Friday, September 28, 2012

Wal-Mart Pulls Kindles and Friday Inspirational Photo

From ZDNet:

“Late last week Wal-Mart announced that it will no longer sell the Amazon Kindle and Kinde Fire in its stores, joining Target in rejecting the devices. While the argument could be made that the razor-thin margins on those products contributed to that decision, the real reason is clearer: Amazon's tablets are a gateway to easy ordering from, which means fewer sales for Target and Wal-Mart.”

Wal-Mart still sells other tablets, including the iPad. Amazon is considering opening mini-shops to compete with Apple’s chain of stores and smaller shops, giving buyers the opportunity to check out a Kindle in person.

Think it’s a smart move for Wal-Mart? Think other companies are now leery of Amazon’s growing power?

And your inspirational photo of the day:

A toasty fire to keep you warm...


  1. I had no idea, thanks for the update. It's not so much that they choose not to carry a popular item but that it seems like big retailers are running scared from Amazon and doing whatever they can to make a stand. It makes me wonder where this is all headed.

  2. Frankly, I couldn't care less what cheesy Walmart does. Like I would go there to buy a book? I like my Fire and it is easy to upload E-books but it doesn't take the place of the almighty paperback for which I shop bookstores-indi. if possible. Buying books at box stores would be like shopping for a rake in the bookstore. "They" think they can be everything to everyone and end up being nothing to many.

  3. Karen, I think they are taking a stand. Good for them.

    Yvonne, I'll be curious to see how many more stores follow suit. I don't shop at WalMart either, but I do shop at Target.

  4. I rarely shop at Wal-Mart in Canada but enjoy the Wal-Mart in Morehead City, NC. I didn't even know they sold Kindle, got mine direct from Amazon. I know many people prefer good old fashioned books, but it seems to me that one of these days, they will be a thing of the past like vinyl records.

  5. Historically speaking all great powers fall. Kindle is making the best argument for readers to use their product. If someone else establishes a product that allows for quicker uploads for Authors, easy downloads for readers, and discounted e-books, Amazon will struggle. IMHO

  6. Walmart shallmart; all they're doing is pushing ALL sales of Kindle products to Amazon! They at least could have made money off of the hardware before. I don't see many people shopping on when they can just go to Amazon and get the same prices, if not better.

  7. Amazon scares the life out of me. It's becoming too powerful in too many areas. But I'm not too crazy about WalMart for the same reason. I try to shop small/indie and local whenever I can.

  8. One of the few things I love about winter is fires in our big fireplace.
    I'm getting tired of the games being played between retailers who try to blackball others so consumers have to pay more.

  9. Well, this is something, isn't it? It will be interesting to see how it plays out. I was surprised when I first saw the Kindle in stores like Walmart and Office Depot. Thanks for the info and the fire. :) Have a great weekend!

  10. Oh, looks like Walmart's a bit scared!

    Amazon's power is a little frightening. But then Walmart's power has been frightening for a long time. Looks like a bigger fish may have just shown up.


  11. Amazon vs Wal-Mart. Wow. They're both giants. Amazon's power makes me nervous, too.

  12. Living in the UK it really dosen't bother me, but when I have visited the US have found Walmart a splendid store and perhaps they could be making a mistake in taking Kindle off the market......but that's only my opinion,

  13. I didn't realize Walmart sold Kindles either! :)

  14. I had no idea WalMart sold Kindles. But I love my Kindle, however, it hasn't stopped me from buying books. There's room for both worlds.

  15. Jo, I think they will, too.

    Ciara, Apple's Itunes already offers all that Amazon does, which is why it dominates the tablets with 79% of the market.

    Randi, I don't think they were making hardly anything on the sales and then losing media sales on top of it.

    LD, I agree!

    Karen, I'm a Target shopper, too.

    Jai, and that bigger fish is Apple.

    Kathi, there is room!

  16. Thanks for the info, Diane. I guess only time will tell if it was the right move or not.

  17. Well, it's really hot here at Pakistan. The fire picture is amazing, but it made me feel even more warmer. :p

  18. My CPs and I were just talking about this and how they rarely see Kindles on sale anywhere.
    As someone whose old publisher just got bought out by Amazon, yeah, I'm leary of them too.
