Wednesday, September 02, 2015

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anniversary Announcement

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

I took the month of August off to work on the final story in my Four in Darkness manuscript. Naturally, August turned out to be really busy with more parties and bridal showers and events than you could shake a stick at. However, I did manage to write a ton and the story is almost done.

In the middle of this, another story I’d outlined ages ago called to me. I realized it would be a really unique addition to my paranormal romance collection. I even made a Pinterest Board for it.

(I already have Pinterest Boards for the other four stories - Four in Darkness I, Four in Darkness II, Four in Darkness III, and Four in Darkness IV.)

So, this manuscript might end up being Five in Darkness!

That ever happen to anyone else?

The big news is today marks four years since the IWSG began. The admins have put together something great to celebrate the occasion.

The IWSG Short Story Contest 2015

After the success of last year’s IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond, we decided to create another book. This time it’s a short story competition with the top ten stories getting published in the anthology.

Eligibility: Any member of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is encouraged to enter – blogging or Facebook member. The story must be previously unpublished. Entry is free.

Word count: 5000-6000

Theme: Alternate History/Parallel Universe. That’s right, we’ve decided to go the speculative route. This theme has plenty of scope and we’re open to pretty much anything along these lines, except erotica or graphic violence.

Story deadline: November 1st 2015

How to enter: Send your polished, formatted, previously unpublished story to TheIWSG at gmail dot com before the deadline passes. Make sure to include your contact details.

Judging: The IWSG admins will create a shortlist of the best stories. The shortlist will then be sent to our official judges:
Laura Maisano - Senior editor at Anaiah Press for their YA/NA Christian fiction
Russell Connor – Author and owner of Dark Filament Publishing Startup
Candace Havens - Author and Editorial Director for the Covet, Edge and Select lines at Entangled Publishing
Dawn Frederick – Literary agent and the founder of Red Sofa Literary
Alice Speilburg – Founder of the Speilburg Literary Agency
Michelle Johnson – Founder of Inklings Literary Agency and Writers' Center and Bookstore owner
Kendare Blake - Author
Lydia Moëd - Associate agent at The Rights Factory

Prizes: The winning stories will be edited and published by Freedom Fox Press in the IWSG anthology next year. Authors will receive royalties on books sold, both print and eBook. The top story will have the honor of giving the anthology its title. The winners will also receive an exclusive badge to display on their blog.

We’re excited to see the creativity and enthusiasm that’s such a part of this group put into action. So don your creative caps and start writing. And spread the word!


  1. Great post Diane, pleased your writing is taking most of your time although other events must be seen to.
    The competition is a great idea though a little out of my territory as poetry is all I write.
    Enjoy your day,

  2. Glad you got so much writing done. And the contest sounds awesome.

  3. Hi Diane - glad you've had a busy summer - productive, yet entertaining too - always needed in the ways of life.

    The Pinterest Board - would make a good post ... to show people how the could develop a story that way, or market their book that way .. and Tweet aspects too ... I think that's a great thought ..

    Love the castles! While the Anthology idea is just great ... Cheers Hilary

  4. I think it's so cool that a new story was sparked. Congrats on that!

    I took August off too- and really took it off this time by not looking at blogs. I got a lot done while not getting stuff done. The humidity here leeched out my creativity!

  5. Way to go with almost finishing your story! I admire that you were able to remain true to your goal despite life getting so busy last month. Thrilled about IWSG's announcement!

  6. Hilary, it's almost too much fun making those Pinterest boards.

    Holly, I only returned comments last month and it was refreshing.

  7. Sharks! That Pinterest board is spectacular. It's very cool that this plotline will fit so well w/ your new series.

    The anthology is a great idea. I'm sure there will be many, many fabulous submissions. I don't envy those of you who'll have the task of paring it down.

    P.S. Yes, I was referring to the glaring new book cover in my post. It's horrible, just horrible.

  8. I have a zillion Pinterest story boards. Lol. Some of which are for stories I realize I'll probably never even get to.

  9. A book I abandoned two years back is calling me now while I am revising another story.

  10. I'm happy to hear you're making progress! And old (and new) book ideas always have a way of finding me, even when I'm trying to focus on writing/editing a different story. I like the idea of using a Pinterest board for images of a story.

  11. Sounds like you've been super-busy, Diane! Congrats on the progress with your 4 stories.
    The IWSG contest has sparked quite a buzz!

  12. You got so much more done in August than I did. I'm hoping September is better.

    Susan Says

  13. Congrats on having a terrific writing month! And the IWSG contest is an awesome opportunity. :)

  14. Awesome you are almost done.
    Contest is going to rock!

  15. Glad you had a productive August.

    You know, I should maybe try using PInterest to get the creative juices flowing again. Since I'm visual, it might help. Thanks!

  16. You're an inspiration, Diane. Wish I could get you to rub off some of that energy. Happy IWSG Day!

  17. I was very surprised to find how helpful a story-related Pinterest board could be. When I heard writers talk about inspiration boards, it sounded to me like a time waster. Now I have boards for all my works in progress and for finished stories. The images help me craft scenes! Thanks for sharing yours.

    Here is my IWSG post. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. That definitely happens to me, except I don't always think of stories in the same universe. Love that pinterest board!

  19. Somehow, Five in Darkness has a better and more austere ring to it, Diane. Go with it, and good for you. We gotta answer those calls when we get them.

  20. Somehow, Five in Darkness has a better and more austere ring to it, Diane. Go with it, and good for you. We gotta answer those calls when we get them.

  21. I agree with Rawknrobyn it does have a great sound to it!
    Congratulations on all your break accomplishments.
    The IWSG announcement is awesome, seriously considering it!
    Oh, and welcome back!

