Friday, January 21, 2011

Significant Other Blogfest

Today is the Significant Other Blogfest, hosted by D L Hammons and Talli Roland!

I was a last-minute signup, as I didn’t want to pressure my husband into participating in my blogging world. So I was simply amazed and touched when he gave me this post…

“How to best describe my wife? The adorable ball of energy or the cutest Energizer bunny ever! Diane is a marvel to me. The attribute that I've always admired in my wife is her dedication to a goal. I had no doubt when she began writing "The Circle of Friends" that she would make it happen. And it's been fun watching her mature as a writer along the way. There have been many hurdles along the way, but Diane handled them like an Olympic track star. I can honestly say that quitting was never an option. Diane takes hard work to levels I never thought possible. I wish I had half that focused drive and determination that she possesses. A bright, shining star and the love of my life, I will always be her biggest fan!”

Thanks, honey - you’re my hero!

Please visit D L Hammons and Talli Roland’s sites for the rest of the participants!


  1. That was really sweet of him, and sweet of you to not pressure him on a deadline.

  2. Wonderful words from your other half, , pleasure to read.


  3. Will, I asked him Tuesday - not bad huh?

  4. That was wonderful! With someone like that in your corner, how could you not succeed?! Thanks for taking part Diane!!! :)

  5. That is really sweet! What a great guy and he obviously thinks you're awesome. :)

  6. The life of a writer is only made better with the support of a loving spouse.

  7. That was lovely. He clearly adores you and sounds very supportive.

    My significant other

  8. Are you married to Superman? :) What a significant other.From the title of your blog I sort of gathered the determination part of your personality :D
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  9. '...adorable ball of energy...' I love it. How sweet!

  10. Awwwww! How absolutely LOVELY! I love that he wrote this about you - I can just see the love shining through!

  11. You're a very fortunate person. Many people do not have this kind of support from their other half. Its great you have the support that you do!

  12. Diane, while it'a always nice to be appreciated by peers and friends, when it's your mate who gives the words of appreciation it leaves such a warm glow.

    "cutest Energizer bunny ever!" made me smile because it fits.

    "A bright, shining star and the love of my life, I will always be her biggest fan!" Didn't it make your heart melt? You've got a good one there Diane!

  13. Ahh, so wonderful to have support like that! Your SO sounds awesome!

  14. A wonderful post from your husband.

    Thoughts in Progress

  15. How wonderful for him to say all those things. Here's to you both.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  16. What a great guy! His support of you, Diane, is heartwarming. Thanks so much for sharing!

  17. Jules, he is my hero. ANd yeah, I'm a bit on the energetic-hyper side.

    Stephen, it was an adjustment, but now he's behind me 110%!

    Sia, he got a big hug when I read it! Now all I need are pink ears and a drum.

    Thank you!

  18. Very Sweet. Pink ears could work - later.

  19. What a gorgeous husband you have!

  20. That's so sweet!! Energizer bunny... heehee!

  21. Now that's what I call supportive!

    Tossing It Out

  22. Oh, that's great! Much better than HWMNBMOTI forbidding me to ever mention him on the internet.

  23. Aww I teared up when I read this, You are one lucky lady!

  24. Hart, he has no choice in the matter!

    Thanks, Summer - it got to me, too.

  25. Very nice. He did a good job on short time!

  26. That is such a lovely post! How wonderful it is to read!

  27. What a sweetie! He's definitely a keeper :)

  28. Wow, how great to have that in writing. What a great fan and supporter.

  29. That was so sweet! What a great fan you're married to!

  30. Hi Diane .. I think I'd agree with him - you've always struck me as rather full of sherbert .. constantly bursting with energy!

    You obviously make a great team - wonderful news .. enjoy the weekend .. Hilary

  31. What a sweetheart! You're obviously both blessed to have each other.

  32. Aww this is so cute and sweet! You must feel so lucky to have each other.

  33. Wow - what a wonderful post! He sounds so sweet and supportive. You know, in your blog photo, you just look like you'd be someone with a ton of energy. Care to pass some my way? :)

  34. I'm still trying to get around to everyone, but I loved this post. So supportive!

  35. Aw, what a sweet and supportive post! He's a keeper!
