Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Keep Writing With Fey and Other Dancing Lemur Press News

Available today!

Keep Writing with Fey: Sparks to Defeat Writer's Block, Depression, and Burnout
By Chrys Fey

Catch the sparks you need to conquer writer’s block, depression, and burnout!
When Chrys Fey shared her story about depression and burnout, it struck a chord with other writers. That put into perspective for her how desperate writers are to hear they aren’t alone. Many creative types experience these challenges, battling to recover. Let Keep Writing with Fey: Sparks to Defeat Writer's Block, Depression, and Burnout guide you through:
• Writer's block
• Depression
• Writer's burnout
• What a writer doesn’t need to succeed
• Finding creativity boosts
With these sparks, you can begin your journey of rediscovering your creativity and get back to what you love - writing.

Available July 14, 2020
Writing / Self-Help: Depression – Stress Management
$17.95 Print ISBN 9781939844743 / $4.99 EBook ISBN 9781939844750

“Gracious, there are so many tips and lessons in this book that I dare anyone to pick it up and not be writing furiously by the last chapter.” - C. Hope Clark, author and founder of FundsforWriters.com

“Her no-nonsense approach feels like advice from a good friend, doled out in easily digestible bite-sized pieces.” – Janice Hardy, author and founder of Fiction University

“This is one book every writer should have in their arsenal.” - Best-selling cozy mystery writer Elizabeth Spann Craig

Chrys Fey is the author of the Disaster Crimes Series and an editor for Dancing Lemur Press. She started her blog, Write with Fey, to offer aspiring writers inspiration, advice, and hope. At the age of twelve, she started writing her first novel, and since then she has been a dedicated citizen in the writing world.
Blog / Website

Find Keep Writing With Fey at Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iTunes /Kobo / Goodreads

* * * * *

In other Dancing Lemur Press news:

Our next release is Bubba and Squirt’s Mayan Adventure by Sherry Ellis

This is the sequel to Bubba and Squirt’s Big Dig to China

Look for it on September 15.

We also just signed Damien Larkin’s next book, Blood Red Sand.
It is a prequel to his first novel, Big Red.

Be sure to follow Dancing Lemur Press on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Sound Cloud (where you can hear samples of our audio books.)

And be sure to sign up for our newsletter!


  1. Congratulations on all of the new releases. Sounds like an awesome lineup of good reads coming.

  2. Congratulations to Chrys and to everyone. Ready for more bat-crap crazy from Damien.

  3. Congrats to Chrys and Sherry! Glad things are going so well at Dancing Lemur.

  4. Thank you so much, Diane! This book means a lot to me, so thank you for helping me to get it out there.

    Bubba and Squirt’s Mayan Adventure is a fun story. I know it'll do great. :)

    1. Congrasts to to Chrys I have writers block on the book I'm writing about my late son. Good to know Chrys overcame it.

    2. Thank you, Yvonne! I overcame writer's block, depression, and burnout. ;)

    3. I know you really put a lot into this one and it's very personal. Happy to be a part of it coming to fruition.

  5. I think we could all use a book like this right now!

    1. You're right. With what's going on in the world, many writers are struggling. The timing worked out well in the end.

  6. Congrats to Chrys and Sherry. I did not realize today was Chrys' release day.

  7. Yay for Chrys and Sherry! Must reads. Must shares. :)

  8. Congratulations to Chrys! And yay for Sherry's next book. :)

  9. Woo Hoo, Chrys! Wishing you many sales.
    Congrats to Sherry.

  10. Congratulations to Chrys and Sherry and Damien. More good reading ahead.

  11. Hi Diane - congratulations to you for publishing Chrys' book - it will help so many. Take care - Hilary

  12. So excited for Chrys! An important book that I know lots of authors will be able to relate to for sure.

    I am looking forward to being part of Sherry's tour. I still need to sign up- but it is on my list to look at my blog schedule and help spread the word. :)

    Have a great weekend-

  13. Congrats to Chrys and those upcoming too!

  14. Lots of good things going on at the Press(es).

  15. Sounds great! More awesome releases--you've been busy.

    I'm sure Chry's book is going to help a lot of people.

  16. AnonymousJuly 23, 2020

    I'm so excited for Chrys and Sherry and Damien! Keep rocking and rolling everyone!

    Click link below for my new domain. Warmly,

  17. Oops, I didn't realize I had missed this. Thanks for the news about Sherry's book release. I'll contact her about a post on our anthology blog.

  18. Hope you're having a pleasant, productive weekend.
    So far:), it's beautiful here today.

  19. Chrys's book hits lots of issues writers have to deal with doesn't it.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

  20. Sounds like a helpful book. Congratulations to Chrys. Some very nice recommendations.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  21. Congratulations to Chrys, Damien and Sherry, so well done and as klingons sometimes say Qapla which means success.

  22. Great-sounding new releases! Congratulations to Chrys, Sherry, and Damien.
