Tuesday, September 04, 2018

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group and Bubba and Squirt’s Big Dig to China

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s option question: What publishing path are you considering/did you take, and why?

Wednesday submissions open for the 2018 Annual IWSG Anthology Contest!

Word count: 3500-6000

Genre: Young Adult Romance

A Masquerade can be a false show or pretense, someone pretending to be someone they aren't. It can be a ball, a fancy dress party, it can be a mask. Open to interpretation.

Submissions accepted: September 5 - November 4, 2018

How to enter: Send your polished, formatted (Double spaced, no page numbers), previously unpublished story to admin @ insecurewriterssupportgroup.com before the deadline passes. Please include your contact details, your social links, and if you are part of the Blogging, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter IWSG group.

Judging: The IWSG admins will create a shortlist of the best stories. The shortlist will then be sent to our official judges:
Elizabeth S. Craig, author
Elana Johnson, author
S.A. Larsen, author
D.L. Hammons, Write Club founder
Gwen Gardner, author
Kelly Van Sant, Red Sofa Literary Agency
Kristin Smith, author

Prizes: The winning stories will be edited and published by Freedom Fox Press next year in the IWSG anthology. Authors will receive royalties on books sold, both print and eBook. The top story will have the honor of giving the anthology its title.

Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. is also celebrating a new release today!

Bubba and Squirt’s Big Dig to China
by Sherry Ellis

You can’t dig a hole to China!

Squirt doesn’t believe Bubba can dig a hole to China. But when the hole swallows them, the kids find themselves in Xi’an, China, surrounded by Terracotta Warriors.
It gets worse when the ghost of the first emperor of China appears. He tells them they can’t go home until they find his missing pi. The kids don’t know where to begin until they meet a girl and her grandmother who promise to help find the pendant.
Soon they realize they are being followed. And they are no closer to finding the missing pi. Will Bubba and Squirt ever make it back home?

Juvenile Fiction - Action Adventure (JUV001000)/ Legends, Myths, Fables: Asian (JUV012060)
Print ISBN 9781939844507 $7.95
EBook ISBN 9781939844514 $3.99

Find it at Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iTunes Kobo / BAM Book trailer - YouTube

Sherry Ellis is hosting a bloghop today - "Where in the World?"

The prompt is: If you could go through the Earth and end up in another country, where would you go?

Right now, my answer would be Hawaii. But not for the obvious reasons.
Two weeks ago they were hit by a category 5 hurricane, Lane. It began its approach on August 22nd - my best friend’s birthday. As much as I wanted to call Dale that day, I knew she would be dealing with the approaching storm and a bunch of issues and guest problems at the resort she manages.
Then a fire broke out in Lāhainā - the town she lives in. Fueled by the hurricane’s winds, it burned out of control, destroying 15 homes and all the land around the town. I could only watch her Facebook page and comment or text my concerns.
She and her husband and two pets are okay. But it was scary to watch, knowing there was nothing I could do.
So right now, I would love to dig a hole to Hawaii and give her a big hug.

If you could dig a hole, where would you go?


  1. Enjoyed both subjects of your post Diane.


  2. That would be scary knowing you couldn't do anything.
    Big congratulations to Sherry!

  3. Very excited about Big Dig to China!

    Thanks for participating in the blog hop. I have a friend in Hawaii, too, and I've seen her pictures. She assures us that she's okay. Hopefully everything will be okay for your friend and everyone affected by the hurricane and fire.

  4. Scary stuff. I hope your friend is OK.

  5. Hi Diane - good luck to Sherry for her Bubba and Squirt book ... I'm sure more books will be following. Great that you were able to publish for her. Tunnelling to Hawaii to meet up with your friends ... great idea - I'd probably travel back home ... but go via Aus and NZ ... and perhaps South America ... might has well make hay while I'm travelling! Cheers Hilary

  6. Aww, that's a sweet reason why you'd like to go to Hawaii.

    A big congrats to Sherry!

  7. I hope your friend is all right, too. Hawaii has been hit by so much lately.

  8. I can remember as a small child digging a hole to get to China. The hole didn't go far. I think I was using a small toy shovel--or a stick maybe. This book sounds like a fun adventure for young readers. I wish Sherry well with the book release.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  9. Would be awful indeed as the fire just continued and knowing there was nothing one could do, but at least they are all okay.

  10. I'm glad your friend is okay. So sorry, they've had to deal with that. We've had way too many natural disasters this year.

