Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A to Z Challenge - Proactive

For the A to Z Challenge, my topic is leadership and goal-setting. I am posting short excerpts from my book, Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK! The Keys to Leadership and Goal-Setting, along with an inspiring photo. Enjoy and dream big!


Proactive puts you in control. No matter how the scenario unfolds, whether for better or for worse, you are the master. This does not imply you can control the conditions or even the final outcome. However, the circumstances will not control you. More specifically, they will not control your attitude or behavior.

This is yet another important component of a positive mental attitude. A proactive person will not allow situations to control his actions. He is in full control of his attitude and can make decisions independently of the circumstances. Behavior and response will not be based on the crisis of the moment, nor determined by outside influences.


  1. Good advice Diane, and an excellent P word.


  2. excellent P word - I'm more of a procrastinator myself

  3. The drug company I used to work for tried this concept. They failed. As drug reps, we spent most of our time stamping out the fires started by our competition. And they were excellent at starting them. :P

  4. This post makes me feel motivated!! Time to get busy. :)

  5. This is something I'm lacking right now. I'm hoping in May I can get settled in and become more proactive about... well, everything.

  6. Great post. I love the word pro-active and I think it goes along with the word change. If something isnt working in your life be pro-active and change it. Its how we grow and learn and find success from failure. Nice to be on the A to Z with you!

  7. "A proactive person will not allow situations to control his actions."

    Absolutely true and, imo, is the key to being optimistic and hence positive person.


  8. This is why it is so important to be punctual, too. Then you are in control, not the slow traffic or the clock.

  9. The statement about not letting circumstances to control our reactions is so important and true!

  10. That's me, always in control! I'm not freaky about it though. I don't think. Uh oh, now I'm Paranoid! There's a good P word! great post. Funny pic!

  11. Stina, that's a shame.

    Donna, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

    Tamara, that is very true.

  12. Our attitude is up to us!
    What is that cat looking at?

  13. Excellent word, excellent post. Attitude is everything. Pick a good one.

  14. Proactive is always better than reactive! :)

  15. That's a great word. I used to work in a newsroom and tended to be very reactive. We only got our gear up when news was happening. Nowadays, I've to be more proactive and plan for the day.

    My Darcy Vibrates…

  16. Proactive is a great word - I think I need to post that word on my wall . . just to remind myself of who I would like to be every day.

  17. All I can really see is the kitteh! :) I love kittehs.

  18. What writer isn't a procrastinator? Great if we can change that to being proactive. And did pussy take a smoke?


  19. Well said. I will have to check out The Circle of Friends for my girls.
    Nice to "meet" you. I have a guest post on my blog today by a team that teaches leadership to kids. Hope you can visit.

  20. Too true. If you're not driving someone else is. Being more proactive is something I definitely need to work on.
