Wednesday, April 13, 2011


For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers. Today it’s keywords.

Search engines look for keywords and description when adding pages to their search engines. Keywords are found within site names, the web copy, and the metadata.

While the over-use of keywords can have the opposite effect (the site is removed from the search engines’ lists) we need to ensure that we are using the proper keywords.

Remember the Long Tail Theory - narrowly targeted products and services. These are found by using multi-word searches. (Not just ‘writing’ but ‘writing historical fiction.’) Many people will find your site from these multi-word searches.

Now, is there enough on your website and/or blog to convict you of being the author or writer of ____? When people do a search, will they find YOU?

Think about it!


  1. Very good point, Diane! I'm trying to learn more about SEO...and including it in a subtle way.

  2. I had never heard of this but will try and learn more about it .


  3. Ha. I started a new job recently and it involves a lot of "keywords" and "metadata" stuff. I worked for 3 hours last night and dreamt about those 2 things all night. Um, I thought I was seeing things when I opened your page. LOL!

  4. I find me easily, but that might be because I know what to look for...


    Excellent point, though. I better think of some longer word keywords

  5. Good point! I better think of some longer key words.

  6. Thanks, Dianne. I need to rethink some of my keywords.

  7. I think so! Luckily I picked a name for my pen name that isn't common, so it usually leads to me.

  8. Tara, sorry! Didin't mean to extend your nightmare.

    Talli, there's a Diane L. Wolfe who writes cookbooks, which drives me nuts!

  9. Hi thanks for the comment,
    It's lovely that you get a kiss night and morning, that's one of the things I miss about being a widow.

  10. I have not thought about this before. I am not a writer, but I would love for people to find my blog. Good thoughts, thanks.

    Gregg Metcalf
    Colossians 1:28-29

    Gospel-driven Disciples

  11. Oh my gosh! I've been thinking so much about this---I do search engine optimization for my company and as a result I DON'T want to do it for myself, but I have been trying to use this A to Z challenge as a little SEO experiment...I'll let you know how it goes. ;)

  12. Nice post, that's some good advice about keywords. Handy food for thought.

  13. Never thought about this for my own blog.

  14. The keyword stuff has always been a bit fuzzy for me. Great post!

  15. Multi-word searches - a very good tip. I hadn't thought of that.


  16. Great post. Definitely something to keep in mind.
