Wednesday, June 07, 2017

The Insecure Writer's Support Group - Next Anthology

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s question: Did you ever say “I quit”? If so, what happened to make you come back to writing?

I never really quit, but between living in Albuquerque, NM and the first ten years living in NC, I didn’t write anything. Most of my writing inspiration comes from dreams and I’d still write down ideas on occasion. Then one night, I dreamed of this girl, a blonde swimmer, and a scene in high school. From that, I created Lori, and her story became the first book in my five book series, The Circle of Friends. So, you never know what will bring you back to writing.

Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. is running a giveaway on Twitter - a new audio book every week until mid-July. Re-Tweet the pinned Tweet on their page - @DancingLemurPre

Many of those offering services on Fiverr really undercut their prices, but I decided to post my formatting services there anyway. At $30 per eBook and $60 per print book, I’m still competitive. Plus I come with many years and hundreds of books worth of experience. You can find me on Fiverr HERE. Or visit Spunk On A Stick for full details and contact me there.

Announcing the next IWSG anthology - The IWSG Guide to Writing for Profit. This will be a non-fiction book like our The IWSG’s Guide to Publishing and Beyond, which is free.


What to write: Share experiences about making a profit as an author, what it takes to become a successful writer, the many skills a writer needs to learn other than writing, share the experience going from hobby writer to published author (without making it a self-promotion piece), the fallacies behind writing for profit, the little known facts learned along the way, what you wished you knew when you first started writing, or marketing tips based on experience of what has worked and what hasn't. Please include a title, your name, and a link to one of your sites. Send as an attached Word file or pasted into the email.
If you have any questions, email us at admin AT

Word limit: 500-1000 words.

Submission eligibility: All members of the IWSG Blog Hop, IWSG Facebook group and/or members of our IWSG Goodreads Book Club. It's free to join any of these groups and a great benefit to be a part of these communities.

Deadline: July 31, 2017

Send your piece to admin AT as an attached Word document and note which IWSG group you belong to. Please include your name, a one line bio, and one website link.

The one hundred best entries will be included in the book.

Have you ever said you quit? What could you share for the IWSG anthology?


  1. Isn't it delightful to experience the awaking of a dream; then set pen to paper as the creativity bursts forth. Lovely story. Thank you for sharing it. You've helped many live their dream. Nice.

  2. Thanks for sharing Diana, The new anthology appears to be very interesting .


  3. Inspiration from dreams is the best!

  4. I must be the only person whose writing inspiration does NOT come from dreams. I don't dream. Well, if I do, I'm not aware of them.

  5. I'm really looking forward to reading the new anthology once it's published. I get ideas from dreams as well.

  6. So true. There are situations or dreams and visions that suddenly kick off the spur to write a story.
    Enjoyed reading your thinking on quitting.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Everything Must Change

  7. My dreams have helped me a lot too.

  8. What a lovely way to be inspired to write the story. Do you continue to dream about the protagonist to keep you going or is the entire story in your head from the one dream? The anthology is a wonderful idea. I'm sure many IWSG'ers sharing their experiences will be helpful and inspiring for writers.
    JQ Rose

  9. Karen, thank you. You should contribute to the anthology.

    JQ, I rarely dream about the story again. Although I did dream about meeting two of the main characters once. But only once.

  10. Dreams can be such story started. Mine are more from daydreams. Or that time when before we just fall asleep -- and then we struggle to get up and write it down before we forget it.

  11. I too am influenced, inspired by dreams. Sometimes a break is needed but I've always returned to my true calling.

    FYI: Just finished the Bloodwalker - amazing book, review to come!

  12. I think the anthology sounds amazing. Can't wait to see the result!

    So you're a dreamer too, eh? I think that's why I never lack for ideas. Too many are competing in my subconscious!

  13. Writing for profit? Pfft! I don't have anything to contribute there, because I suck at making a profit.

    I think I'm like you, where I have spells of no writing without really quitting. I'm glad you didn't quit!

  14. Dreams are a great source for inspiration.

  15. I don't think I've ever had a dream turn into a story, but I've had dreams help me solve problems with a story.

    Here's to the next anthology!

  16. Yolanda, I'm thrilled you enjoyed it.

    Crystal, that's what happens.

