computer I've gotten a bit bogged down.

    I think the books have great cinematic potential. Hope that happens.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  26. Great post, Stephen. Keep it up! :)

  27. A movie? Imagine that? Sounds awesome!

  28. Sounds like Stephen is making another breakthrough and will be charting a slightly different, even more successful, course. Exciting. We're cheering you on, Stephen.

    Thanks for hosting, Diane.
    Be well.

  29. For me, social media only seems to work with people I personally know, and the people they've recommended my books to.

  30. I'm gobsmacked by Stephen's talent as a writer. If one of his works isn't turned into a blockbuster some day, I'll just cry! He's an amazing author and deserves all of the recognition he gets, and more!

  31. Stephen, the loss of Borders is a blow for authors promotions but I'm glad you're moving forward with more plans and ideas. We have to be inventive and see what happens.


  32. Thank you Diane again for hosting me! And for everyone who stopped by. Life's a funny thing sometimes. We need to prepare, have plan B, and adapt.

    I'll be Tweeting this post this week as I think it's good to share with the writing community what works and what does not.

  33. Stephen, you got a great response! Keep us posted.

  34. The more books you have out there the more successful you'll become. You seem to be doing everything else right. And I love the sound of your novellas.

  35. I love this idea for a post. I think the best goal is to aim for building long term fans. It's hard to hit bestseller lists--and it's more a hit and miss anyway.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Hi Diane and Stephen,
    Great Plans Ahead. A & B :-)
    Good combination.
    Congrats Diane,
    Keep it up
    All Good Wishes
    May you have a
    Great Sales Ahead
