Monday, January 19, 2015

Ethical Book Reviews, Stock Photos, and What Are the Kargrandes?

I’m over at the The Insecure Writer’s Support Group site today talking about Ethical Reviewing for Authors.

Several of you asked about stock photos - I sell some of my pictures as stock on my Spunk On A Stick website.

Alex J. Cavanaugh asks the question - What Are the Kargrandes? There is a new clue every Monday. Hashtag #whatarethekargrandes.

As an author, do you review books? What do you consider ethical reviewing?

Did anyone else have to referee a little sibling rivalry at Christmastime?


  1. That's a great pic! Tells a whole story :)
    I do some reviews - but only of books I've really enjoyed!

  2. I usually try to focus on what I like. I'm not a book reviewer like on a book review blog where they talk about the good and the bad. I prefer as a writer to focus on the good. If I really don't like a book, I don't talk about it.

  3. If I don't like a book I don't usually finish it and don't review it. For sure I don't I give a "bad" review to anyone who is still alive. :)

  4. I'm terrified of review writing but I'm trying to get into it, but only for books by other bloggers I know. So far I've liked all of their books, so I have no idea what I'll do if I don't. I probably wouldn't write a review because I wouldn't want to leave them a bad one.

  5. I won't do a bad review because I never finish reading a bad book.
    Thanks for mentioning the Kargrandes!

  6. Your kitties are funny!

  7. Heading over to check out your post. Happy Monday!

  8. OMGoodness but those kitties are funny.

    IMO: One should review the book, not the author. They should read the book, or if they can't finish it, say so and why. Give pros and cons. There is always something good.

  9. To be "ethical" means to be honest. I would never intentionally hurt a fellow writer, but I also wouldn't gush over something that I didn't actually like. I would try to be tactful and find some positives, or -- if I really didn't care for it at all -- politely decline to review it.

  10. If I really didn't like a book, I won't review it. On the other hand if the book was just so-so I won't give it a five star just because I know the author.
    Our house exists as an arena for sibling rivalry.

  11. Sarah, it's a scary moment when you realize you can't finish a friend's book because you don't like it.

    Holly, there is always something good.

  12. Yes, I review books. I highlight what I like and touch on what I didn't very briefly. I don't make a point out of it, as I hate it when reviewers go on and on about what they didn't like in a book. I start the review good and end it on a high point. I don't review books I don't finish. Since I know what it's like to get a review that's critical, I'm always nice about it.

  13. Good tips over there. I shall adjust to adhere more closely to those guidelines.

  14. I review on Goodreads and follow the policy of trying to find at least something positive in every book I review. I'm curious about the idea of reviewing ethically, not sure what that entails but I'll pop over and read your post!

  15. I try to review, with a least a sentence or two, on Goodreads and Amazon, because I know how much indie authors rely on reviews. I would not leave a review of less than three stars though - I don't think that's helpful.

    I've just checked, and my only 1* review on Amazon was for The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux... He probably won;t mind, being dead and all :-)

  16. Chrys, that is called sandwiching, and is the best way to review and criticize.

    Annalisa, probably not - LOL!

  17. I review books, not professionally though, but for fun. I'll check out the link.

  18. I know what the Kargrandes are. I can recommend the source of the information too.

  19. The kitties are so adorable.

  20. I don't consider myself to be officially an author yet, but as a writer I do review books on occasion--not as often as I'd like though. I'll check out that post.

    Tossing It Out

  21. I review occasionally on Amazon and Goodreads, but I don't review on my blog. The reviews I post are always very short. I won't review if I can't find something positive to say about a book.

  22. I review everything I read, but seldom full length reviews on my blog or other sites. An exercise in karma along with spreading the word along. Honesty and supportive in reviews, never bashing and if it's cruddy, I'll not say anything.

    And if I don't get that darned #whatarethekargrandes out of my garden next year, I'm going to scream. No wait, isn't that what they use for money in Australia?

    1. Dean - LOL!

      I completely agree with you on the reviews.

  23. Oh my! What a shot. Yes, we did have plenty of sibling sqwabbles here, there, and everywhere. Thank goodness school started again.

    Reviewing is a thorny issue. I wrote reviews on my blog on well-known authors that weren't always complimentary, and now I wonder if I should just delete them. When I review for lesser knowns and bloggers I think it's important to be honest, but I don't want to slam anyone. (I can be a harsh grader). It's easy to feel torn between wanting to be supportive, especially of another blogger, and keeping things real. If I give a book 5 stars that's gotta mean something. If I don't love the book I'm reviewing, I'll include positive things about the book and constructive criticism.

  24. i stopped doing book reviews because I received five in a row that were so bad. everything was just ... well, bad. So I stopped offering to do reviews. At least for now.

  25. I don't do reviews, partly because I'm not good at writing them. I don't read reviews either, whether for my books or for books I'm interested in. I don't want to know anything more than what was in the blurb.

  26. Writing reviews is difficult. If you write them with the reader in mind, you become more critical, because you want them to make the right choice. But I don't want to hurt the author either. Where's the balance?

  27. Now that I'm seeing reviews for my work, your post rings all kinds of true.

    I know what the Kargrandes are, but I'm not telling. :)

  28. Great post at the IWSG! Really thought-provoking...
    I review 90+% of the books that I read.

  29. Great points in your post. It's true that reviewing does become a different beast if we are published ourselves...

  30. He he… I love all these clues… it's seriously so much fun. And Diane, I want to know your secret. You're so gorgeous. Love fellow redhead love. :)

  31. So much going on!

    I definitely review and talk about books on my blog. But I adhere to the "If I can't say something nice, I say nothing" philosophy.

  32. I don't do a lot of reviews and never do bad ones. I can't bring myself to knock someone else's writing.


  34. Your cats are so cute!

    I've nominated you for an award. If you stop by my blog, you can pick it up.

  35. Your stock photos are beautiful! And inspiring!

  36. Tamara, constructive criticism is good.

    Vanessa, it's a tight rope to walk.

    Morgan, why thank you!

    Elana, that's best.

    LD, I can't either.

    Susanne, thank you.

    Lynn, thank you for looking at them.

  37. I just refereed sibling rivalry a few minutes ago. I suppose I should be flattered they're fighting over me, but it's hard to think when they're being loud.

    I review nicely. Always. If I can't say something nice, I stay quiet.

  38. You take great photos so great job

  39. I stopped reading author books and so consequently haven't done a review in a long time. That's about to change. I'm making a point to read a new book every month and doing a review. Hasn't happened yet, but it's still January. Shish, I better get cracking.

  40. I was lucky to receive an ARC of Alex's new book, so I might already know what Kargrandes are...and they're pretty darn cool.

  41. I do a lot of reviews. If I find a book to be particularly bad, I usually will not post a review, unless I feel a compelling reason to do so. I try to be fair and encouraging, because for most authors, I know they've put a lot of themselves into their work. If I see things that could be improved, I mention those, so that the writer can learn for their next work.

  42. I review a lot of books, but make sure my reviews are geared towards the marketing of the book!
