Monday, September 19, 2016

The Best Book Tour Service and Narrator Money Can Buy

Today I have an article at The Insecure Writer’s Support Group regarding blogging etiquette as a writer or author.

The Best Book Tour Service

Many of you know Mason Canyon who runs a high-profile book blog, Thoughts in Progress.

After years of dealing with publishers, authors, publicists, and blog tour services, she has branched out on her own and now runs MC Book Tours.

She’s been working with one of Dancing Lemur Press’ authors and now has over 40 stops with reviews, interviews, and articles set this fall for Mâtowak: Woman Who Cries. I’ve recommended her to my other authors with releases coming out next spring.

Mason has been around the book blogging business for many years and she knows her stuff. I highly recommend you check out her services.

The Best Narrator

Dancing Lemur Press ventured into the world of audio books this past summer. We were very
fortunate to acquire the most amazing narrator for our first three titles - Michael Burnette. He and his wife Kerry, who puts it all together, make the best team.

Michael signed on right away to do all three of Alex J. Cavanaugh’s Cassa books. Not only did he deliver quickly, but he gave us a high quality product with many layers and special effects. I’ve listened to many audio books in the past (on cassette and CD) and I can’t recall any that were as captivating as what Michael produces.

CassaStar and CassaFire are available now.
(Dragon of the Stars by Alex J. Cavanaugh and Under a Purple Moon by Beverly Stowe McClure are currently in production. Bloodwalker by L.X. Cain will go into production in October.)

Listen to a sample of the Cassa books and you will be impressed!

Find by Michael Burnett on ACX and Facebook.

And to round out this post, the cicadas have been extra thick this year and we have hundreds of their shells on our pine trees:


  1. Glad things are going so well for your publishing company. That's awesome you've linked up with someone who runs good blogging tours. Seems like if the person is good and can increase exposure to the author's book that it can be a good investment of money. I've seen a few other services that seem really good too.

  2. Mason is such a consummate professional in everything she takes on...which makes her a good match for you and Dancing Lemur! You're both so meticulous and do it all so well.

  3. Diane, thanks for the huge shout out. I'm enjoying working with Joylene on her book. Can't wait for the tour to begin. I hope I can provide a service to help other authors promote their books as well.

    As for Michael and his wife, Kerry, they are amazing. Michael does a wonderful job narrating and Kerry is awesome at putting it together. In fact, I'm listening to their work right now with CassaFire (which is a great story, btw).

    Thoughts in Progress
    and MC Book Tours

  4. So many wonderful things happening for you and Dancing Lemur Press! One day I'd love to have my Anansi stories on audio, but getting the right Caribbean accent would be a challenge.

  5. Hi Diane and Mason - what an excellent pairing, while Michael and Kerry .. seem to gel in well - it's great having services we can tap into and know that 'things are taken care of' ...

    Cheers Hilary

  6. That's great Mason!

    And very cool on the audio. I know that is popular.

  7. Natalie, some are lame but some tour services are really good. Mason is running one of the best I've seen.

    Thank you, Elizabeth.

    Mason, you're welcome, and thank you for working with her. I'm delighted to hear how much you are enjoying the audio books.

    Bish, I bet there is someone at ACX that could do it.

    Holly, it dipped for the longest time but it's making a strong comeback.

  8. Great post over on IWSG. I have been listening to the first one, It is very enjoyable listening.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  9. Congratulations to Mason! And Michael and Kerry did a great job with my books. I couldn't be happier.

  10. Pamela is a fine talent. I am glad you are going with her. I am happy you found a great narrating team for Alex's books and your company. I have had to search hard for my own fine narrators. Best of luck to you and your book company!!

  11. We only had a small swarm of cicadas this year and they still drove me nuts with their noise. I'm going to check out the blog tour for my next book though I don't have a release date yet.

  12. A blog tour company - what a great idea! Most of us learned the hard way, muddling through on our own. Mason's service will be helpful to many, I'm sure.

    Sounds like the audio series experience has been a good one. Glad you found a good narrator. Have a great week!

  13. I am so grateful for Mason Canyon. It's been a hectic and stressful year, but having Pamela promote my book tour has taken such a load off me. Can't sing her praises enough. And thank you for all you do, Diane.

  14. *shudders* We get enough bugs around here, thanks.

    The audio books sound fabulous, and an excellent book tour service is truly a diamond. Amazing things happening there. Very cool.

  15. Good info to know. I'll keep it in mind for future projects. Thanks!

  16. I thought this post was very interesting up until the pictures of the cicada shells. Ugh. [shudder]

  17. Juneta, I'm happy you're enjoying it.

    Alex, Michael did a tremendous job with your books.

    Susan, she will knock it out of the park for you.

    Joylene, your tour will be amazing.

    JE, I think they are just fascinating.

  18. I had a cat many years ago who loved to eat cicadas. They would be singing and he would be snacking.
    Audio books are so popular now. I'm glad you got a good team.

  19. Congratulations. Publishing seems to be such a chancy prospect these days.

  20. Dancing Lemur Press is definitely on the rise. Congrats.

  21. It's amazing how I tend to follow you even when I am traveling. Just returning from presenting at a writers' conference and, of course, thinking of you. Hugs, Carolyn

  22. Thanks for the information about Mason doing tours. I'm happy to hear that and know where to go when I plan another one.
    Excited about the audio books too.
    Great pictures.
    Have a good week.

  23. It's interesting seeing the face behind the voice. Yay for Mason. I love visiting her blog and she does a great job with that. Her new venture is going to be fantastic.

