Monday, April 29, 2013

A to Z Challenge - YouTube

For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers, along with a daily photo. (All photos taken by me.)

You Tube is the #1 video resource. It’s the best place to track down book trailers, video interviews, news, and just about anything else under the sun.

You Tube is not alone though. These sites also feature videos:

Meta Cafe
Daily Motion

There are dozens of sites, including several social sites.

How many of you have a video or book trailer on You Tube or another site?

How many want one?

Visit other participants in the A to Z Challenge HERE

And your daily photo: "Yoda"

$14.95 Trade paperback ISBN 978-0-9827139-5-2
$4.99 Ebook ISBN 978-0-9827139-9-0

Purchase at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle UK, and Powell’s.


  1. You Tube is one area I really haven't explored much for promo. But I see many writers who have a whole channel of stuff up there (KM Weiland comes to mind).

    I didn't know about those other video sites...thanks!

  2. You tube never entered my mind for promotion, another outlet, Thanks for putting the information in your great Y post.
    Loved the photo....very cute.


  3. Gotta love and use YouTube. Great 'Y' choice.

  4. Youtube can keep me busy for hours

  5. I don't have a video or a book trailer on YouTube or any other site.

    Though it might be cool to have a book trailer one day.

  6. My teenage son doesn't spend time on social media sites, but he lives on YouTube.

  7. I put my book trailer on YouTube. Somehow having it there made it feel very official.

  8. Elizabeth, I was surprised how many video sites were out there when I started looking.

    Melanie, doesn't it?

  9. My two book trailers are on YouTube!

  10. You tube is a great resource.

    That baby kitten is a Yoda candidate.

  11. I love watching trailers on YouTube. It's a wonderful resource for writers because a lot of the younger generation may be attracted to reading a book after seeing a video on YouTube.

  12. I have a couple of Youtube pieces, and also a few Vimeos of my Let's Talk! television interviews with fascinating people.

  13. Oh, man... I'm TERRIFIED of the whole video arena. I don't like to be seen, and the idea of trailers makes me nervous... I mean if I had a publisher that made one, that would be one thing, but ME making one? SCARY. I know I need to get over it--I have some stuff in the pike that could benefit.

  14. I have a channel, I've posted a couple of videos including a book trailer done on a shoestring budget. Interestingly enough I've gotten some traffic off of it, but nothing impressive. But then again I haven't put much into it.

  15. Lee, she grew up to be a beautiful cat.

  16. Not sure if I'm going to do a book trailer or not. Too many of them aren't very good.

    Plus, I don't know how effective they are.

  17. That makes perfect sense in today's 'video age'....great idea.

  18. I haven't used YouTube for promotion but I sure can waste a lot of time on it. Addictive.

  19. Jay, if financially feasible, I say use every option.

  20. I haven't thought about YouTube for promotion. Love that Yoda kitty picture.

  21. Love that photo of Yoda! :)
    I do have one book trailer posted on Youtube, which is easy to repost on Goodreads and my author page at Amazon. I didn't realize there were any other sites!

  22. I have a book trailer for an out of print book that my kind and talented friends made for me. I'd like to do more.

  23. I do have one book trailer on YouTube but it's still one area I need to use more.

  24. Yes, I have a book trailer on YouTube, also a video of family antics. I subscribed to Vimeo, but never did anything with it. I think YT is enough.

  25. forgot to mention how much that kitty looks like Yoda. So cute!

  26. Well, if I could figure out how to do a video I'd LOVE to have a book trailer on YouTube.

    You video seems so professional and simple and yet it tells about FIVE books! Excellent.

  27. I have to get more involved in Youtube. Another great picture.

  28. I don't really watch book trailers. I'd rather read a book jacket.

    Cute YODA!


  29. YouTube...maybe one day. I would like to learn to make my own trailers. Love the new yoda kitty :)

  30. I hadn't considered putting my book on Youtube, thanks for that thought.

  31. I have trailers up on You Tube. You can learn about any craft imaginable on You Tube. :)

  32. Diane,

    YouTube, a fantastic base for info and promotion. Liked your video and you know it's always good to get out of what can actually be an uncomfortable comfort zone. The music was so eighties.


  33. YouTube is my favorite of them all.

  34. Hi Diane .. I'd love to do some audio using my English voice .. I'd have to ease into the YouTube .. perhaps I could do voice-overs!

    So pleased you mentioned YouTube and the others ..

    Cheers Hilary

  35. I have never used Youtube of videos for anything other than fun. I guess I need to write a book first. :)

    Rhonda @Laugh Quotes

  36. I'm on Youtube. Thanks for the other video sites. I'll check them out of consider putting my videos on them too.

