Monday, October 29, 2012

Monstrous Monday Blogfest

Today is the Monstrous Monday Blogfest, hosted by Tim Brannan.

My favorite monster actually ties in very well with my blog’s theme, because it’s the result of one author’s attention to detail, world building, and quality writing.

My favorite monster is Cthulhu, along with all of the other creations from the mind of author H. P. Lovecraft.

Back in the 20’s and 30’s, Lovecraft wrote over a hundred short stories and a few novelettes. He was the master world builder, creating new realms in our world, the Dreamlands, and in our past and future. Most were tied together by a common thread - the Mythos. This was a major undertaking, especially during Lovecraft’s time. But between the worlds, the Mythos, the unique monsters, and vivid imagery, the author created stories that were creepy and frightening on a whole new level.

Lovecraft’s books have inspired others for decades. August Derleth has continued Lovecraft’s work, producing more tales of terror and compiling the master’s works into numerous volumes. A RPG game was created, Call of Cthulhu. (Yes, I was the Keeper when we played.) Countless bad movies have been made and Lovecraft’s work has inspired artists. Cthulhu appears on t-shirts and slippers - even as stuffed toys. (I have one of those, too!)

My thanks to the master of horror for creating the Mythos and Cthulhu!

Visit others participating in this blogfest:

What is your favorite monster?


  1. I haven't read those - but what an awesome legacy! There are a lot of fabulous monsters out there :)

  2. I haven't read the books...but what a monster! Anything that lives in the ocean is just doubly-scary to me.

  3. I've not heard of these books. I love a good monster tale, though.

  4. Ooo, very cool monster! This is a fun bloghop. I'm not sure I have a favorite monster. Hmm, I'll have to think about it! I always though it'd be cool to be friends with dragons, though, like Princess Cimorene is in The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede.

  5. Aww, even a little stuffed Cthulhu. I know enough about Lovecraft to know I should stay away from his stories or risk nightmares...forever!

  6. Jemi, Elizabeth, and Ciara, you need to pick up a Lovecraft book. He's the true master of horror.

    Laura, ever since reading Anne McCaffrey's books, I've always wanted my own dragon.

  7. Looks like I'm part of the I-didn't-read-that-book club.

    Anyway, I love monsters. Always have.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  8. Lovecraft is a true master. What scary, fascinating worlds he created. My favorite monster is the werewolf. I love the idea of the full moon and the beast. I also blame Lon Chaney, Jr. and The Wolfman. :)

  9. An interesting choice of monster, L Diane! What a great idea for a blogfest.

  10. I haven't read those. I personally like Sully from Monsters Inc.!

  11. Lovecraft wrote some creepy stuff.

  12. Another new monster to meet! Thank you for introducing me.

  13. Anyone who hasn't picked up a work of Lovecraft's is truly missing out. Great choice!

  14. I haven't read it, but I have been educated by my 12 year old about the monster.

  15. I seriously love H.P. Lovecraft - I really wish I'd thought to post on this one. Excellent monster choice.

  16. Shelly, you need to read some of his work.

    Steven, yes they are.

    SL, I wish they'd make a decent Lovecraft film.

  17. Great pick. I don't really know what my favorite monster is. I'd have to categorize them my era or something. The stare my favorite in each section. :)

  18. I don't have the imagination to create a monster like that and I'm too squeamish to read about them. Too many childhood nightmares!

  19. Very, very cool. Of course I love H.P. Lovecraft. It's a shame I don't talk about him more on my own blog really.

    The books were great (still are) and I loved playing Call of Cthulhu.

    Thank you so much for participating in my little bloghop. I really appreciate that.


  20. Monsters are not for me. I'm one of those who hides her face during scary movie scenes...

  21. I don't remember reading any of Lovecraft's stories, but I definitely recognize the monster. So terribly creepy, and yet I totally want to tug on those tentacles:)

  22. Excellent choice! I have my own stuffed Cthulhu which my son has taken for his own. I posted a Lovecraft monster today too. :)

  23. I'm definitely going to have to sit down and read some of Lovecraft's stories. Great monster choice!

  24. A very awesome pick. Lovecraft was a master indeed.

  25. Great pick of a monster with a connection to one of the masters.

  26. Never heard of him before - looks kind of like a squid

  27. Cthulu is rather entertaining, I understand your fascination! Lovecraft did so well creating him that even people who haven't read his works recognise the monster.


  28. That's one creepy monster. I much prefer the stuffy version. :D

  29. Nancy, I love horror films, but I only like a few horror authors. I'd have a blast creating creatures like that.

    Thanks for hosting, Tim. Been years since I played Call of Cthulhu, but it was fun.

    Gwen, the stuffed one is cute!

    Baygirl, he does kinda.

    Jai, that is true.

  30. The Cthulhu? That is one creepy monster. Thanks for sharing. I hadn't heard of it before now.

  31. I'm not really a big fan of monsters. They give me nightmares. Haven't read any of these books, might add a couple to my TBR. If I had to choose a monster it would be a werewolf. I guess because I like animals.

  32. Coolness. I know of this but have never read any. Weird, right?

    Thanks for stopping by my page.


  33. Thanks L Diane. I've heard of these, but I'm not so much into horror. Thanks for your whale comment on my blog.

  34. Am I the only one who prefers Cookie Monster? Okay, so I'm a wimp. I can't help it.

  35. Everyone needs to read at least one Lovecraft story!

  36. What I want to know do you pronounce that name?!

    I love Anne McCaffrey's dragons too. :)

  37. Oh cthulu is probably my favorite monster, too! I love Lovecraft's imagination and the mythos he created. His writing style leaves something to be desired, but I think that is part of his era and the fact no one else had done what he was doing, so there really weren't role models for it. He was the primary influence, though, of my FAVORITE, Peter Straub.

  38. Not into monsters. Had heard of Cthulu tho. I want dragons and not monster dragons either.

  39. I don't think I've read any of Lovecraft's works, but he sounds like an amazing author.

  40. Wow! What a bloghop! Where was I when the signing up was being done? Oh well. Do you know, I've never read anything by HP Lovecraft but I'll have to remedy that fast. I honestly can't think of a nice monster - I keep thinking of Shrek, but I don't think he's one...

  41. Interesting choice!

    I still have yet to read anything by H.P. Lovecraft. He's definitely on my list, though.

  42. Laura, it's pronounced - kə-THOO-loo.

    Hart, he can be a challenge to read, but I think it was a style of the time.

    Susan, the ones in Monsters Inc. were nice.

  43. Shrek is definitely a monster as were the ones in Monsters Inc. All nice friendly monsters though.

  44. Those books are totally new to me. What a great blogfest! I first heard of it earlier today at Alex's blog. I know, I'm a little behind.

  45. how does one pronounce that? seen it before but never knew the origin! must check out his writings! thanks!

  46. Wow! November had to set the record for Blogfests! My favorite monster? I think I have to hand it to the Dementors of the Harry Potter series.

  47. Wow! November had to set the record for Blogfests! My favorite monster? I think I have to hand it to the Dementors of the Harry Potter series.

  48. Tara, it's pronounced - kə-THOO-loo.

  49. I learned something new today, thank you! Hope your week is going well. :)

  50. Ah yes, a bit of Lovecraft's books. Hadn't thought about that author in ages.

    My favourite 'monster' is Ogopogo. Okay, Ogopogo is actually the cutest darned lake creature, ever!


  51. I have never read any of Lovecraft's work though I know about his influence. I am familiar with the music of the 60's psychedelic group H.P. Lovecraft who were inspired by the author's works.

    Tossing It Out