  24. All appears to be going well in your publishing, Good luck for more continued success.

  25. Will make a note of the blog tour company. Always looking for something that works.

    Audio books are fun. The best to you on everything.

  26. Success at every turn. Congrats and thanks for sharing. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  27. I love it when the friends I've made (virtual or face-to-face) branch out into writing-related businesses. Congratulations to all of you!

  28. I've followed Mason like forever, and I've enjoyed seeing her step out on her own to help authors promote their books. Authors need this! Alex's audio books sound awesome. I can't stand listening to books. I must read them myself, but I'm glad someone produces audio for those who can't read, or are so busy driving that they listen while on the road. Fantastic! :-)

  29. Captain Alex's high praise for his audio books says it all. Good work on your part too, Diane. You connected with the best.

  30. Super post!! So pleased to hear all about the successes.

  31. Oh, that is an excellent branching out for Mason. I will have to keep her in mind. That is the sort of stuff I'm pretty bad at. I mean I can reach out to friends, but she is bound to know people with wider reach.

  32. Glad to hear DLP is doing well and expanding. I'm finding that listening to books on tape on the way to work is a great way to getting around to reading all the books I have on my TBR list.

  33. Cicadas:) And singing pretty darn loud. You've got to shout over them to be heard:)

  34. Lots of great happenings at Dancing Lemur Press. Congrats!

  35. I love seeing all my blogging buddies working along side together. So very awesome. You're doing amazing things!

    Those cicadas are so cool to look at and even better to listen too.

  36. Looks like you're adding more great strings to your bow at Dancing Lemur. Congrats!

  37. Mason is awesome. So is Alex. I'm happy to see them so active with writing, promotion - everything.

    Ah yes, those cicadas. Takes me back to 1968 when I moved with first husband and 3 children to Connecticut. First time I ever heard them. And this is the first time I've ever seen pictures of them, which pictures are stunning.

    Wonderful post, Diane!

  38. I've seen a lot of Mason's book tours. They are excellent! I also heard how pleased Alex was with the audio book that was produced from his book. Sounds like you have a lot of great things going with your publishing company!

  39. I have heard only good things about the audio versions of Alex's book. Of course, there is no better praise than a happy author. Cool cicada shots.

  40. Carolyn, thank you.

    Beverly, she does a great job.

    Denise, audio books were floundering for a while, but they are making a comeback.

    Sandra, what? I didn't hear you.

    Ann, their shells are just fascinating.

  41. Yay for MC Tours and for Joylene getting her book out there! I didn't realize that narrators put in special effects and things. That's amazing! I also like very much that he and his wife work together. I'm a firm believer that work becomes better quality when shared. Have a great weekend!

  42. Hope you get all kinds of rest this weekend, Diane:)

  43. Hi Diane, glad that things are going so well for your publishing house Dancing Lemur Press! Nice to meet Michael :)

  44. I would consider hiring someone for a book tour. I'm going to keep Mason Canyon in mind. Thanks.

  45. I'm one of Mason's blog tour stops. She seems to be very professional, so will definitely be someone I keep in mind if/when I need someone to arrange my blog tour for me. :-)

  46. Glad to hear of your success entering the audio book market, and it would be nice to have someone in charge of a blog tour. I asked for volunteers for promoting my short story collection and got more than I expected, but I know the amount of viewers overall is relatively small. Going with a professional would be a lot easier and I'll definitely consider it if/when I publish a novel.

    I love the sound of cicadas and the word itself because it rhymes with my younger daughter's name: Micada.

  47. Lots of good stuff going on at your place, Diane.

  48. DLP is doing awesome! I'm going to check out MC Book Tours. :)

  49. Wow, all good news. As always :) Good luck Mason.

    Those Cicada shells are just freaky.

  50. I'm super happy about Lexa's book going to audio.
    Having help with book tours would definitely ease those stress levels.

  51. Good to know about Mason.
    Funny, I don't think I've ever seen an actual cicada before! Bleh.

  52. Lots of great stuff going on (esp with Alex's books).

    Very creepy but cool photos!!!

  53. Wow! I love that you have such awesome things going on at Dancing Lemur Press! I'm so glad for you and your authors!

    I'll definitely look up those two professionals when I get something tour-ready or audio-ready.

    And cicadas - only you could make them look beautiful through a photographer's lens.

  54. Hi Diane, Been a while since I have been here and miss it! Those photos are quite amazing! Those eyes! Nature is so interesting when we look at the details. Audio books bring so much to a story, and happy to see that Alex's books are now audio too.

  55. Diane,
    You had a great article at IWSG.
    Enjoy your weekend;)

  56. You just keep climbing the ladder of success. I'm so happy that things are continuing to go well for you. It sounds like a promising idea to hook up with a blog tour company. Congrats to Alex. I'm a huge fan of audio books. If I'm not reading a book at home then, I'm listening to an audio version in my car. My kids hate it and think I'm weird. I have a pretty long commute so I enjoy it.

    I remember playing with cicadas when I was a kid. Now their empty shells give me the creeps.

    Keep up the good work, you are such a shining inspiration.

  57. Hope your week is pleasant and productive, Diane.

  58. Book narration takes a special talent. If I'm going to listen to a book then the delivery better be darn good.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  59. Audio books and blog tours. Love it!


    My publisher is now working on an audio of Murder, Madness & Love. I'm thrilled. I can't wait to hear it!

  60. It's great to hear that things are going well for you!
