Saturday, April 27, 2013

A to Z Challenge - Xtra Mile

For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers, along with a daily photo. (All photos taken by me.)

(Yes, extra begins with an E - just go with me on this one!)

What is the xtra mile?

It’s doing more than what’s required.

It’s going out of your way.

It’s taking the initiative.

It’s stepping past the masses.

It’s being your best toward others.

It’s doing what others are not willing to do to succeed!

Are you going the xtra mile to fulfill your writing dreams?

Visit other participants in the A to Z Challenge HERE

And your daily photo: "Xtremely Creepy"

$14.95 Trade paperback ISBN 978-0-9827139-5-2
$4.99 Ebook ISBN 978-0-9827139-9-0

Purchase at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle UK, and Powell’s.


  1. Yeah... that photo freaks me out.

  2. I love the motivation behind this post. Go the extra mile! Here in NZ the phone companies internet service is xtra, so it doesn't even look funny to me spelt this way.

    Rhonda @Laugh Quotes

  3. Pro activeness!

    Love the photo. What is that???

  4. Good post the X is always a problem.
    That photo was rather scary.

    Enjoy your week-end.

  5. I couldn't tell what it was at first, which was creepy. When I figured it out, I'm like yeah...creepy all right.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  6. Yep, that photo is definitely creepy. I'm so glad I'm looking at it in the morning and not just before I go to bed.

  7. Agree with Misha. Going the X-tra mile is the difference between really good and greatness. Then beyond that is the Epic read. *Eyes Widen*

  8. Cool, how did you get such a pic?

    We have to do everything we can to succeed because it is a tough business. If others are going the extra mile we need to go another ten miles!

  9. Good advice on all counts.

    I love those crunchy little buggers you photographed. When they come out en masse, my dog eats them by the truck load!

  10. Lass, that is an empty Cicada shell.

    Nick, it's tough to stay ahead of the pack. And I took that shot with my old Nikon point-and-shot, held about four inches from the dead critter.

  11. I was going to say it was a cicada shell, obviously living in NC I saw many of them. Heck of a picture though Diane.


  12. I'm trying!
    I've seen those shells before. Such a freaky creature.

  13. YUK...

    That is GROSS and CREEPY!

    And you are so correct, L. Diane, a writer must go the X-TRA mile or ten to succeed. It's not just about the talent. It is the driving force behind it.

  14. It's frightening seeing insects enlarged.

  15. Bugs for extremely creepy to me. They are the one creature I'm very, very uncomfortable being around.
    I'm trying to do the extra.

  16. It's important to go the "x-tra" mile. It makes all the difference in your chance for success.

  17. This challenge has certainly motivated me to go that xtra mile ;)

  18. Great motivation.

    And I'd like to add that I'm X-tremely happy insects are small and humans are large.

  19. I always go that Xtra mile. Although, now we're in metric, I go that Xtra kilometre. Besides, it's a shorter distance with the same result.

  20. Ugh! Yes, creepy. :)
    It's a rare person who can succeed with little effort and yet most people still look for that magic bullet - or pill - or shortcut.

  21. I like creepy! :) Going the extra mile is a great way to stand out, but not by doing annoying hard sales pitches.

  22. I am!

    Sign me up.

    That bug is gross.


  23. That is creepy! Well, I think most writers have to go the extra mile to make their books recognized. Artist in general have to.

  24. Is that ugly bug crawling the Xtra mile?

  25. I'm trying to go that extra mile but I feel as though I might be trudging up the down escalator.

  26. Hi Diane .. the Xtra mile sets us apart doesn't it .. cheers Hilary

  27. I have to go the xtra mile because no one else is going do it for me!

    Interesting critter. What is it?

  28. Yikes! I'm going that extra mile to get away from that.

  29. Yes! I'm willing to go the extra mile!

    The bug photo is hard for me to look at . . . but that's just about me and bugs. Your photography is awesome!

  30. Please tell me that is not a bug that lives in North America.

  31. Sometimes I forget that it's important to keep moving, even when I don't feel like it. Yup, that's a creepy-looking bug.

  32. I couldnt work out what it was but it looked like a dragonfly larva at first... not far off!
    Thanks for co-hosting the Challenge - I'm just going an xtra mile round the blogs to thank people I've not got to on the list. Partly because my internet connection has been awful this year and every blog takes longer to load. And then it cuts out when I'm in the middle of the comment. Fortunately I've noticed, so I won't press 'publish' and lose it. Like I usually do. Aargh!
    Jemima at Jemima's blog

  33. Jo, I'm sure you saw lots of them.

    Carol, he would be terrifying if he were bigger than us!

    Gary - LOL!

    Bob, I think he's crawled his last mile.

    Bish, it is the shell of a cicada.

    Melanie, lives in the South - perfectly harmless though.

    Jemima, it's been an honor to co-host.

  34. I don't do nearly enough and I knew it. Excuses, excuses. I need to find some inner motivation. Yeah, the bug is creepy. Thanks for that.

  35. Ack! What is that frightening bug? But I guess any bug pictured that big would be scary. *shivers*

  36. all your posts go the xtra mile! thanks for the links, advice & support!

    checking out lit mktplace & your blog tour posts.
    you have so much info to share! thanks!

  37. That's one scary lookin' bug. I think I need to go that xtra mile a bit more often- thanks for the reminder!!!
    A2Z Mommy And What’s In between

  38. I have to agree with some others - going the distance, going that extra mile leads to greatness. Those who settle for less will never know the joy of reaching the stars

  39. Well done Diane and so true!
    It is like a marathon and dance...
    We must do both ;D

    I love what Tara said, I agree!
