Wednesday, May 04, 2022

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, Goal-Setting Webinar, and Meeting Visions of Atlantis

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s question - It's the best of times; it's the worst of times. What are your writer highs (the good times)? And what are your writer lows (the crappy times)?

Connecting with readers is always a high. When a reader gets it, falls in love with the story, or what you wrote helps them, it’s a wonderful feeling.

It’s low when a book just doesn’t find its readers, when marketing your brains out doesn’t seem to help.

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We have a new admin joining the IWSG - Sandra Cox.

Sandra is a very welcome member of the team.

Stop by and say hi to Sandra.

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Webinar rescheduled!

This is one of my first and funnest seminars - and it’s online. If you need a little boost with goal-setting, this one’s for you.

Achieving Personal and Business Goals Webinar
May 12, 6:30-8:30 pm
Free for anyone – register HERE
Is your life or business stagnating? Do you need motivation? A new level of success can be achieved by adjusting your mindset! L. Diane Wolfe delivers focused training on the five keys to success - a positive attitude, people skills, self-esteem, overcoming fears, and setting smart goals. Individuals and business owners looking to energize their productivity are encouraged to attend this spirited seminar!

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And on a personal note, I got to meet one of my favorite bands, Visions of Atlantis!

I never thought I’d see them in concert since they are from Austria. But they toured the States and at the beginning of April, we drove to Greensboro to see them. AND – my husband gave me an early anniversary present. He got us the “Meet & Greet” package, so we got pictures with the band, they autographed posters for us, and then they sang four songs acoustic. There were only ten people meeting the band, so it was small and intimate. What a treat!

What are your writer lows and highs? Need some help achieving your goals? Have you ever met a favorite band?


  1. Wow! That's very fun.

    Connecting with readers and knowing you helped or cheered someone - I think that's the ultimate high we're after, really.

  2. Wow! What a neat gift!

  3. How fun! Both the seminar and meeting the band! Ooo, the comment system on here are different. I think I like it.

    1. Yes, it changed sometime last month. It looks weird.

  4. Meeting a favorite band is awesome!

  5. What fun to meet your favorite band, and a Meet and Greet is awesome!

  6. What a great anniversary gift from your husband!

  7. Hi Diane, I agree that when a book finds and make a connection with readers, its a huge writer high, and when it doesn't its a big low.

  8. You've got a special man there, Diane.

    Congrats, Sandra.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  9. Congrats on getting to meet a fave band. That's nearly always a fun thing. Hi to Sandra :)

  10. What a purrfect anniversary gift. Your hubby definitely gets kudos for that.

    Thanks, Anna.

    Hi, Carole:)

  11. Great anniversary gift! I guess it must be wonderful for the band members too - connecting with their audience in this way.

  12. What a thoughtful and fun anniversary gift from your husband, Diane! Take care!

  13. What a fun experience with the band! Your husband sounds like a keeper. For our anniversary last month, my husband took me to Olive Garden for the bottomless breadsticks, which makes him a keeper as well.

    1. LOL! We need to hit Olive Garden sometime soon.

  14. Great gift from your husband! That showed lots of thought and says a lot about him. Glad you had fun.

  15. AnonymousMay 04, 2022

    What an awesome gift! That will be a lifetime of memories. Kudos to hubs for his thoughtfulness!

    Connecting with readers is a definite high. You've got a unique view of the opposite from the publisher's point of view. Definitely a low when you just can't connect with the audience.

    1. And we've had a few books that were great but just didn't find their audience.

  16. What a fabulous, fabulous gift! Looks like a fantastic time!

  17. What a wonderful gift to meet a favorite band! We used to meet some of the lesser-known bands, sometimes, when we went to Creation Fest, and once, just once, my husband got to meet his favorite lead singer (from Skillet) who was hanging out in the youth tent one year.

  18. You look so happy there. Congrats on getting to see the band.

  19. That's really neat that your husband got you those special passes to meet your favourite band! I was never a big concert goer of well-known bands so I've never met a favourite well-known band before, just local band artists who are still really good. I did, however, meet the actress who played Michael Jackson's girlfriend from his Thriller video at a convention several years back. In fact, she's from my home area of Sacramento.

  20. Wow! Actually meeting with the band in person. That was some great present!

  21. Hi Diane - what a wonderful prezzie from your husband - what fun; and yes welcome to Sandra ... thanks to you all - cheers Hilary

  22. What a cool experience meeting one of your favorite bands! Good luck with your seminar.

  23. I really want to do the seminar, but fear my husband will divorce me if I "work" late one more night this week. I say "work" because this wouldn't be work, but to a guy who used to seeing the back of my laptop instead of my face, he can't tell the difference anymore.

  24. Hi, Diane! I missed one of Alex's posts, and when I caught up with it, I heard about your interview/podcast on Voice America. I decided to listen to it immediately, and I'm so glad I did! It was wonderful, and you represented the IWSG so well! But you also represented spunky you so well too! Your expertise, credibility, enthusiasm, and intelligence shone through. I want to read that shark love story ~ why not have a shark love story? Thanks for all you do for so many people! You are amazing!
