Monday, April 23, 2012

A to Z Challenge - Take Action to Cure Fear

For the A to Z Challenge, my topic is leadership and goal-setting. I am posting short excerpts from my book, Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK! The Keys to Leadership and Goal-Setting, along with an inspiring photo. Enjoy and dream big!

Take Action to Cure Fear

Acting upon a fear does not sound appealing. It’s probably the last thing we desire. That does not change the truth of the matter, though. We can only conquer fear by facing it and taking action.

Every person on earth experiences fear. No one is immune. Yet, for every anxiety we possess, someone in this world has faced and overcome that concern. That should give us hope! The good news is that once we take action, the fear dwindles. It’s the very first step that’s always the most difficult. If we can just do it once, conquer fear only one time, then the next time it is easier to accomplish the task. It is vital then that we take the first step.


  1. Thanks Diane just what I wanted to read, Will remember your words this week-end.


  2. I'm happy to conquer most fears. I go spelunking, but I'm not a fan of small spaces. I'd love to skydive despite my fear of heights. There is one fear I do not want to face, and refuse to. The fear of roaches. There was a lady on a talk show once that they made her touch a spider to overcome her fear. Nope, not happening. Roaches are evil creatures from the abyss and should not be on Earth.

  3. Ciara, I had one run across my bare toes before. Oh yes, I freaked.

  4. The worst thing to do is give into it, I think. Nice post and another great picture!

  5. Be not afraid to edit, kitty cat.

    When I was younger, the thought of driving freaked me out. (The blood and carnage movies they forced us to watch in Driver's Ed didn't help.) Then I realized the sheer number of people that drove every day, people of all levels of intelligence, and I knew I'd be able to do it too.

  6. Sometimes that first step is so hard to take!

  7. Elizabeth, that is Rocko doing her Karaoke impression.

    Tamara, one of our foster daughters was terrified to drive as she'd been in a couple bad accidents when she was younger. She finally did learn though.

  8. It sucks, but it's worse if we doing nothing.

  9. I am loving these pictures! Aaaaaah...yes, fear. I have conquered a lot but still have a long ways to go. One moment at a time!

  10. Excellent post! It is important to remember this when I face fears. The picture of the cat is adorable too.

  11. Nice post, there IS nothing to fear but fear itself. Stopping in from the A-Z challenge and sticking around :)

  12. Hi Diane. Some fears are easier to deal with than others. I an working on mine. Great post!
