Monday, March 24, 2014

Industry News, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group, and the A to Z Challenge

Some interesting tidbits from around the web:

Scholastic reported a slight loss for Q3, but is not concerned. RTTNews

NOOK Press™ Self-Publishing Platform Is Now Available to Authors and Publishers in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium. Book Business Magazine

As of March, there are over 10,000 newspapers and magazines now inside the Apple Newsstand. Talking News Media

The A to Z Challenge kicks off on April 1. I participated the last three years and was a co-host last year, but with so much I need to prepare for in May, I will not be involved this year. (I’m also dropping to Mondays only for a while except for IWSG Wednesdays.) It is an amazing opportunity for bloggers though, and I highly recommend it.

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group will be posting for the A to Z! The admins have divided up the letters and we’re each offering short tips throughout April. If you’ve not joined the group or checked out the blog, please do so.

In addition to a blog group and a website, there ‘s also IWSG Facebook. We have four themed days:
Motivational Monday
Wow it’s Wednesday
Fun Fridays
News & Promo Saturday
We invite you to join the group, ask questions, and get encouragement.
Please be respectful and limit your promotional items to Saturday only.

And since it is finally spring: 


  1. I'd never heard of Nook Press until today. I must check this information out. Thank you for this, Diane.
    I have to get my posts ready for the A-Z and IWSG now.

  2. 10,000 magazines available electronically? That pretty much guarantees I'd never be able to choose one! LOL

  3. Didn't hear the news about International Nook...thanks for sharing.

    Will miss seeing your A-Z posts, but totally understand your need to skip it! I've never been able to participate, although I've always enjoyed everyone's posts.

  4. Hi Diane .. it's great you've got lots on your plate - but we'll miss your A-Z postings ...

    10,000 magazines in the Apple Newsstand .. amazing ... and Nook is moving forward ... the market is evolving so fast ...

    IWSG postings for April sound fun .. cheers and good luck with your preparations .. cheers Hilary

  5. Vicki, be even sadder if you couldn't find one you wanted to read.

    Elizabeth, it's about time it went International.

  6. That's a lot of magazines and newspapers.

  7. I'm doing the A to Z but I feel rather precarious about my chances of not flying totally off the handle capability-wise. :)

  8. My latest book is nearing the end of it's journey into becoming my "Latest Baby". won't be long now before it is on sale.


  9. I personally haven't had ANY luck selling my book on NookPress. Don't know what the deal is.

    Technically it's Spring, but not here in St. Louis. 27 degrees right now. Brrrrr

  10. I am excited about A to Z this year. However, I completely understand why someone would opt out if they have big projects going on. We'll miss you, but we understand! I hope that you cover a lot of ground in the month of May.

    And that picture is gorgeous!!!

  11. Trisha, that's how I felt last year when I was a host.

    Karen, sometimes it's just too much, isn't it?

    Thank you, Robin.

  12. i love the hats!!! what a great time in disney - i'm jealous!

    and thanks for the news - good to hear and yay for iwsg participating in a to z =)

    see you in april!

  13. Oh I'm jealous of your daffodils! I can see green started to push through the ground. Hopefully soon!

  14. I'll miss your A to Z posts, Diane. You always give such great advice, I can only imagine you could publish a complete help-book with your A to Z posts!!

  15. Thanks for all the news. I love my daffodils but they're just poking little green shoots above the ground.

  16. Love your flowers. Thanks for the A to Z and ISWG reminders!

    Hugs and chocolate!

  17. What a pity that you won't be participating in the A to Z this year. I hope you'll be able to catch up on your work. Have a lovely Monday.

  18. Holly, they are late this year, but here now.

    Vanessa, I should be good to go come May.

  19. Beautiful flowers and thanks for the info and links. So many changes and a wealth of media out there.

  20. It may be spring where you are, not here though. Lovely picture of daffodils.

  21. So jealous of your beautiful daffodils!!! Gorgeous :)

    My life's too chaotic for the challenge and I'll be sitting out too.

  22. Beautiful daffodils! Things continue to change and grow. Thanks for the updates.

  23. Is it really spring? There's still snow in the forecast.

    I'll miss you in the Challenge!

  24. I keep meaning to join IWSG! I must pluck up my courage and make it so!

  25. Interesting updates. Love the flower photo. I'm afraid what blooms we have are about to be killed with a low tomorrow night of 28 degrees.

  26. Oh my gosh, I can't do it this year either. But it is fun.

    And I just joined IWSG!

  27. Jo, our minis are also just starting to bloom.

    JE, I hate to miss it, but will catch it next year.

    Spacerguy, just do it.

    Mason, we are still really cold at night here.

    Jennifer, wonderful!

  28. Can so relate to cutting back on blogging. And lucky you that it's Spring. So hope it comes here soon.

  29. So cool to see everyone excited for spring. Me, I'm glad to see winter starting on my side of the world.

  30. What pretty daffodils! The ones we have look pretty scraggly! Happy spring!

    Mary Montague Sikes

  31. Ah Daffodils...spring is still just a rumor here.

  32. Hi Diane,

    I'm having an alphabet nightmare! Please, make this madness stop. Thank you.

    Yes, it's finally spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

    Gary :)

  33. And thank goodness you will be on the sidelines this year, Diane.

    Gary :)

  34. I have Apple newsstand and never use it. 10,000 newspapers and magazines makes me think I'm missing something.

  35. Ahhhh. That's for the daffodils. Are they not the most rewarding flowers on planet earth?

  36. I will decline A-Z but know reading posts here and there will be great fun!

  37. Gary, it just wasn't going to happen this year.

    Maurice, I only get one magazine, so I'm not using it much either.

  38. Love the picture! Today it's 50 degrees and raining, bring on the flowers!

    A to Z is an amazing commitment and why I didn't sign up until I had it done. I still let it take me away from my WIP but need to find a balance between writing and marketing, and the A to Z is a form of marketing.

  39. Hadn't heard the news on International Nook, I have to check it out to find out more. This is my first A to Z so I'm excited, bummer you won't be participating, but of course its understandable! Hope you get lots done with your new blogging schedule ;)

  40. Love the splash of spring by daffodil photo. It looks like it's nice weather over there. (I hope.) It's mostly nice here too, but I haven't seen any daffodils.

    Be well, Spunk, and good luck with all you're juggling.


  41. Time for A to Z already. Wow. Love the daffodils!

  42. Yay for spring! We're still getting snow, though :( The A to Z Challenge is an amazing experience, which is why I have 2 blogs in it this year.

  43. Hi, L. Diane,

    SPRING? What's that? Still in the 30's here in Chicago. BUT I did see a cardinal today, so hopefully we will have more that one 50 degree day. Tomorrow it should be 50, but drops back again... So tired of this. LOL.

    Beautiful Pic.... I've always loved daffodils!

    THANKS for the suggestion for I... Ice Dogs it is!

  44. I'm still recovering from A2Z 2011, but I'm sure I'll be reading more than a few alphabetical posts next month -- and enjoying them.

  45. Very cool that the IWSG is doing AtoZ. That will be another blog worth following.

  46. I'll have to check out the Nook's self publishing platform. I haven't looked at it yet. Thanks for the news, as always!


  47. I will miss your postings this year in the A-Z but understand. The ISWG Group is really evolving isn't it? The picture of the daffodils make me hopeful. Mine aren't in bloom yet.
