Tuesday, July 06, 2021

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group and Blood Red Sand Release!

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Sorry I missed last month. My mother-in-law passed and we were busy taking care of things and attending the memorial.

Today’s optional question: What would make you quit writing?

I’m going to let DLP author Damien Larkin answer that, as he has a book release today!

“Nothing. I can’t think of a single reason or scenario where I’d ever want to quit writing.

Writing can be a frustrating, exhausting and at times mind numbing process. I have moments where I’d rather stare out the window or bash my head off the laptop screen than write another word (although, I don’t think I’m the only one…)

Something about it always spurs me on, though. I love creating and crafting new worlds and characters. I enjoy a fresh new story pouring out of the depths of my psyche and slowly coming together into a coherent tale.

There’s times when I may feel like quitting, but I know I’ll never follow through. This is who I am now. If it takes me a year, ten years or a lifetime to get to where I want to be, I’ll keep pushing. What could make me quit writing? Absolutely nothing.”

Blood Red Sand
By Damien Larkin

Mars will run red with Nazi blood…

After World War Two, Sergeant McCabe knew the British army could send him anywhere. He never imagined facing down another Nazi threat on Mars.

In New Berlin colony, rivalry between Generalfeldmarschall Seidel’s Wehrmacht and Reichsführer Wagner’s SS threatens bloodshed. The Reichsführer will sacrifice everything to initiate the secretive Hollow Programme and realise his nightmarish future for humanity.

McCabe, Private Jenkins, and the Mars Expeditionary Force must overcome bullet, bomb, and bayonet to destroy the Third Reich. While Jenkins fights to stay alive, McCabe forms an uneasy alliance with MAJESTIC-12 operatives known as the Black Visors. Will this be the final battle of World War Two or the first confrontation in an interstellar war?

$17.95, 6x9 trade paperback, 252 pages
Science Fiction - Military/Alternative History/War & Military
Print ISBN 9781939844781 / EBook ISBN 9781939844798
$4.99 EBook available in all formats

Damien Larkin is an Irish science fiction author and co-founder of the British and Irish Writing Community. His debut novel Big Red was longlisted for the BSFA award for Best Novel. He currently lives in Dublin, Ireland.

Links: Amazon US / Amazon UK / iTunes / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / Goodreads

What would make you quit writing?
Picking up Blood Red Sand?


  1. Thank you posting this up, Diane!

  2. So sorry for your loss, Diane. Congrats to Damien on his book release! That's great that he doesn't think anything could stop him from writing and knows that he'd never give into the urge to quit writing.

  3. Big congratulations to Damien!

  4. Heartfelt condolences.

    Congratulations to Damien.

    Go gently, Diane.

  5. Thank you, everyone. Been a rough time.

    1. Thoughts and prayers, Diane. All the best to you and your family.

  6. So sorry for your loss. Congrats to Damien.

  7. Hi,
    What can I say but Amen! I so agree with what Damien said.
    All the best for his book launch.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  8. What a hard question. You answered it well Damien! Your new release sounds fantastic.

    1. Thank you H.R. I did genuinely try to think of a reason, but nothing came to mind.I enjoy writing too much!

  9. Diane, you have my condolences. Damien's story about writer's persistence was really inspiring and encouraging. The plot to his novel seems really neat!

    1. Thank you, Steven. I love WW2 films so wanted to write something similar... except on Mars!

  10. Hi Diane, I like Damien's answer a lot "Nothing. I can’t think of a single reason or scenario where I’d ever want to quit writing." It echoes my thinking.

    1. That's a great mindset to have, Rachna. Persistence always pays off!

  11. Damien's right. I can't see a scenario where one can't write is they desire. I have a friend who's a quadriplegic and he writes in a dictaphone.

    1. Thanks Joylene. And well done to your friend. I wish him all the best with his writing!

  12. Congrats to Damien. Sounds like a fascinating read. Let me know if I can help get the word out.
    You hit the nail on the head about writing: mind numbing:) Thank goodness for those moments of breakthroughs:)

    1. Thank you, Sandra! I agree - those 'lightbulb' moments are amazing!

  13. Good answer, Damien - I completely agree.
    Congrats on the book!

  14. If you enjoy writing can you really quit? I don’t think so. You may have phases, where you don’t write much; but eventually you will find your way back to the blank page.
    And I'm talking about writing for the sheer pleasure of writing, and possibly publishing something along the way.
    Then there's writing to pay the bills - that's a different story.

    1. Agreed, Michelle. We all have moments where we're super-productive and then maybe not so much. It's perfectly natural and part of the process.

  15. Congratulations, Damien. I'm looking forward to reading your book! I completely agree with you about writing.

  16. Sorry for your loss, Diane.
    Congratulations, Damien, on your book release.

  17. I can't quit, either. It gets me through my day. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. I'm the exact same. I can't imagine not writing or at least doing something writing related throughout the day!

  18. I was so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, Diane. I hope you and your husband are feeling comforted by those around you.

    The premise of Blood Red Sand is interesting. Best of luck, Damien!

  19. So sorry for your loss.

    Nazi's on Mars, now there's a scary thought but if we send all those here on earth, they'd have their first big city!
    Congratulations, Damien!

    1. Definitely a scary thought, Yolanda. I came up with it while researching conspiracy theories for Big Red. Yep, some people think there's Nazi colonies on Mars...

  20. My condolences on the loss of your mother-in-law.

    Best of luck to Damien!

  21. Yeah... what he said!
    Congrats on your new release!!

  22. Good luck with the new book. It sounds thrill charged, indeed.

    1. Thank you! An author colleague of mine described it as 'turbo charged' which I think pretty much sums it up!

  23. Sure have to keep on keeping on indeed

    1. Exactly Pat. Gotta keep pushing until you get to where you want to be!

  24. Congratulations, Damien!
    Keep on Keeping On!

    1. Thanks Tyrean. I'll never stop never stopping!

  25. I can relate to Damien's passion for writing. Congrats on the book release!

  26. Congrats, Damien! Great answer. Quitting is not an option.

  27. Writing and writers are a unique breed - what other job would have us coming back for more despite the ability to destroy us from within and stick us back together?

    Congrats to Damien on his new release.

    1. Exactly, Annalisa. It can be frustrating and punishing but we keep coming back for more!

  28. As Damien says, what would make me stop? Nothing. There's a drive, a need, a passion...and nothing ever feels quite as good.

  29. Great to hear, Liza. Tap into that drive!

  30. Grats on the book release, Damien!

  31. So sorry for your loss!

    I love Damien's answer to the question and congrats on the new book!

  32. Sorry about your mother-in-law. I hope Covid didn't add to much difficulty to the proceedings.

    Congrats on the new book!

  33. Congratulations, Damien! And I agree with never quitting. My writing might be like a rollercoaster, but it never ends.

  34. I might stop writing for a while, but I'd never quit.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  35. I’m sorry for your loss.

  36. Interesting premise. Good luck Damien.

    Hey L Diane. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Take care.

  37. I'm so sorry about your mother-in-law, Diane. I hope you're doing okay.

    A traumatic brain injury would probably make me quit writing.

  38. Sorry to hear of your mother-in-law's passing, but glad you were able to attend the memorial.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Thanks for sharing Damien Larkin's words and his new book.

  39. Hi Diane and Damien ... great sounding book - congratulations on its release. Can you imagine what would happen here if we all gave up writing ... ??!! Take care and all the best - Hilary
