Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A to Z Challenge - Organization

For the A to Z Challenge, my topic is leadership and goal-setting. I am posting short excerpts from my book, Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK! The Keys to Leadership and Goal-Setting, along with an inspiring photo. Enjoy and dream big!


If we are to become an effective leader, we must master organization, act with confidence, and instill these behaviors in our followers.

These two qualities are entwined. If we are unorganized, we do not give others confidence in our abilities. Our lack of confidence is occasionally due in part to misinformation or poor planning. One trait affects the other. How well we portray these attributes will have a profound effect on others as well.

As our organizational skills increase, so will our confidence, and we will gain our follower’s confidence as well.


  1. An important O word Diane. without organisation we would not get very far .Loved the cat picture,


  2. You've written on a topic near to my heart. Organization--can't live without it! Terrific blog, too.

    If you've the time, pop over to my blog. I'm the author of the Bella and Britt series for kids.

  3. I do have organization skills, I do, I do, I do. I just have no time to implement them! Oh wait, is that part of organizing?

    We have the same toy mice collection I believe.

  4. Oh, your kitty looks so annoyed! No more organizing the mice on the cat! teehee

    Organization is one of my weaknesses. I tend to be a person who just figures it will work out... I know better, but that's my nature...

  5. Karen, without organization, I'd be a mess.

    Tamara, we have these things all over the house, under all of the furniture, etc.

    Hart, he made it so easy though.

  6. I'm amazed the cat sat for that. Anyways, organization is something I'm always trying to improve. I'm a very organized person to begin with but there are always ways to make things better.

  7. I'm not sure I'm actually organized as I am completely paranoid?
    I try to keep it together but I know someone is out to get me!
    That cat rocks!

  8. Wahetver. Ogrnatzoin is oevr-rtaed.

    - Eirc

  9. I've become more harum-scarum as time goes on, but boy do I understand the value in being organized.

  10. As a teacher, I've found organization is really key for commanding the students' attention and promotes better behavior.

  11. Hello! Visiting from the A to Z challenge. I do feel more confident and less frantic when I am organized. Looking forward to following you!

  12. Organization is important - just not always easy to achieve for global thinkers :)

  13. I needed this dose of organization. Thank you. I see I'm already following through GFC - silly me, lost in cyber-confusion by the google + thing. Thanks for explaining it all.

    PS That cat is darn cute, and a tad eccentric, too.


  14. That is one black cat! I know you are crazy organized. I could learn a lesson or two from you. I'm pretty organized but can do a better job.

  15. Haha, what's going on with the cat? We defo need to be organized, even lil things like getting up in the morning can go wrong if everything is not in place...keys, where are the keys! :)

  16. Hi Diane, great post. I'm working on my organizational skills.

    Are those toys or mice on that cat?
