Tuesday, September 06, 2022

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, First Love Available, and In Darkness: The Vampire

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s question – What genre would be the worst one for you to tackle and why?

I’m skipping the question as we have a book release today!

First Love: The Art of Making Doughnuts
An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology

The sweetness of first love…

Could a fiercely independent cop’s heart be stolen by the guy who makes her favorite doughnuts? Will a maid who used deceit to snare a mail-order husband get a dose of her own medicine? Can her handsome neighbor rescue a modern-day “princess” from a tenacious ex-boyfriend? Can two strangers in a rideshare be honest enough to fall in love for real? Can you remember your first love? How about your second? Third? Fourth?

Featuring the talents of Linda Budzinski, Melissa Maygrove, Michael Di Gesu, Sylvia Ney, Katie Klein, Kim Elliott, Templeton Moss, S.E. White, Denise Covey, and Sammi Spizziri. Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these ten tales will touch your heart and rekindle lost feelings. Prepare to return to that first love…

Print ISBN – 9781939844880, $14.95
eBook ISBN – 9781939844897, $4.99
Romance - Clean & Wholesome / Contemporary / Historical
186 pages, Freedom Fox Press, an imprint of Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.

Founded by author Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database; articles; monthly blog posting; Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram groups; #IWSGPit, and a newsletter.

Links: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iTunes / Kobo / Scribed / Goodreads /

“…a refreshing read! This is a gem of a book that I highly recommend.” - Rebecca Boerner M Ed., reviewer

“…this collection nailed the little bites of cute romance… recommend to anyone looking for an uplifting collection of sweet romance to fill an evening.” - Hayley Reese Chow, author

“This was a sweet, warm collection of love stories.” – Angie Titus, author

Visit the IWSG Anthologies site for a full list of tour dates.

* * *

In addition, we have cover art and review copies for my next book!

In Darkness: The Vampire
By L. Diane Wolfe

Souls shrouded in darkness…

Stuck working as a barmaid for her demanding father, Anna dreams of adventure. When mysterious strangers enter the bar, she overhears they seek Zancrela, an ancient fortress filled with treasure and a magical library. Taking her chance, she offers to guide them. The conditions: deliver Zancrela or die.

As they journey through the wilderness, she discovers their secret: they are vampires. And most view her as food. One takes interest in her and her heart dares to hope, but it might not be enough to change her fate. Will Anna find Zancrela or become a vampire morsel?

Release date: February 7, 2023
eBook ISBN – 9781939844903, $3.99
Romance-Paranormal-Vampires / Fantasy-Paranormal /Fantasy-Romance

This will be a novella series – The Shark will be next.

It’s available for pre-orders and for reviewers! So, if you are interested, please let me know.

Is everyone ready for some romance?


  1. Congratulations to the anthology authors and to you!

  2. Thanks for the shout-out, Diane! And, CONGRATS on your future new vampire book! February is just around the corner the way the TIME IS FLYING...it LOOKS AWESOME! It has been a long time since one of your works was published. You must be so excited.

  3. Congratulations on your latest publication, Diane!

  4. Look at you! You've got a book coming out. Love that cover. If you need another review just holler.
    Also love the cover for the anthology.

  5. Michael, I am! This series will be the best I have ever written.

    Sandra, I will email you.

  6. Congrats on the new release. And the anthology sounds interesting.

  7. Woo hoo! I couldn't get past the fact that you published your vampire story. So awesome! I'm glad it's going to be the best you've already written. Meanwhile, it's great that the anthology is out at last. I've tweeted/facebooked my fingers off. Haven't got to Insta yet. Phew! When does a girl get to write?

  8. Congrats on the book releases!! Both look great.

  9. Hi Diane - love the cover for your new book ... and I can't but be chuffed for all the authors featured in Dancing Lemur's anthology for IWSG ... congratulations to all - cheers Hilary

  10. Congrats on your new book and cover, Diane! The cover is awesome. And congrats to everyone in the anthology.

  11. Enjoyed the read, congrats to anthology authors.

  12. Congratulations to the authors and to you! That's awesome and the cover is fantastically dark and enticing.

  13. Congrats Diane!
    Once again, you've done an amazing job with the anthology!

    I have no interest in writing sci-fi and fantasy. However, I have read a bit of both genres over the years. I’m amazed at the intricate worlds that some of these writers build.

  14. Hi Diane, congratulations on your new book! It sounds intriguing.

  15. Congratulations on the new Anthology, Diane. When you have time can you please send me some of your spare energy. You are inspiring.

  16. Congrats to the authors, and to you on your upcoming release! I love the cover - very mysterious.

  17. Congratulations all around! Exciting times!!!

  18. Two books to promote simultaneously - what fun! Congrats on both, Diane.

  19. Lots of good reading coming down the pike.

  20. Wow! You've been busy. Huge congrats on the anthology and your new book as well.

    I apologize for the link to the anthology image and information not working on my post today. I just discovered the broken link and fixed it! I hate that when it happens.

  21. Congratulations to you, as well as all the anthology authors. Lots of good stuff going on for IWSG folks today!

  22. Congratulations to everyone included in the anthology. I love the title!

    And congrats to you, too, Diane. Great cover!

  23. Wahoo on the anthology. Love the cover.

  24. Congratulations to everyone on the anthology! And to Diane for your new release! Yay!

  25. Hi, Diane! I love the cover of your upcoming book. Sign me up for a preorder. I'd be happy to review it after it's released. I have a lot of medical stuff happening before then. The ten tales in First Love did touch my heart! You always do an amazing job on the anthologies! You're an inspiration.

  26. Congrats both on the anthology and the cool cover!

  27. And yes, I would be glad to read and review! :)

  28. I'm so excited about the latest anthology and already got my copy. Can't wait to dive in.
    Congratulations on your new book. The cover art is awesome! Kudos to whoever did it. I'm definitely looking forward to reading one of your works that's in a genre I prefer.
    Seems like September is going to be a good month for you.

  29. Congrats on the release. Looks like a fun read. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  30. Congratulations on the new anthology release and to all the authors whose stories are featured in it!

  31. Congrats to both books! Both look like fun reads.

  32. Congratulation on your latest releases. Best of luck for both :D

  33. Sign me up for pre-order for your upcoming book! Exciting!

  34. Congrats on the new book! I love vampire series. Cover looks great!!

  35. Congratulations to you on the two books! The vampire one sounds like it has an interesting plot.

  36. There have been some amazing releases lately! Sorry I'm so late in visiting. Still having the trouble where I can't load your site on my work computer.
