Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Starfish Tales - the Story Behind the Book

I am so excited to announce this book!

This has been a special project for the past three years, involving local students and one dynamic teacher.

I offer characterization sessions and have visited numerous schools, walking students through the process of building a character.

A couple years ago, I partnered with a local teacher and we came up with an incredible opportunity for the students - inclusion in a published anthology. The kids responded with some amazing stories and the best ones were selected for Snapping Turtle Tales. The following year, we produced Snapping Turtle Tales Vol. II.

This year, it’s a new school, and a brand new anthology of middle grade stories written by kids for kids! And I am so proud of what they created. This is a great book for kids - those who love to read and those who love to write.

Starfish Tales
Vol. I
Edited by Michelle Rutledge

$7.95 USA, 6x9 Trade paperback, 94 pages
Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.
Print ISBN 9781939844330
EBook ISBN 9781939844347
$2.99 EBook available in all formats

Prepare for an ocean of tales!

Imagination comes alive in this collection of stories. From the struggles of everyday life to the far reaches of outer space, these tales are sure to delight.

So come aboard and share the adventure!

Purchase Links:
Ebook- Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iTunes / Kobo
Print- Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Dancing Lemur Press


  1. Although I taught mostly science and some math, I did teach a few language arts along the way. The children loved to spin stories and a lot of them were quite good. I know these young writers will be proud of their work, and there is a lot of good reading to be had.

  2. What a great project and a wonderful way to encourage youngsters to both read and write. Love the cover.

  3. This was an aboslure pleasure to read Diane. What a wonderful project.

  4. How exciting for the students and a wonderful way to show them the joy of reading and writing. It would be a great addition to school libraries. Congratulations to all the authors and to you as well.

  5. What a great project for these kids! I bet the children who had their story accepted were really excited about it!

  6. Hi Diane - I should think that will set up some of the kids for a literature or photographic career, perhaps even botanical or geographic .. anything I guess - even archaeological star fish I guess would be possible. Congratulations on all entrants ... and good luck with sales ... cheers Hilary

  7. Thanks, everyone! The kids love this project and the ones who wound up in the book have already ordered their copies. I love delivering them - the kids are just so excited.

  8. I love these projects! I have my students submit their best work to a privately published anthology each year at the end of class, and it's an honor to put their work into print and give those books to them and their parents.

  9. What a great idea to have kids write the stories! How cool is it that they have a published book.

  10. Wow, Diane. That is truly special. The kids must be over the moon.

  11. How fabulous. I can only imagine how awesome this would be for the kids!

  12. I'm sure it was/is a thrill for all those students!

  13. Love the kids' tales written by kids concept. Good luck with your anthology. I hope all of the participants help with the marketing to make it a huge success. Best, Carolyn Howard-Johnson

  14. How fun!!! And I am sure it's rewarding working with the future writers and readers. Nicely done.

  15. What a wonderful project! Looks like it's a fun and interesting book.

  16. That's so awesome! Kids have the most amazing creativity.

  17. Perfect, Diane! I just added this to the books I'm ordering for the granddaughters.

  18. What a wonderful project. You should be so proud!

  19. That's wonderful to have given the students their first opportunity to see their writing in published book form. Congratulations to all.

  20. Oh my gosh, so adorable. Those kids must be so excited! What a gift you've given them. Kudos to all of them!

  21. Those kids must be very proud. What a great concept.

  22. What a wonderful idea! The kids should be so proud. I love that cover!! <3

  23. What a cool project to undertake!

  24. Tyrean, it is.

    Dean, some of the kids are quite good. Probably several future authors in the bunch.

    Patricia, thank you. They will enjoy it.

    Everyone, thank you. I wish I had opportunities to do more books.

  25. What a great thing for students to work toward. They must be so excited and think of all they learned.

  26. What a super project and a great way to encourage youngsters to write stories.

  27. Awesome project. And good way to get youngsters to write.

  28. I can only imagine how excited those kids are! When I was that age, it was my dream to be published--I would have been over the moon if someone had done this for me.

    You done good.

  29. What a fun and meaningful project! Love the cover! :)
