Monday, March 19, 2012

Songs That Inspire Through Sadness Blogfest

With only two weeks until the A to Z Challenge to go, I knew if I was going to do this I had to hustle.

For my first ever blogfest, I thought I’d go simple:

Sad Songs Blogfest

March 30, 2012

List the songs that move your spirit, cut deep into your soul, and threaten to break your heart.

No limit - top ten or less is fine. 
Music is vital to my writing. It moves me and sets the scene. It’s also a great passion in my life. I will fall in love with a song because of the way it makes me feel. And those songs that bring me to a truly emotional place are special.

If you’d like to join me, post the songs that move your heart - those sad songs that inspire you - on March 30.


  1. I've always enjoyed sad topic, Diane! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. :)

  2. I don't have anyone scheduled for Friday, the 30th so I'll give it a try, Diane. I'm not doing A-Z so this will at least make me feel I'm part of the community.

    I love music and when I read this, four songs immediately popped into my head.

  3. Sounds cool. I write with music and it really does set the tone for my scenes.

  4. Sure, I can squeeze it in before the Challenge. Although my idea of sad might not be anyone else's...

  5. Darn it, we're going to be out of town that day or else this would totally be up my alley!

  6. You temptress! How can I resist a blogfest about music? I'm in. I'll be doing it on my Faraway View blog since I'll be doing my A to Z on that blog using a music theme and this will be a good prelude to that. I hope it's okay if I post on the 29th since Thursday is my normal day to post on that blog.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  7. Oh, I'm a sucker for sad songs! Great idea for a blogfest!

  8. Elizabeth, I'm weird about making lists like this, so I already know what songs I'll pick.

    Thank you, Karen.

    Sia, good timing then. Knew I needed to do it before the A to Z launched.

    Arlee, I remember you did several blogfests about music a while back - thank you for joining.

    Thank you, Talli.

  9. Oh, fun idea! I can't write with music going, but I do like inspiration from songs.

  10. Awesome idea, looking forward! I would love to participate, but I can't really do Friday ><
    Best of luck ;) Can't wait to see your post.

  11. I'm away for spring break during your blog fest. Sounds like a great one!

  12. Music does cut straight to the emotions. Sounds like a great blogfest.

  13. This sounds fun and easy and I've a ton I like.

  14. Awesome idea! I bet I could list a bazillion titles! :)

  15. I can only think of two sad songs that really get to me. I'll have to think about joining the fest but I'm sure I'll visit as many as I can.

  16. Thanks everyone. Won't be a fun blogfest by myself.

  17. such a great idea for a blogfest!!! YAY!

  18. I really would love to take part in this, music is a huge part of my life, but I have a release date to celebrate for someone on that day. I'll just have to content myself with reading everybody elses :-(

  19. I'm in. It will be a multi-post day, but that's okay. :)

  20. Looks like fun. The perfect blogfest for me to go out on blogger break with.

    Hi Diane.


  21. Oh, Diane, I can't stand it. Since I'm doing a music theme on two of my blogs in April I decided to enter my blog "A Few Words" also. I just can't resist these music blogfests. So what's another post gonna hurt me?

    An A to Z Co-host
    A Few Words

  22. This will be a challenge. I love music, but the only time I get to listen to my stuff (classic and alt rock) is when I'm driving alone. My kids seem to follow their dad in preferring more pop/hip-hop stuff.

  23. Blogfests will be the death of me. I can't refuse any of them. Combine it with music and I'm a goner.

    Count me in, Diane! That date even falls on my regular "Inspiration Friday" post. The only problem is that now I have to wait. ;)

    Thanks for the great idea to kick off A-Z!

    SF & Fantasy Writer
    Visions of Other Worlds
    Twitter: @jmarcarelli

  24. Looking forward to taking part in your blogfest!
    I could come with so many but I'll try to limit myself :))
    Thanks for coming up with this.

  25. So happy I have participants! No fun to do one of these alone.

  26. Great idea. I'll jump in.

  27. Thanks for hosting this. I'm actually busy getting ready for A to Z, but when I heard about this event through Sarah Pearson's blog, I decided to try it out.

  28. This sounds like a fun blogfest, Diane! I'm in!

  29. Had a spare hour, so have just compiled my post and scheduled it for the 30th ! It will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with. We may need lots of people to blog " A is for hAppy" to cheer us all up afterwards !


  30. Thank you everyone for joining! I'm really excited about my first blogfest. I will be busy next Friday.

  31. I'm in!

    Now I must plan my picks. Hmm...

  32. I am going to try this before doing the A to Z Challenge. The hard part for me is going to be narrowing down which ones to put on my list!

  33. Well, I am signed up too, but I've added a bit to my link that doesn't exist...can it be edited? It might be right tomorrow,but it might not! I will be posting whether the link works or not ;)

  34. Apparently I've made a mistake and my link is "broken" its still goes to my site there anyway to edit what I've got for my link? Sorry!

  35. Ron, I'll see if I can fix it.

  36. Hey, is it OK to sign up if I'm a new follower? :)

  37. Thank you muchly! Sorry for the double post. Thanks for the blogfest though:)

  38. Forcing me to play when I should be working! Tch Tch Tch.

  39. Anna, please do!

    Wendy, I'm forcing myself to play because I'm always working.

  40. What a great idea. Wished I could participate. I'll be sure to stop by and check yours out. =D

  41. Great idea, and perfect timing! My latest post (posted yesterday) is about the last album of a very famous British band; and a sad album too!
    Look forward to March 30th!

  42. I'm a new follower as well as a first time blogfester! LOL.
    I enjoyed participating in your blogfest!

  43. Oh darn I am so sad I missed this, but I look forward to listening to the songs choices others have posted. What a Great Idea. Hopefully I can get in on the next blog challenge you post!

  44. I am so bummed I missed this challenge, it is a great idea and topic. Hopefully I will be able to jump in on the next one and in the meantime I will look forward to listening to some of the songs that have been posted!

  45. Very big sucker for the sad song. Would have signed up but I've just gotten my computer up and running after a major meltdown. So bummed! Have to scramble to catch up on the A to Z!

    Good luck on the Sad Song Fest. I know it will be great, and I'll pop in to see what blogger post.
