Wednesday, June 01, 2022

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, Giveaway, Tours, And Turpentine Creek Animal Rescue

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s question -
When the going gets tough writing the story, how do you keep yourself writing to the end? If have not started the writing yet, why do you think that is and what do you think could help you find your groove and start?

I’ve never had a problem working on more than one project at a time. Right now, I have four novelette length stories in various stages of writing/editing. So, I usually jump to something else that excites me more and when I return to the piece where I was stuck, I usually have a better plan. Or, I just skip ahead in the story and write the next scene that is working.

I’ve never been so stuck I couldn’t write anything.

However, I have been so strapped for time that I couldn’t write anything!

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Win a free print copy of paranormal romance/fairy tale retelling Druid’s Moon by Deniz Bevan. Just leave a comment.

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Tour Stops Needed

Dancing Lemur Press has two books coming out in September and we are looking for two stops for both:

First Love: The Art of Making Doughnuts

An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology

The sweetness of first love…

Release date: September 6, 2022

Dates already set – Sept. 5 & 12

Druid’s Moon

By Deniz Bevan

Beauty to his Beast…

Release date: September 20, 2022

Dates already set – Sept. 1, 7, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20 & 21

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On a personal note…

Today is one year since we lost my mother-in-law. Hard to believe it’s been that long. I still really miss her.

Fortunately, we got to spend some time with my husband’s father last month. He’d been wanting to take us to the Turpentine Creek Animal Refuge for two years. (A trip that got scrapped when Covid hit.) But we finally got to go! And such an amazing place – they have rescued so many big cats (and some small ones). We learned about each animal on display (maybe 25% of the total population there?) and all I can say now is never, ever support a place with white tigers (the inbreeding means they are all cross-eyed) or tigons/ligors (cross breeding lions and tigers means the cubs have really big bodies but their organs aren’t big enough to handle the size and they end up with all sorts of issues.)

How do you keep writing? Can you help with either tour? Do you want to win a free copy of Druid’s Moon (plus swag)?


  1. You know I'll be helping promote one of those. LOL
    Love the pic! I'm sure that was a fun, enlightening trip.

  2. I'm always jealous of people who can work on several things at the same time. I'm kind of doing that, but I'm working on one first draft and two novels that are in final stages of edits, so they don't require the same kind of brain power. More than one rough draft would be too much to handle.

  3. I like working on multiple projects as well - definitely keeps the stuck feeling at bay!

  4. Isn't it amazing how quickly time passes? Looks like your visit to the Turpentine Creek Animal Refuge was an interesting one! Great covers for the upcoming releases!

  5. Hi Diane, I can just about manage to work on two projects at a time. Four would be just too much for me. You are super :) that you can handle so many projects at one time.

  6. I prefer to work on one project at a time, but I can manage two without a problem. Any more than three turns me into a crazy person, and right now I have about five things on the stove, so... :)

  7. I'm glad you've never been stuck, Diane. You have enough on your hands. Before I forget, how come you still look 16? Have a great day.

    1. LOL! You'd never know I was 56, would you?

    2. Nope!! Good for you ... cheers Hilary

  8. I like hopping around manuscripts, too. It keeps one from becoming stale.

    I'm glad to help with the tour of either or both. I post on Wednesdays.

  9. I would have loved to see the big cats. So jealous.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  10. I end up all over the place with my work. All depends on what has my interest on a given day.

    I never knew about the white tigers. Thanks for raising awareness!

  11. It's wonderful that you never get stuck on your stories. I do sometimes. And I can't jump easily between projects. Something in me demands I complete one project before starting another.

  12. It's the time issue for me. Hopefully, soon I can really get back into my first love of writing! It's nice that things are opening up and trips are now possible without all the mandates!

  13. Story of my life: "However, I have been so strapped for time that I couldn’t write anything! " I'd happily win a copy of "Druid's Moon." I'm glad that you were able to visit the animal refuge with your f-i-l. Thanks for sharing the info about what happens to the animals. With my vision difficulties, I have a lot of sympathy for cross-eyed white tigers and the others. That's so cruel! Thanks for educating us on that. Take care, Diane!

  14. AnonymousJune 01, 2022

    I do a lot of hopping around in a manuscript, as well. Sometimes a scene or chapter will come to me, and I just want to get it down before I lose it.

    Very sad about the breeding practices of wild animals for profit. Some things just defy understanding.

    1. I knew the lion-tiger cubs had issues, but not the extent of them. Or that white tigers were cross-ed, sometimes badly. One they used to have, Kenny, also had Downs Syndrome!

  15. How horrible about the inbreeding and cross breeding. That's terrible. And I will help with the tour. You know where to find me.

  16. Ah yes, time, a writer's worst enemy (other than ourselves, of course). Oddly enough, it's better to have no enough than too much ;)

  17. Having multiple projects going at the same time makes it really easy to jump to something else when you're stuck. I had done that for a while.

  18. Oooh, I'd love to visit that rescue. I can help with either or both tours and I would like to win a free copy of Druid's Moon:)

  19. I'd be happy to help with either tour. That tour sounds very interesting. Glad you got to go.

  20. Hi Diane - I can imagine there's so much inbreeding - sad. I like being busy - means I can leave off something, the trouble is I mustn't forget that project as it needs finishing ... but you seem to keep catching all those 'balls of work' - well done - cheers Hilary

  21. Working on multiple projects at once helps beat boredom, and if you feel stuck, you can just switch over to the next story.

    According to industry standards, what is the popular length for a novelette these days? Is there much difference between a novella and a novelette?

  22. finding time is always the thing, isn’t it?
    awesome picture!
    and i can offer a spot on my blog for one of the dates of either book, if you like. just send me the info

    now if i could just motivate myself to get back into it. i don’t want the writing chapter of my life to be over yet!

    Tara Tyler Talks

  23. It's magnificent that you never stall out on your accounts. I do once in a while. Furthermore, I can't bounce effectively between projects. Something in me requests I complete one undertaking prior to beginning another.
    body pillow

  24. First... LOVE your MINIONS shirt! When I am in writing mode, I have no problem jumping from project to another if need be.

    I can't believe they inbreed and cross breed. Sad. As you said, it leads to unimaginable problems. But, at least you enjoyed your day there and saw some beautiful BIG cats.

    I can host for both if you like.

  25. I prefer one project at a time, but I'm no stickler. If something pops into my heads for another story, I'll write it down.

    It takes so much time to recover from loss. My heart is with you. I am glad to hear you made it to the rescue.

  26. Such a cute picture of you and a big cat who's camera shy.

  27. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sorry for the late reply. I too work on multiple projects at a time. I'd be willing to help with the First Love tour.

  28. Is that Bevan's debut book, or debut into that genre? I have two interview spots in October at Operation Awesome. Hit me @JLenniDorner up on Facebook if interested/ is a debut.

    I wrote a humorous piece for the June WEP prompt.
    And I have my favorite book world narrowed down for the IWSG July prompt.
    July 03 is Plastic Bag Free Day, which hopes to eliminate single-use plastic bags.
    Over at Operation Awesome, our Pass or Pages query contest opens Monday with July's family saga genre. Know any writers who might want to enter?
