Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Insecure Writer's Support Group and Keep Writing With Fey

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

July’s question:
There have been many industry changes in the last decade, so what are some changes you would like to see happen in the next decade?

Obviously, I’d like to see more opportunities for books published by smaller publishers. More fan-centered websites (like YA Central) would help with that. There aren’t many for each genre and they tend to focus on just the Big Five books.

I’d also like to see more events at libraries, bookstores, and other venues. As we start gaining more independent bookstores, this becomes more of a possibility.

One change that is already happening is delivering content and information via videos. Not book trailers, but authors sharing their expertise, even with live videos so they can field questions. Dancing Lemur Press authors began recording themselves reading from their books, and for two months, we posted them on our DLP Facebook page. (Now we are also posting on YouTube.) It’s a way to reach a broader audience without expense. (And I’m all for that!)

Just two weeks away from this release! 

Keep Writing with Fey: Sparks to Defeat Writer's Block, Depression, and Burnout
By Chrys Fey
Print ISBN 9781939844743
EBook ISBN 9781939844750

You can pre-order here: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iTunes / Kobo

What changes would you like to see?


  1. Congrats and good luck to Fey with her book.
    Good points you made Diane.


  2. I've seen a lot more videos of authors lately. I hate getting in front of a camera! I'd rather read in public...aka to my library kiddos or others. Maybe that's weird. Thanks for highlighting Chrys' book!

    1. I did a Zoom interview just last night! I have no problem in front of the camera, just no recent book to talk about.

  3. I think we'll see online events increasing exponentially, but we still need a lot of in-person stuff too to keep those bookstores and other places thriving. It's a balance, for sure.

  4. YouTube sounds like a great change for authors. Congrats to Chrys!

  5. I second Nick's comment. It's a balance. I'd love to see it all ways, in person, on line...sadly, I think the brick's and mortar, more human side of things will continue to fade...

  6. Good answers! Small presses are a huge boost for authors. The videos are great as well - I just haven't put my 'real' face out there :)

  7. My best sales have been at the library where several authors were working together. Hopefully, we'll be able to do more of that when the world calms down. I like the videos too. Lotd of fun things to do.

    1. Yes, get a group together and that really increases the marketing reach and draw.

  8. Those are great suggestions. And awesome that you are posting videos of your authors on Fabook.

  9. That is a great way to get some free exposure indeed with the videos.

  10. I want a machine that can plug into my brain and spit out books while I sleep. Can we do that?

  11. I still need to figure out something for a video...

  12. I love posting videos to YouTube. My posts for marketing have done pretty well.

  13. I love attending events at libraries and would love to see more of those for local authors, publishers, and independent sellers too!

    1. When it's okay to do them again, tell your library that!

  14. The whole pandemic worries me about the state of indie stores. I feel like smaller presses are going to have a lot of trouble :(

  15. I love attending events, but I'm also thankful for all of the events happening online. I love the classes I'm getting to attend taught by authors from near and far away.
    I hope small presses and indie authors come out of this stronger.

  16. Hi, Diane! I'm hoping the future empowers more writers and smaller publishers. At some point I'll get a video to you ~ So much to learn. Can I teach myself to dye my hair ~ LOL! I'll be preordering Chry's book ~ and I'll give it a plug on our next anthology blog. She is an IWSG member, and this is a craft book, and I have free rein ~ LOL!

  17. Videos are a great way for authors to reach their audience!
    Congrats to Chrys on the release!

  18. Mother and daughter back to back. Very cool:)

  19. I like your ideas for the changes in the book industry. They are especially valuable because you're a publisher and know the industry first-hand.

  20. I think small presses are great for authors. It gives authors a chance to get their books out to the readers where a large publisher won't work with them. Congrats to Chrys on the upcoming release.

  21. What positive ideas -- really liked your suggestion about indie authors reading their own stories and posting them on youtube/fb/websites, etc. Especially useful for those among us who are shy.

  22. The best things to come out of the "revolution" in the publishing industry is the emerging small press industry. Love the video idea. Wish I were better at creating them. I now have video envy to add to my list of things I wish I do as well as others. :-)

  23. Video content is a great idea. I love the idea of authors reading from their work.

  24. There's been some great changes in the industry. Technology has helped a lot.

  25. Readings readings and Q & A's are a good idea.

  26. Oooh, videos are such a good idea. That's where people seem to be discovering things nowadays. I wonder if you could do that for a shorter form, like Instagram or TikTok. A quick scene there that catches on with a younger audience...

  27. I like your changes. Yes to small presses and indie stores.

  28. Those are positive hopes for change. Good for you. I hope libraries stay around for a long time.

  29. Videos are really popular.

  30. I suppose the advancement of technology will continue to influence and lead these changes.
    From an educational perspective, I’d like to see more of a three-way collaboration with authors, libraries and schools.

  31. Yes, small and medium sized publishers should get a boost.

  32. AnonymousJuly 02, 2020

    I've enjoyed her videos too. She has such a great voice to read her own books!

    Click link below for my new domain. Warmly,

  33. Those videos are a great idea! Good for you.

    I'd love to see more opportunities for diverse writers and voices. Too often, it's difficult for marginalized authors to get published, and they rarely get those huge deals from the major houses, even when they should. I'm really hoping that will change, as publishers learn their customers have a hunger for authentic stories from different perspectives.

  34. Diane! I love your publishing company--it feels so much like family. I love the opportunities you give our voices in being heard other than publishing our books. If only ALL publishers was like yours!

  35. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I too like the idea of using video to reach people. I've been doing it for a while and plan to amp up my efforts.

  36. Do you find much resistance with authors reading their own material in a video? So many writers are introverts, I'd think you might have trouble convincing them.

    1. We had a dozen of ours send in videos.

  37. Small presses are amazing, especially in that they don't try to stick to fads and give new ideas a chance. Congrats to Fey!

  38. Hi Diane - it's great to your knowledge around for us to tap into ... and those new ideas - seem a great way of broadening the audience. Good luck to Chrys with her soon to be publication - take care - Hilary

  39. Great idea for connecting with readers, Diane!

  40. Its all technology now which I want to use properly to reach readers when timing is right.

  41. I'd like to see Indie bookstores make a comeback. The bookstores that support locals, Indies and small press.

  42. It would be nice if small presses got a break. It's hard to compete with the big ones! I love your publishing company because of the variety of books you have and the way it feels like a family.

    The videos are a great idea. I'm glad a lot of your authors are producing them.

  43. How wonderful! Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic I began a Story Time Facebook Live on Saturday mornings and it has been fabulous. I started with my own books and now I am reading books from fellow authors. For those of you that are interested in having your book read live please email me at

  44. Hope your weekend is productive and pleasant.
