Wednesday, January 03, 2018

The Insecure Writer's Support Group & Winning Stories for IWSG Anthology

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s question - What steps have you taken or plan to take to put a schedule in place for your writing and publishing?

I have goals and plans for DLP, but I’ve made a more rigid structure as far as time devoted to each item and for how long. I’m a bit of a squirrel when it comes to distractions (think Hammy the Squirrel from Over the Hedge) so when a little item pops up, I tend to take care of it right away. I need to take care of it in its allotted time rather than trying to multi-task or stop what I’m doing.

Anyone else have that same problem? You’re part squirrel?

The IWSG is now on Instagram and issued the following challenges for January:

IWSG Anthology Contest Winners

The winning stories are:

Center Lane by Christine Clemetson
One More Minute by Mary Aalgaard
Three O’Clock Execution by S. R. Betler
Cypress, Like the Tree by Yolanda Renée
Gussy Saint and the Case of the Missing Coed by C.D. Gallant-King
Reset by Tara Tyler
The Tide Waits by Rebecca M. Douglas
The Little Girl in the Bayou by J. R. Ferguson
Until Release by Jemi Fraiser
Heartless by C. Lee McKenzie as a special feature. (She did not participate in the IWSG admin selection process and her story was one of the top ones picked by the judges, so we are including it.)

The winning story which will be featured in the anthology title and cover art: A Stitch in Crime by Gwen Gardner

Congrats to all of the writers whose stories were selected!

Look for Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime later this year.


  1. Happy New Year Diane. hope all your writing plans go well.
    I wish I could understand Twitter, heard much about it but can't fathom it out.


  2. Yes! I am definitely part squirrel. It's the reason I write before anyone else in the house wakes up. I wish you much luck on the next anthology and I can't wait to see the cover! Congratulations to all of the authors!

  3. When I have things I need to do, I tend to focus on them like you instead of writing. It's hard for me with my day writing job because I need to pick up extra paying work when I can that takes away from my personal writing time. I imagine all your publishing work eats up into yours. But plugging along is still good. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

    And excited for the anthology winners!

  4. Yes, part squirrel, part sloth - an odd hybrid but I've learned to work with it. I have realized in my long years that multi-tasking is a myth (except for attaching buffing cloths to toddler's feet and bottoms for help with floor waxing, but then it is only the toddlers that are multi-tasking, as they play and work simultaneously).

    Congratulations to the winners! I recognize so many names - yay!

  5. I'm more sloth than anything. It takes a lot to coax me to tick anything off of the To Do List :-)

    All the best for the coming year!

  6. Happy New Year, L. Diane!

    I'm not sure if your squirrel tendencies are of the ADHD variety, but people with ADHD are wonderfully creative. So here's to squirrel power!

  7. I think I'm the opposite of a squirrel, I will rarely deal with things as they come up. I have to finish what I was already doing. I have to be careful that things don't pile up that way. Here's to a great year for you and DLP!

  8. Oh yes, I definitely need to cut the distractions! I find it difficult to let things go and just move on, but I need to try. Happy New Year!

    IWSG post: Taking Chances

  9. I think I am more of a badger.
    We have a lot going on! Thanks for helping us bring the anthology to life.

  10. Good luck your DLP. I too am a bit of a hamster. If I something comes up and that needs to be taken care of, if I see it, I do it instead of focusing on what I was doing.
    All the best for 2018.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

  11. I try to multi-task a lot, then wonder why I never seem to make any progress. :)

    Best of luck with DLP this year. Sounds like you have a great anthology in the works!

  12. Congrats to all the winners! I'm going to have to check out the Instagram challenge. It's one of my favorite social medias. Good luck to you this year.

  13. Erika, we get up at 5:30 and I doubt I could manage any earlier.

    Natalie, it eats almost all of it.

    Jennifer, I'll take that.

    MJ, that's exactly what happens.

    AND APOLOGIES TO EVERYONE! Our Internet has been out ALL morning and just now came back on. I will get to you as I can.

  14. Wishing you all success in 2018!

    Part squirrel, sometimes. Then sometimes I'm so focused nothing can get in! Love those days!

    Happy 2018!

  15. I am also a squirrel, and a pigeon. (I'll explain about the pigeon part another day) That new task eats at me until I stop what I'm doing and take care of it. Lately I've even been coaxing myself to stay on course and ignore that *thing*. Takes practice.

    Happy New Year, dear Diane. I am awestruck by all that you accomplish in any given day. If I were a kid, I'd want to be just like you when I grew up.

  16. YAY! I'm so excited to have my story in the anthology!!
    I am most definitely a squirrel as well :)

  17. Definitely part squirrel, but I cope somehow. hehehe

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  18. I'm totally a squirrel! Really, I am. :) Best of luck with your focus. I hope you stick to your goals. Grats to the winners!

  19. I am just like you. I take care of every little thing when they pop up. It does distract from the bigger issue I need to handle.

  20. Giggled out loud when you likened your habit to the squirrel. I can see that in myself! Hate to put off things that need to be done. That's why I have little notes to myself on my desk so I don't forget to address EACH one! Looking forward to the anthology!
    JQ Rose

  21. I blame my squirrel approach on the internet. I was always highly distractable; now I'm like an egg timer. Plus I have a tendency in my old age to forget. So get it done NOW is a good motto. :-)

  22. Hmmm may be a cat and not a squirrel lol that is why I stay far ahead, then we something comes up, I can hopefully do it.

