Wednesday, September 14, 2011

If I Could Be Anyone, I'd Be...

This is Talli Roland’s 'If I Could Be Anyone, I'd Be...' party for the launch of her new book, Watching Willow Watts. It’s available now as an ebook and next month as a paperback - go buy it. 

If I could be anyone, who would I want to be? 

When I was a child, I always wanted to be someone else, because I wasn’t happy being me. But who would I want to be now? 

A singer with a voice of glass? I wish I could sing. I’m so awful, I don’t even mouth the words in church. 

The person who reviews roller coasters for a living? A whole day with a front row seat, riding as much as I wanted. That sounds like Heaven. 

A best-selling author with books read by millions? I could be Anne McCaffrey for a day. And I’d get to live in Dragonhold, Ireland! 

Maybe a prize-winning photographer? I’ve been trying for years and doubt it will happen without a little help.

Who would I be for a day? 

Talli, I’d have to say I just want to be me. I know what to expect. I know the good and bad points. And most important, I like me now. 

However, if someone would like to pay me to do a picture book of roller coasters, I might be persuaded to change my mind. 

There’s a list of others posting today at Talli Roland’s site.
Stop in and tell her congrats, too! 


  1. Aw, what a lovely post. Yes, ultimately, it's best to be you! Me! You! You know what I mean.

    Thanks so much for taking part!

  2. LoL, I chose a fiction character from Disney because I also couldn't think of anyone other than me I wanted to be!

  3. A wonderful post, most enjoyable to read.


  4. Diane - I'm glad you're you! I think one of the fun things about being a writer is that we can live many lives simultaneously. Can't beat that.
    Talli's book sounds so good.

  5. A true tot he heart post! I enjoyed reading it. Its always best to be you! :)

  6. Good point, Diane! And I think you can be you and still be a roller coaster picture book artist!

  7. A picture book of roller coasters would be awesome. That's about all my poor body can take these days :-)

  8. Awesome choice! And hooray for Talli and Willow!

  9. Oh yeah, roller coasters I can relate to. Famous author sounds even better. :)

  10. Haha, Rollar coasters are awesome! And it's always good to hear people are happy being themselves :)

  11. Picking to be yourself is great, but roller coaster reviewer would be pretty cool, even for a day. :)

  12. I think being you suits you just fine :o)

  13. I'm happy being myself, but for fun I would choose Dorthy from The Wizard of Oz. One of my favorite movies. It's always fun to pretend.

    CONGRATS to Talli on the book launch!

  14. That's a great choice! And like yourself, I can't sing worth a hoot.

  15. Great choice! (and a sign of either perfect mental health or sheer delusion...) Erm... no, I think it is definitely best to be content as you!

  16. Man. That would be a fun job. Roller coasters rock!

  17. I visited another blog earlier that was part of Talli's launch party, asking the "who would I be" question, but they didn't include the "for a day". Now that makes a difference; I could be someone else and then come back to being me. Okay - I think I'd like to be one of my grandkids so I could get a peek at what it's like being a kid in today's world.

  18. I am sure I also wanted to be taller, prettier, stronger etc when I was a child, but today I am fairly satisfied with being me. A wife, mother, teacher and writer. Well, I wouldn´t mind being a more successful writer, but apart from that... ;)

  19. I like being me too, Diane. I know the good bad and ugly of me. Who knows what the other would be. But, oooh, how tempting to live in Dragonhold for a day, or be a character in one of her books, like Lessa and have a dragon. But just for a day. lol!

    Love the pics of you on the roller coaster!

    Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

  20. Good choice! I love rollercoasters too!

  21. Sometimes just being you is best!

  22. This is the best choice of all.

  23. Thank you everyone. I usually don't blog on Wednesdays, as it's my busiest day of the week, so I promise to visit everyone's blog by tomorrow.

  24. Aww, this is a great post, really made me smile. Great choice! Love the roller coaster pics as well! :)

  25. So glad to hear you love being you!

  26. Sounds good to me. I think it is wonderful you want to be you!

  27. Totally with you on being Anne McCaffrey!

    Totally NOT with you on those roller coasters - I'm a total wimp!! :)

  28. Great choice! I chose to be me as well. I love the coaster photos though. I absolutely love rollercoasters.

  29. Yes, you are your best you! And your photos and posts give me a prize-winning smile.

  30. I am not sure who I would like to be, for I am content as myself most of the time. :) Although I would like certain talents or attributes of others sometimes. Happy weekend!

  31. you wouldn't be able to eat if you did reviews on roller coasters every day :) Doesn't go well on a full stomach :)

  32. I love being me too! You picked a good choice.

  33. Thanks, Lynn.

    Dezmond, yes I would - riding coasters is the only time my entire body equalizes. I can eat and ride all day long!
