Tuesday, August 17, 2010


To whom do you dedicate your book?

This is a topic I don't see discussed very often, but almost every book contains a dedication. For me, it's very important. In just a line or two, I honor someone who has made a difference in my life and my work. It's usually the last thing I write, too.

Since I have six books, I won't mention every dedication. But Book I of my YA series I dedicated to my husband:

For my wonderful husband, Craig, and all the hours you spent without me while I pursued this dream. Thank you my love, for your belief, your support and your endless patience!

Considering how much time I spend in front of my computer and on the road, dedicating a book to my greatest hero and best friend was the least I could do.
I also dedicated books to my best three friends; my mentor Trish; two cousins; another mentor who had just passed away; and to my fans.
So, tell me - to whom have you dedicated your blood, sweat, and tears?


  1. Well, when I get published, I'll let you know! But I guess the first person would be my mother. *AWWW* ;o)

    Are you a writer? Then you MUST enter this CONTEST!

  2. Like TAA, I'll tell you when I get there. When I last recorded a CD, I thanked my family, band, those who helped the band, and a couple of inspirations. And thank you, Spunky:)

  3. When I had my poetry book published I dedicated it to

    "My Children, family and friends,
    also to Entertainer Daniel O Donneell(Who Endorsed the book)
    and to Paul McKenna PHD, whose books of self help made me the positive peerson I am today.


  4. When my first novel comes out next spring, it will include a dedication to my husband, who is also my best friend and first reader. I would never have accomplished this thing without his support.

  5. Neat topic, Diane. I'm like you, I don't decide until I get to the end of the book. My newest, one, A WAR OF HER OWN, is dedicated to my sister--a couple years older than me. A big joke between us is when we were young and I wore her favorite earrings without permission and lost one. She almost killed me! In the dedication I put in parenthesis that I was sorry about losing he earring, but the publisher took that line out. Said the book wasn't that kind of a book to add something that informal to the dedication. But he did keep in her pretend name when we played -- Chocolate Ann--the good girl. I was forced to play Mary Ann--the bad girl. Which, as we look back, better fit me anyway. But Chocolate Ann sounded so SWEET! LOL

    Sylvia Dickey Smith

    A War of Her Own

  6. I haven't had the chance yet to dedicate a book to anyone. I think it would be to my children, and a ghost.

  7. I dedicated my first book to my son and to the rest of my critique group who gave me such a wonderful support.


  8. I only know of one dedication, in all my stories so far. That dedication is to those who were abused as I was. :) It takes a strong voice to stand out in a crowd, and I am only one and I hope to stand out.

  9. I’ve only had to write one dedication so far which was to my parents who passed away within weeks of each other, about a month before the book’s release. Their support and excitement over the book meant so much to me.

    I do need to hurry and get the dedication written and to the publisher for my second book since it’s already on their production list. I've decided on the who but not how it'll read yet.

  10. Each of my books has seemed to speak a dedication to me... the person that for THAT BOOK has been truly significant. It is sort of funny, because my first book completed will probably be much later in my list of publications, but I can't dis-entwine the name meant for the book just to thank the person earlier, even though she dearly deserves it...

  11. Will, you have CD?

    That's a funny story, Sylvia!

    Jane, it's got to be written just right, doesn't it?

    Hart, the dedications really speak to me as well.

  12. Here is my dedication:

    For my beautiful wife, Deena, and my family, who have supported me while I took these past two years to research and write Breakthrough. For many days and nights all you saw of me was the back of my head as I researched and typed the manuscript.

    I would also like to dedicate this book to my good friend Fred Merrill, who I named a major character after. Fred will be remembered by family and friends. Say hi to the Ernie Harwell for us. You’ll be missed, my friend.

    Stephen Tremp

  13. I dedicated CassaStar to my wife because she puts up with me.

  14. The dedication to your husband is sweet!

    I've thought a lot about what I'd say, and have decided on a very short dedication - eight words, roughly. It's sort of an inside joke between the two of us as to his response when I first mentioned me being published as a possibility. (I may never even get that far though. LOL. We'll see.)

  15. I've been going through my immediate family - mother, father, wife and three kids - we are all so close and, well ... once I started with one, it's hard to "leave anyone out", lol. Two books to go and then I'll have to stretch the circle out more.

  16. My first book 15 years ago ("Cessna Warbirds," a military aviation history):

    "To my delightful wife Kerrie, without whose constant support, unflagging enthusiasm, periodic pep talks, and tolerant love this book would never have been completed. Without complaint (well, very little complaint), she endured my apparent love affair with a computer, while meticulously assisting me with research on topics about which only I felt passionate. She read every word of the finished product, searching out the jargon, mistakes, and general readability flaws I likely would have missed. Whatever success this book may enjoy is due in large part to her. . .whatever failings it may have are solely my own."

    My first historical novel ("Devil in the North Woods"):

    "For Aunt Hazel, daughter of Henry Hardies, who provided invaluable family background and read the last draft shortly before her passing."

    For "T-41 Mescalero":

    "To all pilots, maintainers and aficionados of the world's most popular single-engine lightplane, the Cessna 172 and its military incarnation the T-41 Mescalero."

    My 2010 WW I historical novel ("Once a Knight"):

    "Gratefully dedicated to all the intrepid air combat pioneers of the Great War."

  17. Haven't really thought about this yet, but a spouse makes a whole lot of sense.

    Tossing It Out

  18. Good question! I hope to someday have to decide this one :)

    First book will definitely be hubby though!

  19. I've noted that seasoned writers almost always thank their EDITOR!

    Did you thank your editor, Diane?


    I'd have to thank my family for putting up with my writing habit.

    Those who help us, and those who tolerate us. That's who you thank.

    - Eric

  20. Hmmmmmmm. The only ones that are a lock right now is my wife and critique partners. :)

  21. I've dedicated my books to different family members. I try to mention everyone who has helped me in the "acknowledgment". Writing those are like adding whipped cream and a cherry to your finished book.

  22. I haven't dedicated my book yet but when I do it will be to my husband and my parents. I can't imagine more supportive people!

  23. It's been so interesting reading everyone's comments, and the diversity of those to whom dedications are made. Good topic, Diane!

  24. I dedicate my books to the people who were the most important in writing it.

    That simplifies things for me.


  25. Stephen and Walt, thanks for sharing your actual dedication!