  11. Glad your friend is ok. That really is scary.
    Congrats to Sherry!

  12. It was scary to watch, even from afar.
    Congrats to Sherry!!

  13. Somedays, I think if I could dig a hole, I'd jump in and pull the hole in after me. Life . . . But, I think I'd want to go back a few hundred thousand years and hopefully not gllyet ate by a Trex. The far far past is more interesting than the recent past.

    Congrats to Sherry, the book sounds intriguing.

  14. It is hard watching your friend go through something and not be able to help. Glad everyone is okay. Huge congratulations to Sherry on the release of her book.

  15. Congrats to Sherry! I'd love to travel anywhere especially if fascinating history is involved. The anthology sounds intriguing! Love the idea of masquerading. I love writing characters that fit that description.

  16. Congratulations on your new release and a huge congrats to Sherry. What a major accomplishment!

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  17. Sherry, you enjoy this release.

    Pat, the winds from the hurricane just made it worse.

    Jennifer, then I hope you consider entering the contest.

  18. Congratulations on the new release and to Sherry! It sounds like a fun book.

    It's sad not being able to do anything about that situation. I can why you want to go there.

    I have no idea where I'd dig a hole to.

  19. I would like to visit Hawaii too someday :) Happy IWSG day :)

  20. Glad to hear your friend made it through okay. That was quite the storm. My son was just there a few weeks before it hit, and it was strange to think about how quickly things can change. Congrats to Sherry!!!

  21. That's scary to know that someone you care about was there. Glad she's okay. Congrats to Sherry!

  22. Congrats to Sherry! I'd love to go to Hawaii too. Or to England. Or New Zealand. I can dig several holes, right?!

  23. I'm so glad your friend is okay!
    Sherry's book sounds terrific! :)

  24. I'm thankful your friend in Hawaii is safe. Scary stuff for sure and knowing you can't help is hard to deal with.
    Congratulations to Sherry. Looking forward to reading her new book.
    Good luck to all on the anthology.

  25. Maybe I'd dig a hole to Australia. Always wanted to visit Sydney. Hawaii sure has had it rough this year. Wishing its residents well. Thank you for visiting me! :)

  26. Here's to a new release! I deeply empathize with those in Hawaii who survive Hurricane Lane. Not being able to do anything is truly excruciating.

  27. I'm glad your friends are okay. It's so hard to watch natural disasters unfold from afar and worry about friends and family.

    Huge congrats to Sherry on her new release. Love the cover!

  28. That's a great reason to visit Hawaii!
    Congrats to Sherry!

  29. That had to have been tough watching from afar. Glad she and her family are OK. Maybe on your dig to Hawaii, going way down deep in the earth, you could alter the volcano activity there. I mean you would have to have super powers to dig, so you super powers could do that to....just saying. ;)

  30. Pretty cute book. I show my students a website that digs a hole through the world to see what's on the opposite side. Must say, It has rarely been the Past!

  31. Awww, that's a sweet reason to dig a hole. :)

    Grats to Sherry!

  32. Sherry's book sounds like a really fun read. You have great judges lined up for the upcoming anthology. I'm looking forward to reading it!

    Where would I go? Too many choices. I'd dig on faith and see what happens.

  33. I'm trying to image how it feels to be swallowed up and find yourself surrounded by those warriors! Yikes. Sounds like a very fun read.

  34. Your friend certainly needs that hug. How awful! But so glad to hear they are all alright. Hawaii is getting it's share of disasters this year. I just read an article of the places scientists say not to live if you want to avoid natural disasters and Hawaii came in at the top. In fact, they said, anywhere but Hawaii!

    Wishing all writers for the anthology the best and an inspired muse for the process!

  35. Any life disaster is the pits, but disaster that includes our immediate world, home, work, cities just adds more stress for sure.

    I hope your friend is doing well.


  36. I'm glad Dale and hers are okay - how scary for you. That's a helpless feeling.

    Be well, Spunk.

  37. To deal with a hurricane and a fire? That is truly terrifying. Your wish to see her and give her a hug is a lovely thing. I hope she's okay.

    Congrats to Sherry!

  38. Christine - LOL! Dig all the holes you want.

    Em-Musing, that's a thought.

    Yolanda, I'd add anywhere on the NC coast.

    Chrys, it was crazy. A fire in the middle of a hurricane? But they didn't get any rain, just wind.

  39. Thanks for the info. GOOD LUCK! to all who submit. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  40. I want to go hiking somewhere with huge trees, lots of moss, and a roaring river.

  41. This just made me want to reach through this screen and hug you! I'm sending lots of prayers and positive vibes your friend's way. It's sad to know how many natural disasters that have happened the last few months across the United States and around the world. Far too many.