  17. Sometimes the best ideas sure can come from dreams indeed. I've jotted down quite a few. Not sure I'll ever get to them all, but at least they're there.

  18. I don't know if I have anything I could share with the Anthology... unless you're accepting extensive treatises on what NOT to do...

    IWSG June

  19. Funny how when inspiration hits nothing can stop us. ;-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  20. I get a lot of inspiration from dreams too. Fantastic new IWSG collection idea! I'm going to have to try to think of something to write to submit.

  21. Dreams are a great source of ideas. Isn't it interesting to look back and find the genesis of, not only a book but a series?

  22. I haven't yet published, so I have nothing to add to the anthology, but I look forward to reading it.

  23. Yes to not quitting! Lulls of not-writing while still keeping the channels open are important. After all, in my lull between partners (a ten year stretch from 40 to 50) I was still a lover! I considered myself a partner without a partner but not a single or a non-lover. Capeche?

    I don't think I have a story for the anthology because I don't make money enough from my writing to make it a worthwhile piece but I endorse C.D. Gallant-King's idea of a what not to do piece!

  24. I'll have to give the anthology a lot more thought.

    I used to threaten to quit whenever I got really down about my prospects, but I think I just wanted reassurance and for my loved ones to tell me I was on the right path. I never meant it in my heart of hearts...can't imagine doing anything else.

  25. AnonymousJune 07, 2017

    My dreams are too WTF most of the time for stories. Only one I turned into a story, but it was early on when I started writing and riddled with plot holes and cliches. LOL

  26. Thanks for mentioning my giveaway.
    I never remember my dreams...

  27. Enjoyed reading, looking forward to new anthology. ' Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  28. Never an "I quit," but often "I quit for now." =)

  29. Haven't wanted to quit writing, but have needed breaks sometimes. I find myself reassessing goals more as I get older. Want to be more purposeful in what I write and how I live.

  30. I love when people create stories from dreams. I never remember mine. Sigh.

  31. CD, that might work. LOL

    Lee, it was a series I never thought I'd write.

    Jan, that might be something we have to consider.

    Alex, you're welcome.

  32. I've never said "I quit", but I've been acting like I've quit lately. I need to turn things around and find my writing groove. I won't be contributing to the new anthology, but I'll be interested in reading it!

  33. I've never said I quit, although I've often said that I needed a break. And the upcoming anthology sounds like it will be really informative. Can't wait to see it :)

  34. So cool that your writing came from a dream! And such a great idea for an anthology. Love it.

  35. The new anthology sounds good. It's always interesting to read other writers' stories and thoughts.
    Dreams are great places for find stories. I never dream. Voices speak to me while I'm awake. Yeah, weird, I know.

  36. I love ideas that come from dreams. Just wish I had more of them!

  37. AnonymousJune 07, 2017

    And just like that, Elsie learned how the name of your website came to be. ;)

    I learn something new everyday! haha


  38. Hi, L. Diane,

    Thanks for dropping by my blog today. I would LOVE to submit my book to you, but the subject matter isn't right for your company. It's edgy YA and deals with a teenage boys abuse by his alcoholic and military father. Very intense scenes.

    If you meant another publisher, please let me know who they are. THANKS.

    When I get back into my first novel, which is M/G fantasy, that may be perfect for you. It needs another few read throughs before I'd like to submit it. I'll drop you a line when it's done.

    If I should decide to self publish, I will DEFINITELY contact you for formatting. Not sure I have the energy and drive to self publish at this point as you can well imagine.

    Thanks again for your support....


  39. My inspiration comes from everywhere, even though the novel may not relate much to what initially inspired me. I've never thought of quitting. It's what I do.

  40. I quit for ten years also... or didn't write. It was inevitable writing would draw me back, though.

  41. I love getting story ideas from dreams. My newest idea actually came from a dream (although I'm ignoring it for now because I should be working on other things).

  42. Nick, I have notebooks full of them.

    Elsie, there's a whole chicken story that goes with that name. I'll tell it sometime.

    Michael, whichever direction you go, I am here to help. And that was the subject matter of my third book.

