Wednesday, May 02, 2012

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, hosted by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

I have a blog tour coming up in two weeks for Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK! Many of you read short excerpts of my book during the A to Z Challenge. One of the guest posts asked me to talk about my average writing day.

That really got me to thinking. Ten years ago, my typical writing day was so different than now. With my current schedule, I’m lucky to steal an hour now and then. I discovered that writing non-fiction requires at least an hour of my undivided attention. With fiction, I can be productive with 15 minutes here and there.

Ten years ago, I had several hours a day to write. I wasn’t online, so the Internet didn’t eat up my time. I was self-employed with only one business. I wasn’t speaking professionally. And I wasn’t going a thousand different directions, spreading myself thin.

For those of you not published yet, I say this - enjoy the present. Yes, I am proud of my six books and all of the opportunities that have come from being an author. But at some point, you begin to feel like a jack of all trades and master of none. You miss being able to focus on just one thing. You miss all the free time to write when everything else consumes your day.

Just enjoy your time now. And write like a maniac.

And my in-laws are coming for a joint anniversary celebration - our 21st (which was Tuesday, May 1) and their 50th. So I will be back on May 7 for the A to Z Challenge reflections post.


  1. Good advice! I hope you enjoy your blog tour, and have fun at your anniversary celebration!

  2. I've seen how crazy things get when you become published. That's why I'm happy in my revision cave. :D

    Great advice.

  3. Thanks for sharing that. Congrats on the upcoming blog tour! Look forward to hearing more

  4. Yeah, I remember those days of just writing...

  5. Happy 21st Anniversary, Diane!!! Enjoy your celebrations!

    Now I'm off to go write like a maniac!

  6. Good advice. Write like a maniac will be my new mantra!

  7. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband and your in-laws! Have a great break!

  8. Nope. Sorry. More hectic or not, I'd still rather be published.

  9. Happy Anniversaries! Love the advice: write like a maniac.

  10. Oh, happy anniversary! It's my plan to be such a strong best seller that I don't have to spend any time promoting. I can just quit my day job and write all the time! erm... and I'll let you know how THAT goes...

  11. Your A to Z posts were very inspirational to writers, I thank you.
    Have a great few days break.


  12. I know what you mean. My online time is huge and now balancing is uber important if I want to write and have any family/social life, too. I find I'm getting up earlier and staying up later. That helps.

  13. Yeah, marketing is eating up the time I should be spending on writing. I can't wait to be moved and re-setting up my writing space and routine.

  14. I'll try to remember that!
    Very happy for you though.

    Happy anniversary all around!

  15. Great advice and happy anniversary!
    -MJ visiting from the support group

  16. Yes, an author these days does many more things other than writing.

    Happy Anniversary!!

  17. Have a good weekend Diane :)


  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Thanks for the advice! Sometimes we get so caught up with future plans we forget to focus on the now.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  20. I SO hear you! Oh, I long for those halcyon days with no deadlines or pressure...

  21. The internet is a mixed blessing. I am overly addicted to it. Happy Anniversary to all of you--2 great milestones. This December my wife and I will be celebrating our 15th.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  22. Congrats on the aniversary. I agree that it was fun when all I did was write my novel. Once you're published, there is so much work to do besides writing the next book.

  23. Congratulations to you on having six books! I know exactly what you mean. My fifth book was just published, and the writing time seems to dwindle further with each one.

    Happy anniversary and enjoy the celebration!

  24. AnonymousMay 06, 2012

    Hi Diane! Looking forward to following your blog tour.

    CONGRATS and Happy Anniversary!

  25. Just popping over to let you know I mentioned you (and served you champagne) on my reflections post :)
