Wednesday, October 07, 2015

The Insecure Writer's Support Group and Anthology Contest

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

A quick note to any of you who joined the Realms Faire Thunderclap - we had to redo it and couldn’t save all of those who’d pledged. Please take a moment and sign up again HERE.

And in case you missed it, author and powerhouse promoter, Randi Lee, did a guest post here on Monday, Marketing to Your Readers, Not to Yourself, that was packed with great information.

On the writing front, I have begun to edit the four stories I’ve written so far. I might still write the fifth one, especially as it will be the most unique. (I’m sure there aren’t many paranormal romances involving sharks. I could be wrong though.) One I’d written a few years ago and after tackling it last week, I know it will need a ton of work.

Of course, I have a lot going on in other areas, as I never put my eggs all in one basket. But I don’t mind. Chaos is my life. (And if anyone is in need of book formatting, please see Spunk On A Stick for more information. I love to format!) But I will be taking some time off until October 19 when I host author Stephen Tremp.

See you then!

The IWSG Short Story Contest 2015

Eligibility: Any member of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is encouraged to enter – blogging or Facebook member. (Must have a blog post this month or last or join the Facebook group by today to qualify.) The story must be previously unpublished. Entry is free.
Word count: 5000-6000
Theme: Alternate History/Parallel Universe. That’s right, we’ve decided to go the speculative route. This theme has plenty of scope and we’re open to pretty much anything along these lines, except erotica or graphic violence.
Story deadline: November 1st 2015
How to enter: Send your polished, formatted, previously unpublished story to TheIWSG at gmail dot com before the deadline passes. Make sure to include your contact details.
Judging: The IWSG admins will create a shortlist of the best stories. The shortlist will then be sent to our official judges.
Prizes: The winning stories will be edited and published by Freedom Fox Press in the IWSG anthology next year. Authors will receive royalties on books sold, both print and eBook. The top story will have the honor of giving the anthology its title. The winners will also receive an exclusive badge to display on their blog.


  1. Sounds like you are motoring on in your own inimitable style. Brava! Contest sounds enticing but too much on my plate to be diverted this year.

  2. You're always so productive, organized, and have so much energy! Congratulations on all you've accomplished this year. :)

  3. Glad you've been productive. And it's a good idea to have your fingers in many projects. I like to do that too.

  4. Paranormal romance with sharks? Nope, never heard of that before :) Good luck with the edits!

  5. Sounds like you're busy as always!

  6. A paranormal romance with sharks sounds awesome!

  7. "Chaos is my life" love this. Enjoy your time off!

  8. I always think of you as super organized and was surprised by your chaos comment. Glad to know I'm not the only one.

  9. I've supported the Realms thing--shared it on FB and Twitter, but I guess I am not sure what to do during the time... My short is coming along, though. About 4000 words... It will probably be 8000 before I pare it back down.

  10. Elizabeth, I wish had more.

    Sarah, I'll be first then.

    Elise, that's how I've lived for the past twenty years.

    TBM, I'm organized chaos.

    hart, keep working on it.

  11. I was 99 on the thunderclap, hope it all goes well.

    Anna from Elements of Writing

  12. Paranormal romance and a shark? You definitely have my curiosity. Best of luck finishing #5!

  13. Sounds like you are hard at work. Sometimes taking a short blogging break is all we need to get back on track.

  14. Editing four stories and writing a fifth . . . wow! I'm overwhelmed for you lol but glad it works for you and yes, a paranormal romance with sharks does sound quite unique! How exciting :D

  15. Sharks plus romance sounds interesting and unique, Diane. Keep all those baskets going. It makes life more fun and challenging.

  16. A paranormal romance with sharks? I've never heard of that one before.

    Have fun with all the stories! :)

  17. Chaos is how I've been feeling lately. I keep checking to see if it is self-imposed but the pressure is there regardless.

    Susan Says

  18. Sounds like an interesting premise! Good luck! Enjoy your break!

  19. Wow! Good luck on editing all those novels! No, I don't think I've ever heard of a paranormal romance with sharks, haha, but it sounds intriguing enough!

    - Madilyn Quinn @ NovelBrews

  20. I enjoyed Randi's post. It made good sense. Thanks for featuring her.

  21. Hi Diane - I clicked the new link for UR ... and good luck with clearing the desk before you host Stephen ... and then you can get on with writing more stories - sounds good. Cheers Hilary

  22. A paranormal romance involving sharks — that does sound unique. Sounds like you've been crazy busy. Enjoy your time off!

  23. Paranormal romance with a shark? That is a first. Enjoy your break.

  24. A shark? Erm, no. I'm going to say that's a tad on the unique end of the spectrum. =)

    Edit your heart out and enjoy your time!

