Friday, November 15, 2019

Favorite Holiday Memory

Hosted by Chrys Fey

Blog Hop Question: What is your favorite holiday memory?
(This includes Hanukkah, Kwanza, Yule/Winter Solstice, Christmas, etc.)

My Memory:

Going back to pick out one specific memory was difficult. Most of the ones at home with my husband and cats have been wonderful.

I can’t remember the exact year this was taken, but Hobbes was still with us.

I miss her – my Hobbes, the “Monkey.” Her sister Calvin (yes, Calvin & Hobbes) was the “Weasel”, and yes, the Monkey DID chase the Weasel!

I also have to give a special mention to Spunky (yes, we had a cat named Spunky – his sister was Rocko, aka Rocko’s Modern Life) who loved to dive into the wrapping paper,

New Picture Book Release from Elaine Kaye:

On Christmas Eve, Gregory and Sammy get a special visitor—Santa Claus! Santa brings them on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure around the world and to the North Pole. Bundle up and come along for the ride!
General Age Range - Kids 4-8 (Story Picture Book)

Get Pea Soup Disaster now! Amazon / Nook / Kobo

About the Author: Elaine Kaye is the author of A Gregory Green Adventure series. She created Gregory Green after her son, who loved her homemade pea soup.
Kaye has worked as a library assistant and teacher's assistant in elementary schools. She currently lives in Florida, but has called Michigan; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Okinawa, Japan home.

Hop around to the other blogs participating:

What’s your favorite holiday memory?


  1. Lovely memories Diane. Enjoyed the read and photo's.
    Have a great weekend.


  2. We have a kitty who loves destroying wrapping paper, too. :) Always makes us laugh on Christmas morning. Love seeing your photos and hearing your memories!

    1. Calvin always went for bows. Chewed them to bits. It wasn't until she passed that we started putting bows on presents again.

  3. Cats have a way of making every day special, don't they?

    One of my favorite holiday memories was Thanksgiving of 1970, when we told our parents we were expecting our first child.

  4. I remember the first Christmas I had with my cats after I rescued them. They had so much fun playing with wrapping paper...and demolishing the tree. lol

    1. We've been fortunate! Outside of a couple ornaments knocked down by Rocko & Spunky, our three sets of cats never messed with the tree.

  5. You cats are cuties.

    Thank you for participating in the blog hop!

    1. I hope Sleigh Ride does really well. It was super cute.

  6. Fun memories, Diane. Cute cats--even though I'm not a cat person. :)

  7. love the cat pics and having critters for christmas is almost the same as having kids. i used to buy my dobie numerous presents and it was hard keeping her from sniffing them out. another memoryi hadn't thought of for a long time and a blogger like yourself brought to mind
    sherry @ fundinmental
    sherry @ fundinmental

  8. Yeah, that feels very familiar. I had a cat who loved wrapping paper. Especially when it was still on gifts.

    1. That was Calvin and bows. She destroyed them all.

  9. Cats have such fun unwrapping the gifts. I don't put up a tree anymore because Tiger climbed the last one we had and it fell over breaking all the decorations. No more tree.

    1. Oh no! I'm so glad out cats never climb our tree. Maybe because it's fake?

  10. haha they sure enjoy the paper and destroying what they can. Between Mom's dog and Cassie, a tree has fallen. She still curses her out for that lol

  11. Love the picture of you and your cat. Cat are so much fun around Christmas trees. Ours always had mad or laughing.

  12. I so often forget how special pets can be to adding joy to the holiday experience. My dog is terrified of wrapping paper. Love these pictures. All your furbabies seem so happy. They know they were or are part of a loving family.

  13. They weren't tree eaters? Cats are so fun at Christmas.

  14. Now I have the theme song to Rocko's Modern Life stuck in my head.

  15. I love the picture of you and Hobbes. Purrfect. We miss our babies don't we? The HH insists everyone wear elf caps at Christmas. He's given up on me. I just have to wear a lighted Christmas necklace. Heh.
    Wishing Elaine much success. A wonderful book for the season.

  16. Loved this post, Diane, especially the photo of you and Hobbes! My favorite holiday memory ever is hearing Santa's reindeers' hooves on the house next-door when I was a small child. I hope Elaine's book has lots of success.

  17. Your cat pics are beautiful. I had two cats called Felix and Oscar. It was years back and they were awesome. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  18. I once had a pair of cats named Chivas & Water.

  19. Was a cat person as a kid, but weirdly enough I'm allergic to cat dander only in the last 5+ years, so that's a bit sad. And very weird :)

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Diane!

  20. Just stopped by to say hey. Hope your Thanksgiving was wondrous.
