Friday, September 16, 2011

The Weekend Sillies Early and a Bonus

And now the bonus - my very own LOL Cats...

 This is the late Calvin, aka "The Weasel"
This is the late Hobbes, aka "The Monkey"

 This is Rocko, aka "Eee-Ooo" (Because that's the sound she makes when she meows.)

And this is Spunky, aka "The Buoy"

 The last two we are willing to give to an unsuspecting home!


  1. LOL! The 'piddle' cat looks way too happy! And teaching your cats to help you 'edit' are you?? I'd help you out with a new home for the last two if I lived closer.

  2. I'm so glad you changed the caption for balloon cat. It would have made me sad too. And Rocko looks like she's suffering from writer's block :-)

  3. Hi ya'all. Have a great weekend. Gotta head down to the farm to do chorse and feed the barn cats, though they turn up their noses at "cat food".

  4. Like the Corn Star hamster! For fifty dollars, will the lizard go away?

  5. The last two look like trouble makers LOL!

  6. Love the last 2! They do look mischievous, though. Cute Rocko and Spunky. :)

  7. Cute pictures, :-). I think the last two are related to mine, lol!

    You may remember the game pick up sticks, where you toss the sticks and try to pick them up without moving the others? Well, step away from the office to get coffee and come back to a gazillion pens and pencils scattered on the desk. Hmmm.

    Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

  8. Oh my! Yours are just as adorable as the internet ones, even without the captions.

  9. I adore your week-end sillies. they all look adorable especially the last two.

    Have a great week-end.

  10. I love the Alice in Wonderland one! Your kitties are adorable, Diane. :)

  11. Lynn, they help cover the keyboard in black fur.

    Alex, offer him cash and see what happens.

    Stephen, they are the worst trouble-makers and ornery little rascals.

    Elizabeth, you have no idea.

    Sia, you definitely have cats!

    Matthew, don't let it go to their heads.

  12. Yay for the weekend sillies! I love it, as usual. And the last two... I want!

  13. We used to have a cat who'd do that with the toilet paper--she ended up with no claws and she'd STILL unroll it if we had it go over instead of under. I love the green screen one and am ALSO glad you changed the caption... poor friendless kitty...

    I LOVE your kitties. HWMNBMOTI has put a moratorium on pets or i'd be interested. (we have a dog and a cat and in our shoebox of a house, that is plenty)

  14. Pinata and Hamsterdam are absolutely priceless :D

  15. Your cats are adorable! Funny photos.

  16. I know how Rocko feels. I get the same way when I write. So cute, all of them. I wonder if cats pass around funny pics of us and add captions.

  17. Why do cats make such great photo subjects?

  18. Lovin' these pics!

    The lizard prostitute really cracked me up, and I don't think I've seen anything cuter than the little hamster on the swing. :)

  19. Hart, my husband didn't want any more cats either (we still had Hobbes at the time) but somehow they weaseled their way into our house and never left.

    Helen, that's a funny thought!

    LD, because they are cute and they know it.

  20. Looking forward to your picks for the blogfest on Monday!

  21. The lizard and the hamster made me laugh.

  22. The Party Cat was the sadist feline I've ever seen. We can't take in any more cats right now. Our girl is too old to upset. She deserves to rule in peace in her later years.

  23. I love the pinata one, lol. Too funny.

  24. Susan, was that not sad? My heart breaks every time I see him. I just want to hug him and throw him a big party!

  25. I LOVE lolcats. These are great. I especially love the gecko one. :D
