Thursday, April 25, 2013

A to Z Challenge - Virtual Tours

For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers, along with a daily photo. (All photos taken by me.)

A virtual tour consists of visiting a new website or blog every day. “Stops” in your virtual tour consist of interviews, articles/guest posts, reviews, giveaways, and video/audio podcasts. Length varies, but two weeks/ten stops is best.

PR agents and virtual tour services are available, or an author can set up his or her own tour. Contact potential hosts two to four months in advance, as big site books early.

For a more in-depth look at setting up and conducting a blog tour, see Part I and Part II of my blog tour series.

Have you done a blog tour yet?

Visit other participants in the A to Z Challenge HERE

And your daily photo: "Velvet Soft"

$14.95 Trade paperback ISBN 978-0-9827139-5-2
$4.99 Ebook ISBN 978-0-9827139-9-0

Purchase at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle UK, and Powell’s.


  1. No, I never did a tour when my books were published maybe I should have,

  2. Nope, no tour. And, is that moth for real?

  3. I'm doing one starting next week. It will be a first ever for me, so I contracted it out to a professional.

  4. I haven't done one yet, but my main concern would be making all the posts different enough to keep people's interest, and not keep regurgitating the same stuff.

  5. Yvonne, it's never too late.

    Em, yes it is real, and less than an inch long.

    Melanie, hope it's a big success.

    Nick, that's why I recommend 10 or less, because otherwise it does become repetitive.

  6. No book yet published, but I'm working on it. LOL.

    I will definitely do a blog tour when the time comes.

    Really fantastic pic! And only and inch long? Impressive.

  7. Cool photo!
    I was just reminding Jess she needs to set up a blog tour. :)

  8. Beautiful photo! Tours have to balance a fine line between being informative and becoming annoying.

  9. Oh yes. I've done two online tours. They're as exhausting as this Challenge, but through them I've met a lot of great bloggers.

    I'm blown away by that velvety moth image.

  10. I've done two!
    That moth is amazing.

  11. Not yet but I know it's a lot of work.

  12. I had to look twice at your picture to figure out what it was. I've never seen a moth like that!

  13. I've done one tour. And it took me a bit to figure out that pic as well! Very cool. Stop by my blog, I gave you an award, Diane!

    Mel at Writings Musings and Other Such Nonsense

  14. Michael, he was tiny.

    Matthew, and I've seen both.

    Sherry, I guess they are common around here.

  15. LOOOOVE moths.
    I am currently illustrating a book about moths and their potential magic powers...obviously non-fiction. :P
    Thanks for the pic!
    XO Pen
    Visiting from A to Z:

  16. I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed.

    Nice pic. That's just amazing.


  17. I haven't really done much of a book tour. I'm thinking of trying it though for my next book.

  18. I am seriously impressed by that moth's colors. It looks like it ended up on the wrong side of a paintbrush or a magic experiment . . .

  19. Yes, I have. Times two. Lots of work, lots of fun. And worth the effort.

  20. Great picture! I've done small tours but never big ones.

  21. Nice moth! I should set up a blog tour. I tried to in the fall but couldn't get in to enough blogs...

  22. Good info, as always, Diane.

    Pink and yellow against the black is interesting.

  23. I've done two and will put together a third very soon. Cool pic of the moth. My kids want to pet it.

  24. wonder full cover blog .this is fantastic.

    book publicist