  42. So glad your friend was okay. That is scary and stressful for a long time afterward sometimes. If I could dig a hole I don't know where I'd go. Have to give that more thought. Happy IWSG Day.

  43. That's a great reason to get to Hawaii. Glad your friend made it through OK.

    Congrats to Sherry! I had the pleasure of reading the opening of this book and it was very engaging.

  44. A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Sherry! I know readers will love the book.

    What a great reason for digging a hole to another place. :)

  45. That's so intense and crazy! I'm so glad your friend is well, and if I could, I'd dig the hole for you.

    Huge congrats to Sherry!

  46. Congratulations to Sherry! Her book sounds so cute.

    I hope everything turned out okay for your friends in Hawaii, Diane <3

  47. I'm always so happy to see adventure books that will appeal to boys. I raised five sons and too often the only books they could find for boys were sports books until Harry Potter came along. I'd like to go to the Congo. There are so many mysteries and unexplored places there.

  48. If I could dig a hole anywhere I wish, I would do it to Israel and visit my mom. Of course, plane tickets are available for that as well, but they are expensive, and you have to sit in a tight, restrictive space for hours. And I'm not that fat either. Bigger people have it even worse. I want a wand to wave and take me there instead.

  49. The anthology contest looks so fantastic that I made it the focus of my blog post today.

  50. Congratulations to Sherry~ Great story idea. Not sure where I would dig to--somewhere with a beach!

  51. Sounds like a good reason to go to Hawaii. I hope she's doing well. I met a couple last week in line at a Qdoba who had moved here to Colorado because of the volcanoes around them in Hawaii. Their home had been impacted. They were so positive and upbeat, though, and we talked food, and they added me on Facebook, LOL!

  52. I don't care for long airplane flights, so being able to dig my way to other continents would be a boon. I suppose it might take longer, but I'd be much more relaxed.

    My wife has relatives in California, and it seems like they are having to watch out for fires all the time. Mix in a hurricane and it doesn't sound pleasant. Glad your friends in Hawaii are okay.

  53. So glad your friend is okay. Scary! I've always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand but hate the idea of sitting on a plane that long. So, my hole would go there. LOL Best wishes to Sherry on her new release.

  54. So excited for Sherry's latest project! Love the historical aspect of it. And that prompt? Way cool... The two top places on my bucket list are Greece and Italy. Seeing how we're taking a trip to Italy this summer (I'm so stinking excited!!!) for kiddo #4's soccer team, I'll go with Greece.

  55. HI, L. Diane,

    Thanks for all the info! Looking forward to writing a submission for the Masquerade. Sounds like it's a perfect fit for my writing...

    Sorry to hear about your friends in Hawaii... Hopefully they are fine and managing well.

    Dig a hole? Hmmmm. So many AMAZING places to visit. I have been to many places, but not yet to Japan... I always wanted to go to Kyoto during the cherry blossom season. Hopefully some day...

  56. Thank you, Elsie.

    Nick, wait until you read the rest of it.

    Thank you, Crystal.

    Susan, this is perfect for boys.

    Kim, that's great.

  57. Hawaii is paradise. Hard to imagine the land of beautiful seas and skies and exotic plants being devastated and the fun-loving friendly people there having to deal with all the horror. I'm sure they'll fight back to regain their paradise ASAP. Glad your friend and family are okay. Always exciting when a new book releases. Congrats to Sherry and to you.
    JQ Rose

  58. I think every kid has tried to dig a hole to China don't you? I can remember trying. That was a LONG time ago:)

  59. Oh my goodness - I'm so glad to hear your friend in Hawaii is fine.

  60. Best of luck to everyone who enters! Congrats to Sherry. Going underground bothers me, so I probably wouldn't dig a hole unless it let to some fabulous lost world.

  61. So glad your friend is ok.

    I've downloaded Sherry's book, and the blogfest was fun!


  62. Hurricanes and fires seems to be happening a lot more now these days

  63. It is hard to sit safely and wait to hear from people you love in nature's way. My sister is in the south (like yourself) facing off with Flo.

  64. Di, How are things in your area?

  65. Best wishes to Sherry Ellis and her latest and greatest! Here's to a smashing success.

  66. Wow, that's terrible about your friend. I hope she's okay. So many environmental disasters these days--it's terrifying.

    If I could go anywhere, I think I'd go to Thailand next. There's a quiet island there where I'm hoping to move. The sun and ocean would be nice right now, and their food is the best. A girl can dream.

    Sorry it took me so long to get here! Crazy (what's new?) month.
