Monday, May 07, 2012

A to Z Challenge Reflections

I survived another A to Z Challenge! I say survived because I don’t feel like I conquered it.

I stopped posting daily two years ago because I just couldn’t keep up. Between speaking engagements, clients, and other duties, there are days when I’m away from my computer. I’d scheduled all of my posts for the A to Z, but responding to the daily comments was next to impossible.

I thought the hosts did a great job though. They made an A to Z blog, Facebook page, and removed a lot of inactive blogs from the list. They communicated well with everyone, too. I felt this year went much smoother and I hope they keep the same format for next year.

I’ve no idea what topic I’ll tackle next time, but I intend to participate in the A to Z in 2013.

Thank you A to Z Team and everyone who stopped by in April for leadership and goal-setting tips from my book, Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK!


  1. I didn't even know the hosts removed inactive blogs - the list always looked huge to me whenever I peeked. haha. But that's really good to know!

    Yeah, blogging daily for me is not easy either, and thankfully it's not the norm! But I really do like this A-Z challenge thing :)

  2. I loved the Challenge, especially finding new blog reads. I had trouble keeping up to all the reading and commenting, so will have to find a game plan for the next one and it'll probably take until next April to catch up. :)

  3. I have my theme picked out for next year already!

  4. I learned much from your A to Z posts and enjoyed the read also.
    Yes the team did wonders,
    I too planned ahead and am wondering what theme for next year.

    Congratulations for completing the challenge.

  5. Trisha, I can manage for one month out of the year, but that's it.

    Baygirl, I wish I did!

    Thank you, Yvonne. Nice to know someone benefited from my posts.

  6. Glad you had a good time! We really did try to clean up the list.

  7. Not sure I'll ever pick up the challenge but it's always fun to follow those who do. Great job.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. That's good news. It's also good to hear they weeded out the list.

  10. I was always so intimidated by the whole concept. I'm really glad I jumped in this year!

  11. Well yay for surviving! That's something!!

  12. Thanks for all the great info.
    Congrats on the challenge and thanks for the support.

  13. Awesome! I'm glad you're going to do it again.

  14. I enjoyed your posts! I'm glad I prescheduled mine as well - it was way too hard to keep up with comments, never mind trying to write posts as well :)

  15. I'm glad I found you during the challenge. I always like a girl with SPUNK! :) Congrats on finishing

  16. It was fun, but what a time commitment! And I never did get around to as many new blogs as I had hoped. I will do it again next year, but for now, I'm looking forward to a break.

  17. Jemi, I really couldn't have done it without scheduling posts ahead of time.

    Thank you, Heather.

  18. L.Diane, your posts were interesting and thank you for visiting me to learn about the childhood bloggers at times. I'm impressed that you're already putting your name down for next year. Every year I say I won't commit, but I'm going to try to resist next year. Too much time then you feel guilty when you can't hope to make your way around a fraction of the participants.


  19. That was definitely the best thing about the challenge. It never felt as if I was wasting my time on blogs that weren't taking part. :-)

  20. I don't think conquering is possible. It's like a mountain that keeps growing higher and higher as you climb it. Still it's fun to keep trying.

    Congrats on doing the challenge with spunk!

  21. Congrats for surviving the A to Z, and Yes, I agree, I can't say conquered either, since I'm still checking out some of the links.

    But survived is a great word, it indicates we at least tried!

    I'm sure I'll be there next year, pending world disasters, of course. . .

  22. I gave up daily blogging a long time ago except in special times like during the A-Z Challenge. I work full time and have a home and family to take care of. I'm generally a weekend blogger at best. This is my second year for the A-Z Challenge, I hope to be back again for 2013 :)

  23. Diane, I know that you did a heck of a lot better than me, who didn't even attempt the challenge! So well done for being so brave.

