Monday, January 24, 2011

Top Ten Countdown Music Blogfest

Hosted by Alex J Cavanaugh - visit his site for a complete list of participants!

I love music! Music inspires me and sets my mood. It inspires my writing and my main characters all have theme songs.

For me, this was an easy blogfest, as my favorite songs are on a series of "Favorites" CDs and all in order. All I had to do was grab the first disc! It's been a few years since I updated these discs (although my top songs haven't changed in years) so I decided to make the last song on my list a wild card pick of a more recent song.

Thus I give my Tope Ten Favorite Songs:

1 - Last Chance by Shooting Star
This has been my most favorite song in the world since 1981, becoming my mantra, and I doubt that will ever change.
"This could be your last chance
To believe in yourself
Your last chance
To yell
Your last chance
To be good to yourself
Your last chance
To drink from life's well."

2 - Icehouse by Icehouse
Another song from 1981. The very first time I heard this haunting melody, I fell in love. (Ironic, because as the lyrics state, "There's no love inside the Icehouse."

3 - Voices of Babylon by The Outfield
This song packs so much energy, and I've always loved the video. It inspired a dystopian story I doubt I'll ever write. Besides, the idea isn't as fresh now as it was back in 1989...

4 - Learning To Fly by Pink Floyd
Floyd has always been a favorite band and I just love the strength of this song. It came at just the right time in my life.

5 - Empty Rooms by Gary Moore
Both studio versions of this song will tear at your heart, and I've always envisioned a clear, cold autumn day shrouded in sorrow. The live version is perhaps the saddest thing you will ever hear...

6 - Chronologie 4 by Jean-Michel Jarre
If I had to name a favorite artist, it would be new age composer Jarre. His music is so unique and this song crackles with boundless energy!

7 - 10538 Overture by Electric Light Orchestra
ELO was the first band I ever loved. I collected all of their albums and the first time I heard this 1971 tune, I connected. Very moving song.

8 - Bringing on the Heartbreak by Def Leppard
Yes, it's overplayed and cliche, but this song cemented my love for Def Leppard and is still my favorite.

9 - Pride by U2
Just so much passion and emotion in this tune!

10 - Get Some by Chevelle
A dozen songs came to mind for my last, more current pick. I love Chevelle and selected this song for it energy and strength.


  1. Great list! I think I expected Pink Floyd to be on here :o)

  2. Congrats on a good choice, I knew most but of course there is always a few one don't know.
    Mine I can't think any one knowing.
    but it's the taking part.


  3. holy crap i forgot about def leppard...

    what a great selection of music
    thanks for the melody's,

  4. I know most of the bands.
    Thanks for participating!

  5. Sad, sad day! I've not heard of any of these. How sad is that. I'm going to have to listen to them on youtube.

  6. It is hard to admit it, but I have not heard any of them. Not one :-(

  7. Jessica, can't forget the Floyd!

    Yvonne, if you knew any of them, then I am impressed!

    iZombie, can't forget Def Leppard...

    Clarissa, there's a couple obscure ones.

  8. Wow. I've only heard of four of these bands. That's awesome because it's rare that I discover new music. Now I'll have to go look them up!

  9. I see we have some familiar tsates in music. I had Face The Music album from ELO. And just about everybody rocked out to Def Leppard and High N' Dry.

  10. Awesome list! I went with the old standards, too - except one, lol. And I cannot believe I forgot Wish You Were Here - PF!! That would have definitely bumped one off my list had I thought of it!

  11. Great list, Ms Spunk! Can't believe I've found another Gary Moore fan :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  12. Matthew, some are rather obscure!

    Stephen, any child of the 80's knows Def Leppard!

    Tara, I had it easy with my ready-made CD. That way I didn't forget.

    Jules - that's great! Someone else who knows Moore.

  13. How fun! Great list and thanks for reminding me about Ice House!

  14. I haven't heard most of those songs. Thank you for your comments on Helen's site.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  15. I know none of these! I have got to start listening to more music!

