Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Journey

For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers. Today it’s the journey.

Every writer embarks on a journey. We each take unique paths and reach different destinations. We start the journey for different reasons. And the journey doesn’t end until we call it quits.

I never envisioned speaking as part of my adventure. (Okay, I never envisioned YA novels, either!) But speaking is now my favorite part of the journey.

Where has your journey led you?


  1. I'm not sure where my journey has taken me, but I know I've definitely picked up a lot of self-confidence on the way. Not just in my writing, but in me as a person.

  2. My journey has led me to vast worlds - the only restriction has been my imagination and time (one I have lots of and the other...)
    I have met many lovely people walking on this path (yourself included) and that makes the journey all the more exciting...
    Jan Morrison

  3. My journey has led me to a book being published which sold well.
    I hope to do another one this year but with the challenge and a holiday in view I think it will be nearer the end of the year.


  4. All over the place! And I love it. I love feeling like I spend part of my day in other worlds.

  5. Hi Diane .. to writing which I never ever considered. Surprises me - and then on to explore adjunct media .. story telling in many ways .. I'm loving the journey.

    You've so much to offer us - thanks for all the advice and tips as we join you on your path .. cheers Hilary

  6. I like the way you're looking at it. It *is* a journey and I'm a planner, so it's tough for me to let go and watch what happens next...but I'm getting there!

  7. Last year my journey led me to starting a blog, which has been a terrific decision. This year I'm still on the journey wondering where it may lead me. :)

  8. Still too early to tell where my journey is taking me. Great 'J' post!

  9. Christine, that's probably one of the greatest things you could gain, too.

    Jan, it is the people along the way!

    Elizabeth, I gave up the planning thing years ago. Now I live for the chaos!

  10. My journey has expanded my appreciation of great writing and made my favorite hobby--reading--more enjoyable than ever. Plus I've been jazzed to meet and interact with people in my local writing group, NYC conference, and blogosphere.

  11. My life journey has made so many crazy stops and it has been a fun ride. Right now I'm here in A-to-Z Blogland--having a great time. Can't wait to see where I go next.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

  12. The journey has taken me all over the place, from writing for and teaching grades K-12, nonfiction, and now some historical fiction. Working too, to enjoy the journey as I go!

  13. Tamara, sounds like you are having fun with it.

    Karen, isn't it amazing?

  14. Thanks for that glowing comment, it made my day,


  15. My journey has led me to wonderful people I would never have known of, or learned from had it not been for writing. In fact, my writing journey has led me to this post, to leave this comment. Perhaps, if not for my writing journey, I would have never have found Spunk On A Stick's Tips in the sea of billions of web pages.

    I'm grateful for where my writing journey has taken me and optimistic for where it has yet to take me.

  16. I'm so glad to learn about you and read your great blog. I'm stopping by from the A to Z challenge and I look forward to reading more from you.

  17. Wow. My journey has taken me to be a better writer.

    And to meet awesome bloggers :)

