Wednesday, February 03, 2016

The Insecure Writer's Support Group, IWSG Newsletter, IWSG Anthology, and Book Formatting Special

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Alex created a new badge for us! Looks snazzy.

I’ve been busy editing and working on projects, so my regular posting is down to first Wednesdays and two Mondays a month. I’m having fun working on my stories though!

I also have a special offer for the month of February! I’m offering my formatting services at a huge discount - $50.00 for print formatting and $20.00 for ebook formatting. (Extra long manuscripts and those with more than 40 chapters are a little extra.) See Spunk On A Stick - Services for details.

We have two special announcements from the The Insecure Writer’s Support Group:


Chrys Fey needs your articles for the IWSG Newsletter! If you’d like to submit an article for consideration, please follow the instructions below:

Who Can Submit: Insecure Writer's Support Group Members

Topic Ideas: your number one writing, publishing or marketing tip; a motivational pep talk or inspirational story; a snippet about something you used to be insecure about but overcame or an Aha moment you had about writing/publishing.

Length: 200 words or less

How to Submit: Send a DOC attachment to Chrys Fey at
ChrysFey(at)yahoo(dot)com. Put “Member Article” in the Subject Line.

Deadline: March 2nd (Next IWSG Day)

NOTE: Chrys needs a member article for our first newsletter coming out February 24th. If you’d like to be considered for that issue, please send your article to her no later than February 17th.

Thank you for reading! We hope to feature you!

First issue goes out on February 24. Sign up here.


Parallels: Felix Was Here
Print ISBN 9781939844200
eBook ISBN 9781939844118
Science Fiction/Alternate History

Enter the realm of parallel universes!

What if the government tried to create the perfect utopia? Could a society linked to a supercomputer survive on its own? Do our reflections control secret lives on the other side of the mirror? Can one moment split a person’s world forever?

Exploring the fantastic, ten authors offer incredible visions and captivating tales of diverse reality. Featuring the talents of L. G. Keltner, Crystal Collier, Hart Johnson, Cherie Reich, Sandra Cox, Yolanda Renee, Melanie Schulz, Sylvia Ney, Michael Abayomi, and Tamara Narayan.

Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these ten tales will expand your imagination and twist the tropes of science fiction. Step through the portal and enter another dimension!

Due out this spring.


  1. Hi, Dianne,
    This sounds like a super deal.
    I forgot about the newsletter news. Better go update!

  2. Glad you're working and enjoying your writing.

  3. It is always great to hear when someone is enjoying their writing. It is inspiring. Congratulations on the anthology! So many great things happening for the IWSG.

  4. It's always fun when you're enjoying what you're writing. I'm in the middle of writing something I'm super excited about too. Keeping it under wraps though. There's nothing like trying to explain it to someone, then you get deflated and the momentum stops. Good luck!!

  5. Joy, I was grateful for the news. It gave me something to post. LOL

    Jennifer, hate it when that happens.

  6. We should totally promote our services together. :D I'm gad you're enjoying working on your stories. Yay!

  7. We should totally promote our services together. :D I'm gad you're enjoying working on your stories. Yay!

  8. Life is good! Glad to hear it, Diane! And it's only going to get better!

  9. Like the sound of the anthology. Actually intrigued by the title and the way the second L is reversed.

  10. An awesome deal! And I'm excited for the newsletter. :)

  11. Sounds really good indeed. Greetings!

  12. Always so much going on in IWSG land. Awesome:)

  13. Lots going on. That's great!

  14. That is a terrific price for formatting. The cover is great and so is that new badge.

  15. Great deals! And I like the new badge.

  16. I thought I was afraid of newsletters, but it turns out when I worked up my courage to sign up, I was already signed up. So they can't be THAT scary, right?

  17. Being busy is a good thing, always!

  18. Well, if my efforts to format my stories for Amazon go to pot, I know where to come. Good luck on all of your projects!

  19. Best of luck with your formatting discount Diane. IWSG newsletter is on fire! Congrats on the anthology guys and it sounds juicy.

  20. My mother didn't give me much advice, but she did say this: Whatever you do in life make sure you love it. And you love what you're doing. Me too.

  21. Hi Diane .. there's lots going on .. and offering your formatting service is great to see - I'm sure there will be some takers. The IWSG newsletter will have some great articles in it .. cheers Hilary

  22. That sounds like a great deal!
    I need to change my badge over for the new look . . sigh, I guess I'll be a month behind on that. Hmm. Thankfully, this is a grace-filled group. :)

  23. You sound crazy busy! I don't know how you do it.

  24. Very cool to hear about the anthology:)

  25. Chrys, we should. Let's start brainstorming.

    Thank you, Karen.

    Susan, it's about half off.

    Hart, guess not.

    Tamara, here to help.

  26. Stories are so much fun to write. Have a great February.

  27. Glad you're enjoying working on your stories. Most like, I'll be reducing my blogging time in the near future too. Break a pen!

  28. I think formatting is so important. The last job I had was formatting large technical documents for a high company. Some folks never notice good formatting, but when it's messed up, important information can be missed.

  29. Great post. I'll have to see if I can come up with something for the new newsletter.
    Juneta Writer's Gambit

  30. Getting formatting right is so important. And it's way harder than I had first thought. I know this because I attempted to print format a book of mine for the first time recently. So time consuming and I still stuffed it up, lol.

  31. I wish I had a book ready for formatting! You did a great job on my last one, but I'm not going to be ready until the end of the year. Thanks for all the updates!

  32. That's great about the deal. I'll bookmark it. In case any of my titles are out of print for whatever reason, I'm considering self-publishing. I've read poorly formatted books and was turned off by them. I'd want it done the right way.

  33. Lots of good and helpful stuff happening! I need to make sure I signed up for the IWSG newsletter. Thanks for the info!

  34. Hi human, Diane,

    I shall duly share your pawst because the offer of your formatting service at a reduced rate, will be most tempting.

    Hope you do well with getting articles for the IWSG newsletter. I've no doubt my human, Gary, will be thrilled with that. After all, he thinks that "IWSG" stands for, "I Was Seeking Gary." Yes, I have to humour the old dude. Arf!

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

  35. Great info. about the newsletter.

  36. Good luck with your new works!

    I'm really looking forward to the anthology!


  37. What would we do without Alex! (-: Just the title of the group gives me confidence that I'm not the only one!

  38. Those are very generous offers on your part, Spunk. I'm not in need now, but I'll keep you in mind.
    I love the Anthology cover.

  39. I'm all giddy with anticipation, lol :)

  40. That's quite an amazing deal for formatting, Diane. I wish I had something ready to go.

  41. A lot of movin' and groovin' going on for IWSG! Wishing you the very best for your formatting services!

  42. So much good stuff is happening. The Newsletter. The Anthology. Your writing and services. 2016 is starting off busy. And that's good.

  43. I'm excited about both the anthology and the newsletter! There are definitely a lot of great things happening right now!

  44. That badge is great and I recognize a lot of names from "Parallels: Felix Was Here" so I know it's great.

  45. Those are awesome rates. I'll spread the word. :-)

  46. Great new look for the group.
    Just sent my book to the publishers,

  47. I love to hear about writers enjoying their work. You are an inspiration! Your editing and formatting services sound great. I may call upon you at a future date! Have a great month writing!

  48. Good to see that you are enjoying your writing.
    The book blurb looks interesting.

  49. The new badge is great on the eye!
    So is the Parallels cover design - really cool.
    I'm also in the writing cave...just popping up now and again to check the outside view.
