Friday, August 13, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different...

What makes you think she is a witch?
Well, she turned me into a newt.
A newt?
I got better.

I did two seminars in the North Carolina mountains on Thursday, so I'm traveling home today… 


At The Alliterative Allomorph - all you ever wanted to know about Ithaca!!

You HAVE to watch this video about the people at Twitter - Helen’s daughter is in it! Straight From Hel

Free kids’ books at Barnes and Noble! See Nancy at Realms of Thought for details.

Big thank you to DL Hammons of Cruising Altitude for hosting the High Drama Blogfest! That was my very first writing blogfest, too.

And I managed to win some free books, too!
Chicken Soup for the Runner's Soul is on its way from Lynette at Crazed Mind
And the audio book of The Bourne Objective arrived this week from Mason at Thoughts in Progress
Thank you, ladies!!!


This was to be a relaxing and productive summer. Only two book signings and five seminars to teach. No problem!

However, after going at full speed as author and speaker for over six years now, I finally crashed and burned. I’m still eager to speak, but writing has lost its luster.

My mother went into the hospital on July 4th, which has led to many calls, details, bills, and trips. There’s still another big trip coming up in the next month or so. Thankfully, she was released on Tuesday and is not in rehab for a few weeks.

Through all of this MESS, my blogging has suffered. Okay, all my online stuff has suffered. But many of you still stop by and comment, either on this post or my Sunday Sillies… and I really appreciate it.

My goal is to get through this month to the best of my ability. I will continue to post several times a week, visit as many friends/blogs as possible, and get this blog cleaned up by mid-September. (It really needs a major overhaul.)

So please continue to hang with the Spunky. I’m trying!


Spunky has decided that if he occupies my bag, I won't be able to leave!


  1. LOL, the cat is wonderful, of course!

  2. And I will always consider that a feather in my cap too! L. Diane was part of my blogfest!!

    Good luck balancing everything.


  3. I do indeed understanding your crash and burn! We will stay in touch, while giving you a chance to rest. We won't abandon you!!

    Sylvia Dickey Smith

    A War of Her Own

  4. Good Luck Diane, love the pic of the cat, they seem to sense when they see the suitcase what is happening,

    Have a good week-end.

  5. Love the cat. I will check out the links. I have all read seen many of them.


  6. Thanks everyone - I am home now and tired but happy.

  7. Hi - I've been stopping by a lot to check out your Sunday sillies. Comment occasionally. LOVE the sillies. I've been terrified of speaking in the past, but feel this DESIRE to do so now and have been interested in you and how you handle it. Sorry about your mom. Hope you can find some time to relax.
    And I have an award for you (it's silly) on my blog.

  8. I don't think your blog has been that bad lately--you are still maintaining a quality product. It's been awfully hot back there from what I've been hearing, and compounded with all the other things on your plate I can't blame you for getting a little lax. You deserve a break for bit.

    Love the Carolina mountains! They're kind of like the Tennessee mountains except they're in Carolina. Duh!

    Tossing It Out

  9. Sure hope your mother will be all right. It's very hard to function full speed when you have something like that going on with a loved one. You do great, Spunky, so don't worry! I always love your cat pictures!

  10. I hope your mother's feeling better soon. Maybe a break will bring back your excitement for writing. And thanks for the links!

  11. Great links and don't worry, we're always here! Just take care of yourself.

    Southern City Mysteries

  12. Hope your Mom continues to improve. Try to find a few minutes for yourself and take care. Love the photo of Spunky.

    Thoughts in Progress

  13. Hope your mom recovers well, mine had her hip replaced on July 31, 2010. Always a worry. I love the cat, we had a black cat appropriately named 'Black.' Rest and get rejuvenated.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  14. Hang in there. Parental illness throws us all off, and the TIMING--a time you actually CAN take the time to fall off a little, probably accentuates it (though this is good--without being able to fall off, you'd probably either feel guilty for not helping your mom or make yourself ILL from doing too much)--do what you can. When the stress receded, when you've relaxed... the writing will come back. Just be gentle with yourself.

    I LOVE the cat in the suitcase (mine does exactly that, but she doesn't match as well.)

  15. My granddaughters will love this joke.

  16. My granddaughters will love this joke. (-:

  17. LOL- love the cat. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  18. A speedy recovery to your mum.

  19. I hope your mother recovers very soon and that all the other stresses are resolved soon. Take care,


  20. Love Spunky :)

    You've had a busy and emotionally draining summer. Give yourself time to heal and relax some. Blogging definitely comes in WAY after family and the real world. Take care Diane - that's the most important thing!

  21. I hope your mother gets well soon.

    Spunky looks like a traveling cat--what a wonderful photo! :)
