Wednesday, August 04, 2021

The Insecure Writer's Support Group and GalaxyCon

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

August 4 question - What is your favorite writing craft book? Think of a book that every time you read it, you learn something or you are inspired to write or try the new technique. And why?

Please consider purchasing some IWSG swag. Erasers, notebooks, etc. It all goes to cover the IWSG domain name.

The IWSG Anthology Contest is open until September 1. You have one more month to enter. The genre is sweet romance and the theme first love. Please see the site for the exact submission details.

Toi Thomas will be taking over the IWSG Goodreads Book Club.

* * *

Last weekend was GalaxyCon Raleigh. Four days of comic con.

They reduced the number who could enter by a third.

And it reflected in sales.

As thus, this will be our last year for GalaxyCon.

It’s an expensive booth and four very exhaustive days. We’d have two free hours in the morning and one in the evening and that was it. All else was con or sleeping.

There are plenty of other cons in NC that are closer to our budget and time limits.

I did get to see Barry Bostwick again – and he remembered me! Three years ago, he stopped by our booth Saturday morning before opening and talked with us for a while. When I asked if I could take a photo of him, he said “Only if you are in it.” (Which made me laugh every time I passed his booth and saw folks paying $40 to get a photo with him.) He remembered me in 2019 and again this year, so I was over the moon. He is an amazing person.

But we are done with that con. On to the next, which is Greenville Comic Con this Saturday!


  1. Great picture of you and Barry Bostwick! Sounds like a nice guy.

    Hope Greenville goes well. Sorry to hear about the GalaxyCon issues.

  2. Four days sounds exhausting to me. Hope the next one is better.

  3. I've been seeing all the pics everywhere!!! I love Barry Bostwick! Now I know he's a nice guy!

  4. Goodluck for the next Comic Con, Diane.

  5. What a fun photo! A good last memory?! :) It's sounds like an exhausting time. I hope the other cons do better this year (or next 'cause ;)).

  6. You look so tiny next to Mr. Bostwick. Hope you had a fun time. Love all the photos.

  7. I've only gone to one convention, and it was a blast. I had no idea how much work it was for the booths. Thanks from all attendees everywhere. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  8. That's very cool about Barry Bostwick. Frame the photo for your office :)

  9. Glad there are other cons that work better for you. And that's an awesome photo!

  10. Wonderful photo, Diane. Good luck with the next Con!

  11. All that hard work for so little return, makes sense to change things up. I remember those days, still haven't figured out if it was worth it. It was a lot of fun though.

  12. Oh my, Diane! Another event this weekend! Too bad about GalaxyCon. Exhibitors need to get a return on their investment of time and money. Thanks for helping Alex with the swag. How cool that you have a photo with Barry Bostwick! Have a good one!

  13. Thank you everyone and yes I do look tiny next to Barry. He is really tall though.

  14. Looks like a fun time - too bad about the sales. Hope the next con is better. Great pic!

  15. It's hard when you put so much effort into something and see very little in return. I liked the pictures you got of some of the characters holding our books, though!

  16. Drats. It sucks about the Con and tanked sales. Hopefully everything bounces back soon.

  17. Sounds like the event suffered greatly from Covid, which is bad for everyone really. Glad you have other opportunities in the area.

  18. Great photo! I don't blame you for looking for greener pastures, pun intended.

  19. You have so much fun! And Gary Bostwick yet again? Thanks for sending the images of Some Very Messy Medieval Magic in the hands of such unique readers!

  20. Barry has always seemed like a good guy, good to know he is! Hope you get some more cons to go to soon!

  21. Galaxy Con sounds like a lot of work! Lucky you rubbing elbows with Barry Bostwick. I didn't recognize his name but I definitely recognize him.

  22. Sad about Galaxy Con, but woo woo about Bostwick. You rock!

  23. That's awesome about him remembering you! Too bad the con didn't seem worth it this year!

  24. That's so cool Barry remembered you, Diane! Such fun.

  25. Hi Diane - it sounds like a great Galaxy-Con ... and wonderful Barry remembers you ... he seems like a great guy - I had to look him up - but see he spent time in a circus ... his face tells many a story ... and it must be fun to spend time with him. Love the photo - cheers Hilary

  26. Sounds like quite the haul indeed. lol got it for free while others got charged 40 a pop. Nice.

  27. Tables at cons can be expensive. If you don't at least make the money back that you put into a table and the con location is far from home then it makes sense not to bother with it and to focus on cons closer to you. I hope Greenville works better for you.

  28. Cons sound so exhausting for the exhibitors. Heck, they're tiring enough for the people walking around. Good luck on Saturday!

  29. I so wanted to go to GalaxyCon but hopefully I'll get to go next year, but of course, I just mean as a spectator. Hope Greenville goes well.

  30. That was so cool about Barry Bostwick:) You are memorable:)
    Sorry it was so overpriced.
    Have fun at the next Con.

  31. Enjoyed the read .Most interesting Diane,
    Have finally solved my Blogger problem.
    Hope you're well and take care.

  32. Sorry the con was such work. Very expensive if they've limited attendance. They should have reflected that in the booth fees.

  33. You look so small beside Barry. Sounds like hard work, but I guess it's worth it!

  34. I'm sorry about Galaxy Con! But I understand how that goes. I hope the next con is better!

    ♥.•*¨Elizabeth Mueller¨*•.♥

  35. That's very cool about Barry!
    And I'm sorry to hear you won't be attending again, but I get it.

  36. I always like BB... How fun to get a pic with him and that he remembered you! I could imagine how pricey some of those CONS are, especially if they are limited the amount of guests. Good luck with the others!

  37. Glad you had fun at the con.
    Did anyone from your area win at the Olympics this year?
    Joe Kovacs, my from neck of the woods, won silver for Shot Put Throw.

  38. These events always look like so much fun. Enjoy the next one!

  39. How was Greenville? And was it NC or SC?

  40. Woohoo. How exciting. Barry should be honored too.

  41. That's too bad they're closing but I hope you enjoy the others.I appreciate all you do for your authors.

  42. Four days sounds tiring! I have done two days in a row- but never four. I imagine it was fun, but draining too. Sounds like you have some good cons you can attend for a better price- so that is a plus! :) Good luck with the next one!