  43. Those are very reasonable prices for book formatting. Another great anthology and one that will be very useful.

  44. Sounds like another great anthology. Like Alex, I can't remember my dreams.

  45. Glad you were able to meet Lori the way you did. I don't even remember having dreams any more.

    BTW, sorry I haven't sent you my email address for the Cassastar audio book. Things have been a little hectic around my house lately.

  46. Stories inspired by dreams can be very powerful stories. Keep dreaming, L Diane. Very reasonable prices for formatting. I've not checked out Fiver, but have been recommended to.

  47. Hi Diane - the way you started your Circle of Friends series ... fascinating - sadly my dreams don't go that route ... day-dreaming maybe! The new anthology sounds as though it will be an incredible read ..

    I feel certain the services you offer authors helping to get their book into print will be very worth while ... as you'd have an understanding of where the author is coming from via their blog and social media interactions ...

    Good to read up about all this extra helpful news ... cheers Hilary

  48. Susan, I want to be reasonable. Plus I've done so many, it's a breeze now.

    Ken, send when you can.

    Thanks, Hilary.

  49. A blonde swimmer - I like your inspiration. She would inspire me too.

  50. Life has had me hitting that Pause button on writing too. But, like you, I don't think I'll quit :)

  51. I've been inspired by dreams before as well - I kind of love it when it happens!

  52. Funny thing about dreams. When I'm stuck on a particular plot problem in my writing, if I let it go it usually comes to me during that twilight time in sleep, that phase where I'm half awake / half asleep. Love when that happens.

  53. I've gotten a lot of interesting ideas from dreams. I usually don't dwell upon my dreams quite as much as I used to, but still I often find them to be marvelously entertaining or perplexing.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  54. You're undercutting me for formatting on Fiverr. ;-P

  55. I never really quit either! Life has a way of diverting me to other kinds of writing – – kinds other than the ones that I get the most satisfaction from doing.

  56. Fiverr is where I get my bread and butter from. Go for it, if you hit the right tone customers can come running.

  57. I'm a "frustration" quitter. I quit frequently, and come back. Rejection is not the only frustration of writing.

    Great idea for the anthology. I have nothing to contribute since I have not really had anything published for profit. In about 12 years of writing I think I've made 5 bucks. But I'm always hoping to earn :)

  58. Dreams can be interesting inspirations!

  59. It's true - you never know when inspiration will strike, and then which inspirations will stick. Your inspiration struck in a whole series!

  60. I've never said I Quit. But I have, more than once:), said I'm gonna quit:)

  61. I love Fiverr. I get many of my covers at pixelstudio.
    Good luck and let us know how that goes. Your prices are reasonable.

  62. Dreams are worth mining for ideas.

    I love seeing L.X.'s audiobook giveaway, a very talented author and creeptastic book.

  63. Its worth remembering dreaming expands all dimensions of space and time bringing us into another plane of existence. Now you know where I've been.

  64. How are the submissions coming?

  65. I think it's very common for writers to want to quit. They run out of ideas, or they get tired of all the rejections. Plus if their book sales aren't yielding much of an income, they can wonder why they even bother. I think it's a matter of just enjoying the creative process of writing. If you can do that, then I think you can get back into the game. The new anthology idea sounds good. I'd consider writing about doing school visits. That's helpful for children's writers.

  66. Most of my novels begin with dreams or questions. Thrilled to hear news of a new anthology. Very excited about it.

  67. Not sure if my comment was accepted, but I just wanted to add hello and thanks.

  68. Sandra, they're coming in at a nice pace!

    Sherry, you are very wise.

    Joylene,it was, I just had to approve it.

  69. I think it would take a lot of effort to completely quit writing. The inspiration typically finds a way.

  70. Hope it was a great weekend for the dads in the family.

  71. Happy Monday, Di! Have a great week:)

  72. I've been on hiatus since 2015, so I guess some could say I've quit. I"m hoping to get back to it soon, though. Life has been rough!
    I know so many writers who are inspired by dreams. My dreams are too weird!

  73. Well, after my very first book and my very first rejection, I said I quit. (Obviously I started off with a thin skin! LOL) But that lasted only a few days when I got another idea for a story and thought, "Well, let me try one more time..." :-)

  74. Awesome way to start your series. That must have been a vivid dream.