  25. A paranormal romance with sharks? Nope, that sounds pretty unique and I'm intrigued. Good luck with your editing!

  26. Okay, sharks and romance are an intriguing pair. Just wondering if the sharks are the kind that swim in the ocean or sharks who take advantage of a person e.g. a card shark. Good luck with your series!

  27. Just read J.Q.'s comment. Hmm. All kinds of sharks. Best wishes on your adventure.

    IWSG #94

  28. Best of luck with your stories! A paranormal romance with sharks is unusual enough to spark the interest of anyone who enjoys reading either genre, paranormal or romance, or about sharks!

  29. I'm in awe of how organized you are. Enjoy your break.

  30. A paranormal romance with sharks? I agree with Emma, I think yours is a first. Being first is always a good thing! I like how your brain works.

  31. I like paranormal romance. Its one of my reader binges, when I read. Sharks? Sounds interesting, looking forward to learn what you do with it,
    Juneta Writer's Gambit

  32. A paranormal romance involving sharks. This I have to see. Have fun editing :)

  33. Good luck with edits! Ooo, a paranormal romance with sharks! That sounds really cool and unique!

  34. Good luck getting everything done. My workload, as usual, is overflowing...

  35. Paranormal romance with sharks ... I'm intrigued :)

  36. Giggle at the shark. You've piqued my interest.
    Best wishes for editing.

  37. You'll do it. You seem to always have plenty to do. Those who do always get their projects done. A paranormal romance that involves sharks? Hmmm

  38. Diane, I work far better in chaos. Not sure why. But the best in me comes out. When things a fine and quiet and in order I usually veg.

  39. Wow, you really are a busy one! Editing four books you've already written AND starting a fifth ... May I borrow some of your energy? Pretty please? A paranormal involving sharks - now that's what I call original. :) Best of luck with the editing and the other 'eggs in your basket'. Enjoy the rest of IWSG day. Hugs. Eva, IWSG Co-host

  40. Passing on the IWSG anthology contest. Loved the Monday Post by Randi. Nice to see someone as busy as me! Good luck.

  41. Passing on the IWSG anthology contest. Loved the Monday Post by Randi. Nice to see someone as busy as me! Good luck.

  42. Wow! Four stories going on at once! You go girl, you are a true inspiration!

  43. All the best for all your projects L Diane. I'm sure you'll complete them to your utmost satisfaction!

  44. Have a wonderful blog break. You can do it. Happy writing and editing.

  45. Do the sharks get laser beams? Cause that would be epic!
    Good luck in edit land!
    I hope the minions are good to you!


  46. It sounds like you've got a good handle on managing a lot of goings-on. Have a good break and accomplish much!

  47. A wonderful post to read Diane, hope all goes well with your writing.

  48. Enjoy your time off! We all need it now and again. I love how you don't mind all the chaos. I'll have to steal a little of your attitude there.

  49. Best of luck. Sounds like you've got a lot going on, but it's usually the busiest that are the most productive. It's been a few weeks since your blog post on Internet leeches and trolls and I haven't been able to get it off my mind. I loved your astute portrayal of the leeches. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I borrowed your term, leeches, but gave you full credit for it. Again, good luck with the editing and submissions.

  50. Good luck with your writing projects!

    The anthology contest sounds like fun. Wish I wrote science fiction with parallel universes.

  51. It's great to hear things are going so well on the 4 stories that you're doing a 5th! Good luck with every one!

  52. Your work ethic is amazing. Good-luck with the editing. A paranormal romance with a shark in it sounds awesome!

  53. Hi L. Diane,

    Sounds like you are as insanely busy as me. LOL. Hope all is well. So psyched about the anthology. I haven't written anything yet, but I hope to as soon as I can figure out what to write. LOL It's been about a century since I've written something new....

    Congrats on your stories. I know you'll do the fifth!

    Great catching up with you!

  54. Chaos is your life. LOL
    But I'd say it's more of an 'organised chaos'
    Good luck with the edits on your 4 stories, Diane.

  55. Editing 4 stories? Wow, you are busy. I'm having trouble with one! Best of luck with that.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. You are awesome! Good luck and have a great rest of the weekend. :)

  58. Hi Diane,

    Yes, blink, it really is me!

    You are so busy that a bit of break will be a nice tonic for your good self. Thank you for being a part of IWSG aka "I Was Seeking Gary."


  59. Paranormal shark romance? I think you might be onto something...

  60. Wait, what? Paranormal romance with sharks???

    Sounds like you're pretty busy with your writing, formatting, and all the other endeavors you're pursing. I feel lazy compared to you!

  61. There's plenty of scope in that theme and you should get a ton of entires.

  62. You're always so productive and organized. Congratulations on all your accomplishment this year.

  63. I'm rather a fan of Chaos myself :)