  22. Really must try Pinterest for storyboarding. :)

  23. Nicki, I'm so sorry about the cover change.

    Cherie, it's really helped me to visualize the settings.

    Jay, I'm a visual person, too. Make a couple boards and see where it leads.

    Tyrean, fortunately this one will fit.

    Robyn, five it is!

  24. Congrats on completing your story! Pinterest book boards is a great, fun way to market your books. I use my boards as a behind the book inspiration source and collecting ideas.

  25. I'm glad August was so productive for you. I never considered making a visual board (like your Pininterest boards) for my novel. I don't know if it would help or just be another opportunity for distraction in my case. Yeah, I'm easily distracted. Oh, there goes a cat...

  26. I'm not on Pinterest, but making those boards for stories/novels looks like a lot of fun and totally inspiring.

  27. I'm glad you got a lot of writing done! I'm not on Pinterest and I'm afraid that if I did, it would suck away even more of my time.

  28. I missed you in August, but glad you took time for writing. The IWSG news is very exciting.

  29. Hey, sometimes life gets in the way, but at least you got some writing down! Old stories call to me every now and then and I'll go work on them for a bit. It's part of the reason why I haven't fully completed something yet, unfortunately :(

    - Madilyn Quinn @ NovelBrews

  30. Great post, very productive writer too. You go. Excited for you.
    Juneta Writer's Gambit

  31. So nice to know you've nearly met a deadline. I always get story sparks while working on a specific story. Distractions, distractions.

  32. Congratulations on getting so much done on your book. That's fantastic and what a clever thing to do with your book - Pinterest boards - love that idea! Also, thanks for the offer of finding a publisher for me, that is super sweet. Who knows, I might take you up on that one of these days. :)

  33. Glad you made some progress last month!
    The contest will rock!

  34. Five, huh? Cool :). That's even better than four. The contest sounds awesome, too. I hope I can think of something to go in it.

  35. Oh Wow! I wonder if I can pen something quickly?

  36. Glad your muse is going strong. Woot woot!

  37. Congrats on your progress. Sounds like you had a great summer. The gauntlet has been thrown down for speculative fictioneers, and I'll pick it up if I (hopefully) get a great idea!

  38. Robin, I confess I am sometimes distracted.

    Elsie, please do.

    Nick, I hope you do.

  39. You do have to make time for what is important. I'm glad you got a lot of writing done. I have got to get myself on a schedule.

  40. I took the month of August off from just about everything. I intended to finish revising my novel at the beach. It seems like a perfectly splendid idea. The crashing waves, sand, smell of the sea. Sadly, I lack your dedication and I accomplished zilch. I did, however realize that I get more done on days when I have to work, take care of the kids and house than I do on a full day of freedom. Go figure that out. I can't. I love it when an old story is rekindled. Best of luck.

  41. I love the surprise announcement today. That's great you did a lot on your break. I always find that many things pop up on my breaks as well.

  42. Hi L. Diane! Looks like you've done a ton lately. Congrats for that. Good luck with your venture into paranormal romance. I love the Anthology idea for the IWSG. I'm going to give it a shot, even though I know nothing about writing alternative history/parellel universe stories. Looks like now is as good a time as any to start learning. :) Have a fantastic evening. Hugs. Eva

  43. I love it when stories take charge and insist on which way to go.
    I'm really looking forward to reading all the entries to the contest.

  44. You're setting a good example. I need to take some writing time, too!

  45. I love both your pintrest board and the idea of doing one for images that inspire my manuscript. I think I might copy that idea. Congrats on what sounds like a great month.

  46. I love Pinterest. Great idea having boards for your stories.

  47. Great work L. Diane! Will check out the pinterest boards for sure. The work of IWSG leaders and writers is amazing as always.

  48. I can do that. Its going to be a busy month, but I love the small word count.

  49. August truly does come with an insane amount of busy-ness! Congrats on almost being done, that's huge ;)

    And this IWSG Anthology Contest is amazing! Love this group! :D

  50. Congrats on taking some time off. Isn't it crazy when life messes up the best laid plans?

    Best wishes,
    Diane IWSG #95

  51. 4 years? Really? Congrats on all your hard work, it's a great group to be a part of.

  52. Congratulations on a successful summer!

    I haven't done anything with pinterest relating to a book. Maybe I'll try it on the next novel I'm starting on. Is it for marketing or for helping you as a writer to create your story?

  53. Melissa, I'm the same way. When my list is full, I get more done.

    Eva, just do your best.

    Rhonda, the boards have really made a difference.

    Stephen, you can do that.

    Sharon, a little of both, as readers get visuals to go with the story.

  54. Looks like that contest will be a real hoot! Cool Pinterest boards -- I might have to try something like that.

  55. LOve the Pinterest boards. I've not yet dabbled. Great that you came up with another story. Your muse is
    having fun!

  56. Ah, a working muse. I want one; would help write a story or IWSG.

  57. Really? Bridal showers? I find that if I wake myself in the wee-wee pre-dawn hours before everyone else is awake, and if during those quiet hours (or hour) I write write write, then the lack of sleep is offset by the enormous weight lifted from my muse during the rest of the day. The worms dig quietly underfoot instead of crawling up my pants all day.

    Then, guess what. Did you guess? Try again. Guess what.

    I become ~far~ more productive. I attack those other problems with that reserve of mental capital I might have spent meandering over my story that I had not written this morning.

    So even though August was chock-full of fundering funderbunts for you, you still managed "to write a ton and the story is almost done." That's what you said, but you said it backward.

    What really happened was this:

    You got your writing done. ~Then~ your mind unhinged itself from the spine of that novel and let you dive into those other tasks with an energy you would never have found had you socked your muse in the mouth and swelled her lips shut.

    Sounds like a productive month. That they all should be such.

    - Eric
