Monday, July 27, 2015

Audio Book Sales Increase and Realms Faire is Coming

Last week there was an article at Library Journal about the increase in audio books and audio sales.

Audio book sales were dipping these past few years in a trend rivaled only by the decline of the mass market paperback. But sales last year were $1.47 billion, an 13.5% increase from the previous year.

Audio Publishers Association (APA) credits the rising popularity of the digital download and the fact the number of titles available have increased in the past five years:

Year    # of Audiobook Titles Published
2014    25,787
2013    24,755
2012    16, 309
2011     7,237
2010     6,200

What kinds of audio books are selling? The article said:

"Fiction continues to represent the vast majority of audiobooks sold with roughly 77.4 percent of audios being fiction vs. 22.6 percent nonfiction. The unabridged format continues to dominate with 91 percent of audiobooks sold being in this format."

Are you taking advantage of the audio book revolution as either a reader or an author?

The Realms Faire is coming!

From November 9-13 there will be games and prizes.

Last year, I hosted the Dragon Hunt. This year, House Wolfe presents the Unicorn Hunt:

You are charged with tracking down the unicorns!

Every day, a new blogger will host a photo. You will have to find the unicorns in the image, much like the famous “Where’s Waldo?” Leave a comment stating how many unicorns you find in that image. The most correct guesses wins.

Grand prize:
Ebooks: Hot Pink in the City by Medeia Sharif, 30 Seconds by Chrys Fey, One Good Catch by Heather M. Gardner, A Lizard’s Tail by Bish Denham, and The Circle of Friends Series by L. Diane Wolfe
Plus: a $20.00 Amazon or ITunes gift card

Five images - many unicorns - only one winner!

More prizes are needed. Contact M. Pax if you can donate something to the pot.

Several of the games need more participants:

M. Pax - The Joust

River Fairchild - Beware the Vortex

Cassandra Webb - Dueling Bards

Get involved and have fun!


  1. Sad to say Diane I don't possess an audio book reader, have always meant to get one but have never got around to it.


  2. I used to listen to audio books on my MP3 player. Now I've been listening to them on my phone and loving it. I get them through the library and read them when I walk my dog.

  3. I'm enjoying getting audiobook income from ACX...nice to see that it's a format that's doing well.

    I don't listen to books myself, but I download podcasts to learn from while I'm in the car or exercising.

  4. Hubby and I used to listen to audiobooks on our work commute. Loved it, but none of my books are on audio. Find the unicorn. Will keep an eye out! :)

  5. AnonymousJuly 27, 2015

    I'm intrigued by the increasing popularity of audio books. One of my buddies does all of his reading that way, and he's perturbed that none of my stuff is available in audio format. Maybe someday.

  6. AnonymousJuly 27, 2015

    I've only used audio books in the classroom. I tried listening to them on my own, but couldn't get into them. Maybe in the future that'll change.

  7. I adore audio books. They are so handy. It's a great way to 'read' a book while you're driving or doing normal chores around the house.

    The Realms Faire sounds interesting. Not sure what type of participants are needed, but I'd like to help if possible.

  8. I don't listen to audio books but it's good there are more titles now.
    Already signed up for the Realms Faire.

  9. We listened to an audio book on our road trip and enjoyed it,but it's so slow getting through a book that I don't think I'd "read" like that except for times I'm in the car with nothing else to do.

    I did just receive an audio version of my story in Beware the White Rabbit anthology, and was blown away by hearing my words interpreted through a voice actor. It was quite an interesting experience for me as a writer.

  10. That's interesting about the audio books. I don't listen to audio books but my sister does. I prefer music in the car and would find listening to a book too distracting. Glad to see those numbers.
    Susan Says

  11. I haven't listened audio books. Maybe I could "read" more books if I did. However, I'd love to have my books made into audio books, think the Calypso/West Indian accent would be a hoot, particularly if it's done right.

  12. Audio books is an interesting way to enjoy a wide variety of Genres. If you've got a great voice, readers/listeners trip out because they like the accent of the reader.

  13. Elizabeth, we used to listen to them while driving back and forth between NM and AR.

    Milo, mine aren't on audio either.

    Mason, contact any of the ladies above or M. Pax herself.

    Lee, that would be an interesting experience.

  14. I don't listen to audio books, but after reading your post I wish I had some books in that format. Thanks for the great information!

  15. An audio book is a lifesaver when driving long distances. I listened to "An Hour Before Daylight" by Jimmy Carter on a long drive. It wasn't the most interesting story. After the last CD, I had to really fight sleepiness for the last hour driving home in the middle of the night. Later, I realised I should have replayed one of the CD's.

    However, that is not the topic. But, audio CD's are great and I can see where sales will go up in future years when people tune into the resource.

  16. I never much liked audiobooks, but I might be the only one. They sure seem to be gaining in popularity. It's definitely something authors should consider when publishing.

  17. I haven't gotten into the audio book boat yet. I do enjoy an occasional podcast, but that's it so far. Thought of reading for them, though.

    Donated last year to Realm's Fair. Will do so again this year.

  18. I love audio books, when I am forced to cycle indoors. I can indulge in a different world and ride more miles.

    Oh, this game sounds so fun! I love it~

  19. My husband and I will sometimes listen to an audio book while driving. The last one we listened to was on a trip to NC to see my sister. :)

  20. I just hope it doesn't match the decline in reading. Congrats on the fair! Huzzah!

  21. I'm intrigued by audio books, but I haven't gone that route.
    I'll have fun looking out for unicorns in November.

  22. I'm thinking about offering my books as audiobooks as well, but I just need to take a breather and see how the books sell.

    Your game sounds fun. :-)

  23. Hi Diane - I haven't listened to many ... but I do enjoy a good actor/actress reading the story ... their abilities are wonderful and they bring the story to life. I'm sure they will be a thing of the future for many of us .. and we'll get into recording them too ... Elizabeth and Roland have set those examples up for us ...

    Thankfully we're all different ... cheers Hilary

  24. yeah audiobooks! that means my youtube storybook should do well too, right??

    and yay for mpax! i sent her an email to help. i've never participated before, sounds like fun - esp that unicorn hunt! cool! but i will do whatever she needs. thanks for spreading the word!

  25. I have 3 books in audio. The ROI isn't that great. Maybe once I'm more popular. :)

    Thanks for posting about the faire.

  26. Great post. Gotta check this first time. Interesting blog with good coverage. Keep Sharing.

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  27. I didn't know audio books were so popular.

  28. Maybe I need to look more seriously at audiobooks. Thanks.

  29. Sadly, my brain just isn't capable of enjoying audio books! I get distracted too easily and miss the story. I do use them a lot at school for kids, but I just can't do it :)

  30. That's great to hear about audio books. It's certainly an avenue worth pursuing.

  31. I listened to an audio book along a long car trip years ago, but didn't like the voice or the background music, so I never tried that again. I like reading to myself.

    The unicorn contest sounds like a blast.
