Friday, November 02, 2012

Hammy the Squirrel

Something a little different today.

Recently Hart Johnson had a post, Nakedness Disrobed, where she talked about her image online and being true to herself. I left a comment and it got me to thinking.

Online, I wear many hats. Part of me is an author of both YA fiction and non-fiction. Part of me is a professional speaker. Part of me offers services to writers such as publishing consultation and book formatting. And of course, this blog is geared toward publishing and promoting tips. So I try to maintain a certain level of professionalism.

The real me? I’m Hammy the Squirrel.

For those of you who haven’t seen the animated film, Over the Hedge, Hammy is a very energetic, hyperactive, happy-go-lucky squirrel. He’s so hyper, he’s not allowed energy drinks. (Until the end when his maniacal energy saves the day.)

In real life, that’s me. My husband says I am the Energizer Bunny. I am a bundle of nervous energy with only two settings - full stop and warp 9. On top of it, I’m Type A and always have to be doing something productive. (I am allowed energy drinks though.)

That comes through in my speaking. I’m not a detail guru nor am I really funny. I can make people laugh, but I’m not one of those speakers who has people rolling in the aisle. But the one thing I can do well is bring a lot of energy to my talks. I didn’t gain the nickname Spunk on a Stick for nothing!

Unfortunately, I don’t think it comes through very well in my writing. I have improved - since my upcoming book, How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now, is based on two seminars I teach, I was able to infuse some of my energy and enthusiasm into the pages. But online, I don’t think that part of my personality comes through very strong.

What I’d like to do is start dumping more of ME online I’d like to see if I can still maintain professionalism while letting more of my personality shine through.

So thus begins the great Hammy experiment.

I hope you are all ready for the ride!


  1. I can't wait for the Great Hammy Experiment. :D

    I loved that movie. I might have to watch it again soon. :D

  2. If you manage to stop time like Hammy did, let me know. I've been trying to do that for years.

  3. Bring on the Hammy! :D Now I have to go re-watch Over the Hedge.

  4. I watched this film again last week and a casual comment to my husband made me realize I really am Hammy. Time to act the part all over!

  5. I love Hammy! Can't wait, Diane!


  6. Hi Diane .. I haven't seen the movie - but sort of imagined you'd be 'super woman' .. but Hammy is another level! Squirrels do run around like blue-arsed flies .. they're everywhere I watch them on the lawn .. up and down, over and out ... Yay I'll be watching these posts with interest! Cheers Hilary

  7. Hey, can you bottle some of that energy and send me some. I need a big boost.

    I'm Hammy as well--as in a country ham or a Honey Baked Ham. Mmmm! Now I'm hungry.

    Tossing It Out

  8. Can I have some of your energy? :) I'm sure it'll be a fun ride, Diane.

  9. Lee and M Pax, if I could bottle that energy and sell it I would!

  10. Love this post, and would love to see more of the Hammie you!

  11. I can't wait to get know the 'you' I could meet in person.

  12. loll, ok so at Book 'Em next year when I see you I'll mention "hammie"

  13. I haven't read Hart's post but I understand the conflict of our various personalities/professions/voices and how it's difficult to maintain the balance, especially as one's career takes off. Not that mine has but this is at the root of my decision to divide myself between my blog and website. One for editor, one for author. I'll watch yours to see what Hammy is up to!

  14. I LOVE Hammy! Stay away from the caffeine. :)

  15. Never seen Hammy will have to look for it.

    Best of luck with your experiments.

  16. We love that movie and have the DVD. My favorite character is the Hedge they call Steve at the beginning of the movie.

  17. I can't wait! You're so great in person; it will be a treat to see more of "you" in your writing! Thanks for mentioning Hammy, because now I'll have to watch the movie.

  18. I've never seen Hammy, so I'm looking foward to it.

  19. The squid and the man. For me, it's come to be the same self existing in alternate realities. Are there differences? Sure. The squid's chattier.

  20. Hammy? Sounds like a fun character. Hmmm, this should be interesting... can't wait to see what you share...

  21. This sounds like a really fun experiment! Personally though I always like what I read on your blog :) Still, I look forward to seeing how this experiment goes!

  22. I love seeing people's personalities shine through on their blogs. Energy and enthusiasm are definitely traits you don't need to hide :-)

  23. I'm such a loser, I've never watched Over the Hedge, but some might say it looks like me on too much caffeine. I can see this about you, in a positive way.

  24. Looking forward to 'meeting' Hammy!
