Friday, March 19, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different!

"We're knights of the round table
We dance when e'er we're able
We do routines and parlour scenes
With footwork impecc-Able."

I'm visiting Teens Read Too Book Club on Saturday!
Fridays's stops:
Interview at Red Headed Book Child
Guest post about editing at Mystery Writing is Murder

The battle is on!
It’s a read-a-thon between the Blue Team and the Red Team.
Who are you pulling for?
Kate’s Team Blue at The Neverending Shelf
Or Kristin’s Team Red at Bookworming in the 21st Century

Elana Johnson started a discussion and asked how YOU define success - best-seller, contract, sales, etc?
I stated that to me, real success is based on the number of lives I touch in a positive manner through the message of hope in my books and my speaking.
What’s yours?
Pop over to Elana’s site and tell her What Defines Success
Tell me here, too!

Jamieson Wolf posted this incredible video - “End of Publishing”
Watch it all the way through!

Jamieson also gave me this special award, The Storyteller Award, which goes out once a month:

Thanks so much, Jamieson - hugs!


Another tie! You guys are good...

From Alex J. Cavanaugh - "Does this bag make me look fat?"
And from CC Chronicles - "You want to be green? Find a leprechaun. I'm not giving up my bag!"



  1. I love the photo of the day. It makes me think of peace and quiet. The captions were great.

  2. I'm like Mason... that photo of the day was amazing!

    Mystery Writing is Murder

  3. I love your definition of success. Touching lives- when you really get down to it, that is the only thing that really matters.

  4. Mason and Elizabeth, thank you! I happened upon that scene and was so thankful I had a camera with me. Five minutes later, it was gone...

    Rayna, that IS all that matters!

  5. I love that clip - I saw it somewhere a long time ago and am glad you posted it here. I'm going to save it this time. Love Mason's caption, lol. Fun and informative Friday post, Diane!

    The Old Silly

  6. Sadly, that video aptly describes much of our society.

    Love the amazing picture. You have brought serenity to my office this morning.

    Glad you liked my caption. I loved Alex's too. It was classic.

  7. The photo captures one of those truly beautiful moments. Wow.

    I love that video clip.

    Congrats on the award - Have a great weekend :)

  8. This is so true. I'm promoting and marketing like a mad man this year using viral marketing. I will do book signings but will focus mainly on social networking to get the good word out in 2010.

    Stephen Tremnp

  9. Cool, you selected my quote!

  10. The video is great, Marvin. I was bummed until it reversed. That was soo clever.

    Glad everyone likes the photo. One of my best.

    You are a mad man, Stephen - every blog I visit, you are following. What will you do when you reach the end of the Internet?

  11. So many great links as usual. I like your definition of success, and I'll have to pop over to see what others think. Have a great weeekend.

  12. I must get right over to the blogs you are visiting and see what you have to say today. I've been seeing your smiling face all over the place of late. By golly, I see that you'll be visiting my blog next Wednesday. I can hardly wait!

  13. Love that picture. It brings out the thief in me. I want to steal it.

    You are a great photographer. You take great pictures and you know how to get your cats to pose.

    Straight From Hel

  14. Thank you, Tara!

    Lee, can't wait either!

    Thank you, Helen. Guess 30+ years of photography is finally paying off...

  15. I’ve seen that video and found it fascinating. Beautiful photo. Congrats on the Storyteller Award. Now I’m off to check out the other interesting links you mentioned.

  16. Wow, there's so much energy in this post. Thanks for that. I'm feeling a bit run-down at the moment. That picture of the sunlight in the trees is inspiring.

    And thanks for linking to my blog! :)

  17. Nice photo!
    Success for me is remembering my purpose in life and not to get side-tracked. I find success when I'm awake to what is and not longing or afraid for what isn't.

  18. Thank you, Jane.

    You're welcome and hope you feel refreshed now, Elana!

    That is a wonderful thought, Jan!

  19. On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It is a silly place.

    Great post, I loved the post on Mystery Writing is Murder, too. Thanks for sharing.

  20. I agree with your definition of success. If I can inspire just one person then I've succeeded. All the rest is simply tedious details.


  21. Diane, heard a lot about you at Jai Joshi's blog!Love your picture of the day -- you have a wonderful eye for composition.

    As for my definition of success (as an aspiring author of children's lit.), I would say it is: "My book managing to motivate even one young mind enough for her/him to dig up - literally or figuratively - the ancient times that my book is set in".

  22. B. Miller, it IS a silly place!

    You got it, Jai!

    And thank you for visiting, Hema! And that is a wonderful definition of success!