  23. That is probably part of my problem I have not accommodated the squirrel in me, lol.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  24. A Huge Congratulations to all the winning stories for the anthology!! Wishing you much success in 2018!!! Happy New Year!

  25. Keeping to a schedule is a good call. You can't do a million things at once. Have a great year :)

  26. Re distractions, I think I'm more crow than squirrel, which is probably worse. Oh look, shiny! At least you do things that need to get done. I just get distracted by anything and everything. lol.
    Happy New Year.

  27. I'm not so much a squirrel but a multitasker. Multitasking comes easy for me. I usually read four or five books at the same time, for example. So I am easily distracted when easy-to-do items pop up on my radar. I assume I can do those other things without cutting into my time. Wrong!

    The only thing I can't multitask is my writing. I can't be doing anything else or the creative juices stop flowing. No listening to music. No eating. No social media. Pacing about the room is allowed, however.

  28. The Anthology sounds exciting. Congratulations to the winners.

    I think my major problem is trying to do too many things at the same time and not finishing anything. Plan to work on that this year.

    Have a great 2018

  29. I'm pretty squirrelly myself :)
    Happy 2018!

  30. I'm trying to do better about focusing on one thing at a time. We'll see how it goes.

    Happy New Year! Congrats to the anthology winners!

  31. According to your criteria, I'm definitely part-squirrel. But I like squirrels, so no problem.
    Good luck with all your new year plans, Diane.

  32. Hi Diane - I'm a part-squirrel .. but now perhaps have a tendency to cat-nap and blog happily forgetting the other things ...

    Good luck to you for 2018 and all you do for the IWSG and authors - the Instagram sounds interesting ... cheers Hilary

  33. Congratulations to the winners of the anthology! I'm interested in the Instagram challenges. I'm not getting notifications yet, but that may change when I post more to #theiwsg.

    HNY L Diane. I wish you every success in all areas of your life.

  34. Hehe. I can be squirrely too. Too many things to be distracted by. I have basic word counts goals and I have a few other plans as well.

    Congratulations to all the anthology winners!

    Happy New Year, Diane!

  35. I'm definitely part squirrel. I also tend to things as they occur, so I don't have a plan per se. The only thing I can specifically say I plan for my writing in 2018: butt in chair.

    Happy New Year!

  36. Congrats to the winners!

    Have a great week, Di.

  37. Congratulations to all, especially Gwen.

    I keep general goals but don't have specific plans and timelines for myself - those only cause me anxiety and sense of failure. So long as I keep writing daily, and I do for hours, I'm good.

    Happy New Year, Diane.

  38. Gads! I do the same thing. I'm trying very hard to do the same thing, and do it when it is its time. But it's hard, my fingers get itchy. LOL

  39. Now the work starts. Promoting and shouting out about that award. More ideas on how to do that: bit.lyFrugalBookPromo. My gift to winners: Put @FrugalBookPromo in you celebratory tweet and I’ll retweet to my 30,000 plus followers. Congratulations!🎉🎊

  40. You make me laugh out loud, L. Diane! A lot of squirrel fun over here~ I love what you shared, so true! Cheers, to you, your squirrel mentality, and much success in 2018!

  41. A time for every task. I can relate.

  42. Congrats to all the winners. I'm looking forward to reading the stories. You made me smile with the squirrel comment.

  43. I'm half squirrel/half sloth. If it's something really important then I'll deal with it right away. Otherwise, if I don't it will just get set farther and farther onto the back burner until I forget it about it completely. My life is a roller coaster of anxiety and procrastination.

  44. Hope your new year was good Diane. I tend to waste time doing things I can easily postpone. I need to prioritize my writing before anything else.

    Rachna Chhabria
    Co-host IWSG
    Rachna's Scriptorium

  45. I'm totally a squirrel. And if something doesn't present itself to distract me, I make something happen. *slaps face*

  46. I'm looking forward to another exciting anthology! Yes, I can become easily distracted by other tasks and multi-tasking usually doesn't work out too well.

  47. Happy New Year!

    Yes! I'm totally part squirrel when it comes to distractions. And seeing as I have a rather strange history with squirrels, that's really funny. Thanks for that mental image :)

    Congratulations to all the winners of the new Anthology! That's so exciting! I can't wait to read their work!

    All the best in the New Year,

  48. A great big Congrats! to the IWSG Anthology Contest Winners! A great way to start off the new year.

  49. Happy New Year!

    The anthology looks great. So excited for everyone who is a part of it. Yeah! :)

  50. Congrats to all the winners! And... SQUIRREL! :)

  51. Glad to hear there are so many squirrels out there.

    Jemi, super excited you are, too.

    Holly, hate those itchy fingers.

    CD, I like roller coasters.

  52. YES I have that problem! Because the little things are so easy and will only take a second, right? And then I'll be able to concentrate better on my writing with that out of the way...except the little things never end and can easily consume us.

  53. Happy New Year!

    I'm pretty good at sticking to goals once I get started. The problem is, after holidays or a break, it takes me longer to get started than I'd like.

    Good luck with keeping the squirrel brain in check. At least you're accomplishing something while you're procrastinating. I'd say that's a win.