  16. This blogfest has made me realize how much music is out there that I’m unfamiliar with. I need to learn to change stations occasionally.

  17. Great list! Most I recognized but I spotted a few I need to check out! Thanks! I love getting new music.

  18. The songs I know here are good ones. I recognize some of these artists from a previous list you did. Nice range of choices.

    Tossing It Out

  19. I had comletely forgotten about Icehouse. Aussie-band, wasn'it? Thanks for reminding me >:)

    Cold As Heaven

  20. Lynn and Cold as Heaven, that's gret someone else knows the Austrailian band Icehouse!!

    Helen and Jane, most of mine are from a few years back and some a bit obscure.

    Karen, don't feel old!

    Lee, several of my favorite albums were picked due to favorite songs. Made it easy for posting the covers, too!

  21. I loved that Electric blue song by Icehouse!
    I like your list!There's a lot on this list I'd listen to!

  22. Love the retro. :) Def Leppard was SOOO close to making my list. I think...I think I need to go listen to Bringing on the Heartache right now.

  23. Wonderful choices. There's so many great songs.

  24. i don't think i know any of these!!!! ohmygoodness, this blogfest has made me acutely aware of how musically ignorant i am!!!

  25. Cool list! Totally forgot about Def Leppard and ELO. So many years of great tunes, so few slots in a top ten list...

  26. was only familiar with a couple, but I like those.

  27. I haven't heard of quite a few of those! Must check them out...


  28. I only know a few of these. It looks like an ecclectic list.

  29. I was a little worried for a minute there as i didn't know the first few, but Pink Floyd and U2 were definitely a part of my top list, and Def Leopard--man, does that define my high school experience or what?

  30. Bringing on the Heartbreak - awesome song. You've got a great list here!!

  31. Fun list, ELO and Pink Floyd...Nice!

  32. Can I have your CD? ELO. Pink Floyd. I want that CD. Thanks for sharing!

    My Top Ten Songs

  33. Very interesting list, Diane.

    I love Pink Floyd as well. Too cool.


  34. You've got some great ones on here! :)

  35. Retro and sneaky with it. These are tracks, give or take The Floyd, that I need to find a little more information about. :)

  36. I hadn't heard of any of these songs. I first heard of Gary Moore last time we did one of these. I went and looked up Empty Room on YouTube and I actually like it. Thanks. Always nice to find a new artist or song!

  37. Lydia, that's good because I knew it was a bit out of the ordinary.

    Nicki, how could you not feature a Def Leppard song?

    VR, if it wasn't for my CD of favorites, I would've forgotten many.

    Hart, it defined mine!

    Thank you, Jennie.

    Thanks, Ellie!!!

    Jai, Floyd is just good music.

  38. Oh man, this was a fun trip down memory lane. Love this list. :)

    Have a lovely week,

  39. I've heard of some of the artists, but not familiar with most of the songs. I've got some catching up to do.

  40. intresting. there are some I have never heard of

  41. Ah, the old stuff. Good choices.


  42. Wow, you've got a lot of stuff I've never heard of before! Love this blogfest! AND, it looks like you've got a fabulous blog here! Yay!

  43. Fantastic list!

    The more I think about it, the more I wonder if I picked the right U2 song.

  44. Pride is one my favorite U2 songs, right up there with New Year's Day (live from Red Rocks version) and Bad (live version).

  45. Glad you enjoyed the trip, Lola.

    Vivki, some is good.

    Donna, my favorites really don't change much, so neither has this list.

    Thank you, Ali.

    Karen, it can always be an honorable mention.

    Ted, Pride has always been my favorite and Zooropa is a close second.

  46. ELO, Def Leppard and Floyd? You rock! I'll have to check out some of the others too :D Awesome choices :)

  47. Yay for U2 and Def Leppard! The first concert I ever went to was U2 in 1992, and I almost missed the bus home from a school trip cos I was busy buying Def Leppard tapes...
